Fangzheng's hurried departure made the fans in the audience burst into laughter.

Watching Fangzheng flee from the wilderness, fans are extremely happy in their hearts.

So that you are usually always skinny, always with us on the line, now dumbfounded!

It's not that we don't report it, it's not time yet, we can't do anything about you online, but offline we are your father!

Fangzheng's escape from the wilderness can be said to have made fans laugh.

Listening to the burst of laughter behind him, Fang Zheng's face turned black, and the steps under his feet unconsciously accelerated.

He realized that he had made a mistake by coming to the venue today!

But on the first day of the opening of the second Anime Carnival, the general manager of the organizer should show up if he has something to do.

It's always a hurdle that can't be bypassed, and you have to go early and late, so it's better to have a good time.

The black history was pulled out and pulled out, who let themselves owe it before~

You said you were fine, how could you think about receiving gifts from fans and putting them in glasses?


It's well deserved!

Fang Zheng shook his head and sighed and left the stage, turned his head and went to the box in the venue, where Zhang Siyu and the others were already waiting.

During the concert, Yang Li enlivened up the atmosphere, and the concert officially began!

Watching the stage lights change, the fans at the scene suddenly fell silent, and a pair of eyes full of anticipation stared at the center of the stage.

At this moment, the fans dare not come out of the excited atmosphere, as if they are brewing emotions, just waiting for the next moment to explode!

"Good evening, everyone, thank you for coming to our live, the most Xihua guys!"

A familiar sound could no longer be heard throughout the venue, and as the sound spread, the lights on the stage changed, and the figures of all μ's appeared in front of the fans.

Looking at the fog steaming on the stage, μ's nine people pushed open a space door out of thin air, and appeared on the stage like fairies descending from fairyland, and the fans went crazy!


The sound of neat shouts spread throughout the huge venue, and the sound penetrated the sky, as if it was about to disperse the white clouds in the sky.

Even this shout is more than the voice of the fans who shouted 'Fang Da is the most handsome' with their conscience just now, which shows how high μ's reputation is in the hearts of fans!

The fans in the audience, seeing all the μ's on the stage, their faces turned red with excitement, and the whole person looked very excited because of the cheers.

The silver rod in his hand waved desperately, as if slowing down was disrespectful to μ's.

At this time, fans can't tolerate anything else in their eyes, they only know that from now on, every minute and every second belongs to μ's.

Looking at the fanatical expressions of those fans, even if the concert has not yet started, the atmosphere has fully achieved the desired effect.

Fang Zheng and the others, who were sitting in the box and watching everything outside, gasped in the face of the fans who were a little crazy in the venue now.

In this situation, Fang Zheng suddenly thought of the word fanatic.

In Fang Zheng's view, there are four kinds of people in the world who are the most dangerous: perverts, honest people, crazy people, and fanatics.

Let's not talk about perverts, people who are not normal in their hearts must be dangerous, and it is not difficult for honest people to understand, isn't there a saying that is good, once you anger an honest person, you will not even have a chance to kneel.

Crazy people cannot be inferred and judged according to common sense, and they are naturally dangerous.

Finally, there are fanatical believers, because they have a firm belief and cannot shake anything, so they often do some very appalling things.

And the fans at this time, that kind of fanatical expression is like this.

In such a large-scale concert scene, even if someone keeps their sanity, I am afraid that they will be affected by the atmosphere of the scene and eventually be assimilated.

Looking at the fans with flushed faces in the concert venue, Fang Zheng suddenly thought of a very famous word.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng had to sigh, it is not unreasonable for μ's to be called a pyramid scheme organization and a cult in his previous life, how many people can do it in terms of this ability to mobilize the enthusiasm of fans on the spot?

In his previous life, some LL parties were very disgusted with these two words, but Fang Zheng himself thought it was nothing.

Everyone is just playing with memes, just like when they see Mikoto Misaka, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is Sister Cannon, and most people don't have any malicious intent.

However, what surprised Fang Zheng was that the current scene was not the prototype of the beginning of the LL cult?

"Husband, I'll go tell the security personnel to pay attention. "

Zhang Siyu looked at the fans at the scene, and was secretly shocked in his heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that compared with the first light concert, the atmosphere of this concert is still too good!

The concert hadn't started yet, and μ's members simply greeted everyone.

If this is the beginning of the concert, I don't know how far the atmosphere will break through.


The fans at the scene didn't know how to express their excited and joyful feelings, and could only express their feelings through this way of shouting at the bottom of the rest.

You can't experience this kind of enthusiasm from the bottom of your bones when you don't go live, just like the fans who are watching the live broadcast.

Although everyone was very amazed by the members of μ's who came across the space, it was the first time that they saw in reality that compared with the characters in the anime, they were more realistic and closer to reality.

But for the madness of the fans at the scene, the audience in front of the screen is still a little incomprehensible.

"Ghosts, this scene reminds me of worshippers!"

"The madness from the two-dimensional circle is really shocking!"

"μ's μ!

"Fei Chieftain shed tears of envy, I also want to go to the scene, I also want to cheer!"

"You can cheer upstairs, too, in your own home!"

"Do you want me to be treated like a psycho by my upstairs and downstairs neighbors?"

Many fans who could not come to the scene for various reasons looked at the shouts that almost opened the entire venue, and secretly smacked their tongues in their hearts.

Crazy, all crazy!

Just μ's all the staff said hello to everyone and introduced themselves, which caused such a big response, and if the concert started, it would be worth it.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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