"Guohuang, sect leader, pope! I can already predict the title of Guoguo!"

"The word sect leader is good, as a fan of μ's, I requisitioned this word!"

"Sect Master??That's a good title!"

"I announce that my Great LL Sect has been officially established, and my Emperor Guo is the sect leader!"

"233~ I suspect that you are engaged in an illegal assembly, and I have evidence, but I don't report it!"

"My God, the influence and appeal of μ's are really too great, isn't this a thousand times more than the brainwashing of pyramid schemes!"

"Don't compare that pyramid scheme with my LL teaching, this is an insult to μ's!"

The fans who watched the live broadcast looked at the almost explosive atmosphere of the scene, and they were all a little emotional.

You can feel the extremely warm cheers and enthusiasm of the scene across the screen, which has to make fans sigh, worthy of μ's, this influence and appeal are really covered.

In the official live broadcast room of Company A, in the live broadcast room of the live μ's concert, among the barrages sent by fans, words such as LL teaching and sect leader frequently appeared.

At first, only a few people brushed it again, but slowly, more and more people joined in.

Even soon, many μ's support groups changed their group names and directly replaced them with LL teaching, which also marked the title of LL teaching and teaching leader, which was recognized by more and more fans.

Since then, the establishment of the LL Sect has had a preliminary prototype, and the title of the head of the Suinaiguo Sect has gradually taken root in the hearts of the people.

Thanks to μ's terrifying appeal, many people have called the LL cult a cult after watching the fans who have fallen into madness due to the μ's infection.

This cult is not to say how bad the LL fans are, but they are just shocked by the fanaticism of the fans at the μ's concert, and that enthusiasm is very incomprehensible to ordinary people.

It's as if you've been brainwashed and become a fanatical fanatic.

Should it be said that it is a historical necessity?

In the previous life, LL fans ridiculed μ's still appeared in this world, and no one can say whether μ's really has this magic nearby, or whether history has this tacit understanding.

It doesn't matter if it's the inertia of history or the unique charm of μ's.

At this time at the concert scene, the fans all stood up from their seats, shouted frantically, and frantically cheered for μ's.

At the beginning of μ's, Sui Naiguo, Hai Ye and Nan Xiaoniao, the concert of the three made fans feel bitter and helpless, looking at the empty auditorium of the college.

It must be very painful~!

But Sui Naiguo and the others still persevered, did not cry, and did not give up.

Some are just the bloom of youth, and some are just chasing dreams, maybe from that time, Sui Naiguo already knew his own mind.

The reason why she became an idol of the academy may have been because she didn't want Otonogizaka Academy to be abolished at first, but when she really showed herself on the stage, she must have noticed it.

She enjoyed the feeling of standing on the stage very much, and it was definitely not because she simply didn't want to be abolished.

She likes school idols, likes to stand on the stage to bring joy to the audience, and likes to sing and dance.

Fans have witnessed the growth and persistence of Suinago step by step, and also witnessed μ's from three to nine, and finally formed a bright rainbow.

The miracle light of nine colors intertwined, this is the deepest impression fans have of μ's.

At the beginning, the audience was empty, and the fans were helpless, after all, they were in a different dimension, and even if they wanted to support, they were powerless.

But at this time, the scene of μ's all coming across the dimension and the empty audience is gone.

Instead, the seats are full, and even votes are hard to come by.

In that world, your first performance was poignant, but in this world, your first appearance on stage will be a miracle.

Fans told μ's with practical actions and told the world that they have always supported μ's and unswervingly supported.

Maybe μ's don't know, maybe they never know, but that doesn't stop fans from supporting μ's and supporting their favorite idols.

Sometimes it is a kind of happiness to pay silently for the person you like, even if you will never be known by the other party.

ecstasy, excited, and even many fans have red eyes with excitement, but they still don't know it, they still shout wildly, and wave the light sticks in their hands crazily.

The voice has begun to be hoarse because of the high-intensity shouting, but so what!

This moment belongs to μ's, the nine figures on the stage, and they are the well-deserved protagonists of this venue.

Although everyone came to enjoy the concert, the moment they really saw all μ's members, the mentality of the fans changed.

They don't want that scene from the anime to happen again, they want to support μ's.

Even though everyone knew that μ's was just a virtual projection and didn't really come across dimensions, everyone still did it without hesitation.

There isn't much reason for that, just because I like it, like it from the bottom of my bones!


In the box, Zhang Siyu, who was sitting next to Fang Zheng, was stunned for a moment when he heard Fang Zheng's words, and then turned his head to look at the other party.

"Husband, what did you just say?"

Because the shouting god of the venue is too big, even if this box has a soundproof effect, it can't completely stop the shouting outside.

So Zhang Siyu heard Fang Zheng speak, but he didn't hear it clearly.

"Huh?" Fang Zheng noticed Zhang Siyu's gaze, was stunned for a moment, shook his head with a smile and said, "I said, send the staff over and give some mineral water to the fans for free." "

Zhang Siyu glanced at Fang Zheng suspiciously, then glanced at the fanatical fans at the concert site, and nodded.

According to the crazy shouts of the fans, hoarseness is inevitable, and if there is really a problem with the voice of the fans, their A club, as the organizer, will be affected to some extent.

Zhang Siyu turned around and left to arrange this matter, but Fang Zheng sat in his seat but was full of emotion.

In his previous life, he didn't have the ability to go to the scene to support μ's, and he couldn't shout 'μ'sic, forever' heartily, but today, because of the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene, he was infected.

It is undeniable that Fang Zheng was moved by the fans, and unconsciously muttered softly, 'μ'sic, forever'.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Good Sustenance", "White Xi", and "うちはマダラ", thank you, big guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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