The streets leading to the Zhuyuan area are full of traffic, because there are so many people who come to participate in the anime carnival, so traffic jams are inevitable.

Although when the road was built, Founder was required to build it as wide as possible, but it could not withstand too much traffic and too much traffic, and traffic jams still occurred.

At a busy intersection, traffic personnel are directing vehicles to pass, and everything seems so busy.

Inside the car, Shen Mengyao looked at the scene outside the car through the car window, and stuck out her tongue very cutely, revealing a shocked look in her eyes.

"I'll show you what a traffic jam is~"

Shen Mengyao aimed the live broadcast equipment at the intersection in front of her, and the rows of cars appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Ghosts, how many people are there~!"

"You can get stuck in traffic on such a wide road, so can't you come without a private car?"

"I heard that someone seems to have held a car club, so everyone came by car~"

"I feel sorry for the traffic personnel, it seems that I don't want to have lunch~"

"But it's okay, there are special bus lines, although there are some blockages, but I can go~"

"As a person who has come over, this is where to go, and the situation inside is even more blocked!"

The long car dragon made the fans gasp, this is the first day of the opening of the second Anime Carnival.

With so many people, when will this be stuck in traffic~

It seems that not all the time is comfortable in the car, and in this case, the small electric donkey is more suitable.

However, fans guessed wrong, and it was precisely because it was the first day of the opening of the anime carnival that there was a lot of traffic.

Because a considerable number of fans came with the idea of having enough fun, they all came here on the first day.

After today, everyone has arrived, and there will be fewer vehicles coming and going tomorrow.

Of course, this is only relative, and it does not mean that there will be no traffic jams tomorrow.

Looking at the congested scene outside, Shen Mengyao felt for the first time that it was a very correct thing for her not to buy a car.

Because of the special passage for buses, Shen Mengyao's side is much faster than private cars, and the road is blocked for about an hour, and finally came to the headquarters building of Company A in Zhuyuan, the magic capital.

The headquarters of Company A is the terminal station in the Zhuyuan area, and from the magic capital to Zhuyuan, it took Shen Mengyao an hour to take the bus.

But from Zhu Yuan to the headquarters of the Demon Capital, such a short distance of a few kilometers, she actually took nearly an hour.

You can imagine how congested this traffic is.

After getting off the bus, Shen Mengyao breathed a sigh of relief, although this painful version of the bus was more comfortable, but she felt tired after sitting for a long time.

Shen Mengyao moved her body, and then went to the headquarters of Company A to report with the live broadcast equipment, an anchor like her who was invited to come needed to go to the headquarters of Company A to get a temporary work card.

With a temporary work card, she can have priority access to many places, and the consumption will be paid by Company A.

Without this work card, it is very inconvenient for Shen Mengyao, and she cannot get the assistance of the general staff of Company A on the spot.

Walking through the crowd, Shen Mengyao came to the door of the headquarters building of Company A, took a deep breath, pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as she took a step forward, Shen Mengyao felt as if she had crossed over, as if she had come to the two-dimensional realm, and that gate seemed to be dividing the boundary between reality and the two-dimensional realm.

The drastic scene transition made Shen Mengyao a little confused, looking at the two-dimensional characters walking back and forth in front of her, her eyes were full of confusion.

"Hello, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Hearing the pleasant voice in her ears, Shen Mengyao turned her head, and the live broadcast equipment in her hand also turned around because of unconscious habits.

"Ghost, shouldn't the anchor have crossed over~"

"What did I see? Yumemi Hoshino and Ella chatting?"

"233~ Queen Estes is actually bullying Shanyi's little angel, look at Shanyi's trembling appearance hahaha!"

"Damn, is the virtual imaging system of Company A advanced to this point?!"

"Kurumi! I saw Kurumi! I saw my wife!!"

"The anchor is coming over, go over and say hello, and see if there will be a response~!"

The live broadcast camera turned, and the fans took in the scene in the lobby on the first floor of the headquarters of Company A, and looked at the vivid characters that only existed in the second dimension, and the fans exploded.

People who can't meet at all, characters who don't belong to the same work at all, are actually talking to each other, and this scene has brought an unparalleled impact to fans.

Fans finally knew why Shen Mengyao had been silent since she entered the headquarters of Company A, and if it were them, they would probably be dumbfounded.

Shen Mengyao also knew that she was broadcasting live, which was already amazing.

Shen Mengyao didn't have the time to look at the barrage of sailors, because she looked at the figure that came to her, and her face was full of disbelief.

"Fang... Square... Fang Dong?!"

Looking at the figure in front of her, Shen Mengyao covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

Fangzheng, this is the director who single-handedly created the A Society~

Shen Mengyao felt that she was dreaming, she was a small anchor, not even a big anchor, but she actually met Fangzheng and the originator of the second dimension.

How could she not be excited.

"Don't get excited, it's me, your name is Shen Mengyao, right?"

Fang Zheng had a warm content on his face, looking at the live broadcast equipment in Shen Mengyao's hand, his eyes were clear.

"Come on, let's go and sit down over there. "

Fang Zheng pointed to the rest area at the edge of the hall and walked there with Shen Mengyao.

Shen Mengyao didn't know how she came to the rest area, so she sat opposite Fang Zheng in the fog, and it wasn't until Fang Zheng asked her what she wanted to drink that she didn't react.

"Are you streaming?"

Fang Zheng looked at Shen Mengyao's live broadcast equipment curiously, and his eyes smiled.

"Yes, I was invited to live stream the Anime Carnival. "

Shen Mengyao was a little restrained, and her sitting posture was also very stiff.

Although Fang Zheng usually gives people the feeling that he is skin, he does not treat fans as outsiders at all, and he mingles with fans.

But after all, Founder is the chairman of Company A and the helmsman of Company A, and the pressure brought by his status is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Although Fang Zheng was as kind as possible, the temperament he had cultivated for a long time still made Shen Mengyao feel a little nervous and stressed.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "chjb", "Luo", and "listen to the wind", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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