"Fang Dada is the most handsome!"

"Fang Dada is the most handsome!"

"Fang Dada is the most handsome!"


The neat shouts in the venue made Fangzheng feel comfortable and almost floated, this feeling of being sought after by people is awesome, no wonder so many people liked to put cups in their previous lives~

This feeling is really addictive~!

In a word, floating outside the venue, the fans who were going to the carnival were a little dumbfounded.

No, before coming, everyone said in the fan group that they would boycott Pipi Shrimp together~?

Why did you change your mind as soon as you entered the concert venue?

"I'm rubbing, these traitors!"

"Fang Dada is the most handsome?

"If you speak with a clear conscience, you will be struck by lightning!"

"It's over, it's over, this time Pipi Shrimp is going to the sky again, I already expect how Pipi Shrimp will show off in the future~!"

"It's uncomfortable, why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open!"

"I think it's Pippi Shrimp who used some kind of temptation, otherwise everyone wouldn't have succumbed so easily!"

"Temptation? Temptation to admit that Pi Phi Shrimp is handsome?

"What if it's an out-of-print figure?"

"Fang Dada is the most handsome!"

The fans outside the concert hall talked a lot, and they didn't have to guess to know that the fans inside must not be able to withstand the temptation, so they lied with a clear conscience.

Founder didn't know the situation outside the venue, but inside the venue, Founder enjoyed it very much.

Of course, Fang Zheng did what he said, and after the fans chanted for a while, he directly started the lottery.

This lottery can all depend on the individual's face, usually do a lot of good things, blush, the fans who were drawn were naturally happy, jumped up directly from the seat.

This is an out-of-print figure and poster, and this is the most valuable and gold-bearing show-off capital in the two-dimensional circle.

With an out-of-print figure, others have to shout 'big guy' when they see their own high and low~

The fans who were not drawn hung their heads in frustration, and their eyes were full of resentment when they looked at Fangzheng.

They felt that they had lost money, and they didn't catch a single hair after shouting for a long time, although this showed that their faces were black, but they still couldn't help but feel a little lost in their hearts.

In order to compensate for these fans, Founder decided to let them get a figure or poster for free with their tickets after the concert.

It's a benefit he gives to his fans!

"Pippi Shrimp, I love you to death!"

"Long live Pipi Shrimp!"

"I'm going to give you a monkey!"

"I'm going to sing chrysanthemums to you!"


As soon as these words came out, the concert suddenly fell silent, and then the fans burst into laughter.

Juhua is full of mountains, this is an eternal pain in someone's heart!

Didn't you see Fang Zheng standing on the stage, his face was green?

Thinking back to the beginning, someone was dressed in women's clothes, with a beautiful face and long hair fluttering, and a pair of seductive eyes that were frequently discharged, and the audience at the scene of electricity was numb, and their hearts were like cat's claws.

However, when everyone knew that this was a women's clothing boss, how excited they were before, how sick they were now.

As the saying goes, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, how can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet~

In a song of chrysanthemums bursting into the mountains, someone fled in the wilderness.

"Come on, blast out the black fan you just spoke!"

Fang Zheng's face was dull, and he was very angry, before he came, he knew that he would definitely not be able to get around this stalk, but he didn't expect that he really couldn't get around.

Looking at Fang Zheng's loveless appearance, the audience laughed out loud.

As for what Fang Zheng said about driving people out, the fools knew that Fang Zheng was joking, so everyone laughed even more unscrupulously.

"I would have been thinking about the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch~" Fang Zheng sighed bitterly.

looked at the audience and said earnestly.

"It's unladylike to meet people!

Fang Zheng pretended to be on the stage, and the laughter of the audience never stopped, and the atmosphere of the scene was always under Fang Zheng's control, with clear priorities.

"Fang Dada, we brought you local products from your hometown, I don't know if you like it or not?"

"Souvenirs? hehe, I brought them too!"

"And me, this was raised by our fan base!"

"Damn, the fan base raised it, dare to ask if you came here by truck?"

"Native products! Fang Da, your favorite local souvenir!"

Fang Zheng listened to the noisy voices in the audience, although he couldn't hear what the audience was saying clearly, and the scene was relatively chaotic, but he still vaguely heard the words 'local specialties'.

In an instant, Fang Zheng thought of the fact that he had been given a box of blades.

It's a shadow, and you can't get it without nightmares at night.

When I thought of my dream, the faces of thousands of fans in the dream were dark and uncertain, with a cruel smile on the corner of their mouths, and they were approaching him step by step with a blade in hand, and the whole person of Fang Zheng was not good in an instant!

"Ahem, I received everyone's wishes, but even if this gift is given, what I know is that everyone likes me, and those who don't know think that I am accepting bribes~!"

Fang Zheng coughed twice, stabilized his mind, and threw out the terrible scene.

"I hate people who go through the back door and make small moves, and it's absolutely not okay to give gifts!"

Hate receiving gifts the most?

Fans looked at Fang Zheng's cheeky face, and the best was a speechless straight pump.

Good guys, if we didn't know the face you had when you received the gifts from your fans in person, I would have believed it!

Thinking about the beginning, when Fangzheng received a gift from a fan for the first time, he accepted it with joy, and the joy and pride were all written on his face, and he almost said it.

But then I found that there was a box of blades inside, and since then, Founder no longer believes in the 'kindness' of fans, let alone accepts 'gifts' full of fans' hearts.

Therefore, at this time, Fang Zheng heard fans shouting that he had brought him souvenirs, and he would not accept it unless he had a lot of brains!

There were so many people at the scene, although not everyone brought a 'gift', but there were too many people~!

And the concert lasts for seven days, how many fans will come to give gifts?

If this opening is removed, he may not need to do anime, and it will be enough to directly switch to wholesale blades.

It's no exaggeration to say that he could feed ten blade wholesalers alone!

"Ahem, I know everyone isn't coming to see me, so I won't stand here and delay everyone's time, the concert will start soon, everyone can carnival!"

I wanted to say hello to the fans, but Fang Zheng saw that these fans didn't welcome him at all, so it was better to slip away.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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