After a long wait, from the afternoon to the evening, Shen Mengyao finally walked into the concert venue and found her place.

"I'm looking forward to it~!"

"Great love μ's, I like the Demon King Xi the most!"

"Hehe, it turns out that you like big ones, but the old man is different, I like Mahime!"

"Nicole, it has to be Nicole!"

"Is my Emperor so unhanded?"

"Children make choices, uncle, I want them all!"

"Only fools want them all, smart people know that the body can't bear it!"


In the audience, the ears were filled with the sound of fans talking, Shen Mengyao smiled and did not speak.

There are more gentlemen in the two-dimensional circle, this is a well-known thing, although Shen Mengyao is a girl, but as a member of the two-dimensional circle, she naturally knows this.

It's just a joke, just listen to the picture and have fun.

As the audience entered the stadium one after another, the huge interior of the venue began to become noisy, and the staff in the aisles sweated profusely to help fans find their seats and remind fans not to step on the empty space.

Everything seemed busy and interesting, and everyone was talking about the upcoming cross-dimensional concert.

"I don't know what happened to the other venues~"

"This is μ's concert, I heard that there are only a few people next door!"

"Why do you want to do so much, whether it's μ's or a light girl, I like it!"

"Hehe, I like it too, it doesn't matter if you watch that one first. "

"Anyway, the ticket is universal, one ticket is enough, it's just a matter of time sooner or later~"

"I'm so excited, when I think of μ's crossing the dimension to reality and singing and dancing in front of the old man, the old man has a happy urge to faint!"

"Who isn't, I feel like my heart is beating faster when I enter the venue!"

Excitement, excitement, anticipation, the enthusiasm of the fans has already been mobilized when the concert has not yet started and the stage area is still shrouded in a large curtain.

There was no need for any prelude, everyone began to cheer instinctively for no reason, and the atmosphere naturally became frenetic.

Slowly, time passed slowly, and the fans watched the curtain on the stage be pulled open and the lights slowly turned on, and they all consciously quieted down.

Everyone looked intently at the empty center of the stage, clutching the glow sticks in their hands, looking forward to the next moment.

Suddenly, the big screen above the stage lit up, and a figure slowly walked above the stage.

It's none other than an old acquaintance of the fans, Yang Li.

Yang Li, the former pillar of Modu TV, is a professional host, and it is most suitable for her to host the opening of the concert at this time.

"Good evening everyone, I just welcome everyone from afar on behalf of Company A!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Yang Li's crisp voice fell, and the scene suddenly resounded with thunderous applause, and the warm applause rushed out of the venue and poured to the west.

Because the main venue where μ's is located is the open-air convention venue where the light music concert was held before, many visitors who were visiting the anime carnival outside the venue were attracted by the thunderous applause.

"Hell, this is crazy~!"

"Envy these European emperors, you can sit inside and watch the concert!"

"Alas, I can only listen to it outside~"

"Who is with you and the non-chief, the old man is tomorrow's ticket!"

"I'm rubbing, so you're not a comrade-in-arms, traitor!"

"Sorry, I'm also a ticket for tomorrow!"

"You... It's too much, I'm the only one who came with you as a tourist?!"

Outside the venue, many people listened to the applause inside, envious and expectant, and everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of the venue, their eyes were full of wrinkles.

In the venue, the applause lasted for a long time, and Yang Li looked at the dense crowd in the huge venue with a smile on her face like a spring breeze.

"Today, it's the second edition of the Anime Carnival, I can fulfill one of your wishes, who do you most want to meet here?"

"Pippi Shrimp!"

"Pippi Shrimp!"

"Pippi Shrimp!"


Hearing Yang Li's words, fans' eyes lit up, as if they had thought of something, and the corners of their mouths were filled with a wicked smile.

Immediately, the sound of neat shouts was remembered in the room, as if the most devout believers were greeting their gods, but the eyes of the audience were not like that.

"Applause, please the chairman of A company, a young entrepreneur in the magic city, the pioneer of the two-dimensional culture, Mr. Fang Zhengfang!"

Yang Li stretched out her hand, and the audience looked in the direction Yang Li pointed, their eyes focused on one place, and they saw Fang Zheng walking onto the stage in a suit.

"Good afternoon, everyone, long time no see, am I still so handsome?!"


Hearing that Fang Zheng was so narcissistic as soon as he came on stage, fans began to boo without buying it.

Does this work together?

This absolutely can't be cooperated!

Who doesn't know that your Pipi shrimp is the type to climb up the pole, although you are indeed very handsome, but if you say it on the spot, you don't take off directly on the spot, and the cow will go to the sky~

"Envy! Envy! You are jealous of my beautiful face!"

Fang Zheng stood still on the stage, looking at the audience with a smile on his face.

"In this way, let's be fair, if you shout three times Fang Da is the most handsome, I will draw a lottery on the spot and give away a beautiful poster or an out-of-print figure. "

"Come on, let's follow our hearts and shout honestly!"

The fans in the audience heard Fang Zheng's words, you look at me, I look at you, and in the end, they all stood up to the very annoying figure on the stage.

If the gaze can kill, Fang Zheng is afraid that he will be pierced by ten thousand arrows.

However, in the face of the oppressive gaze of fans, Fang Zheng is very comfortable, he doesn't believe that these fans can refuse the temptation of posters and figures!


Shout it out!

The concert venue was quiet, and Fang Zheng was not in a hurry, he liked to see the fans want to beat him, but they were helpless.

"Fang Dada is the most handsome!"

Suddenly, I don't know who shouted out in the venue, which was particularly abrupt in the silence of the venue.

But soon, as if the first sound of an avalanche was triggered, the concert hall was instantly filled with the shouts of fans.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "戀?dream", thank you guy!!

Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you all a new year, everything will be better!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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