



At the scene of the concert, the fans shouted wildly, and the staff at the scene were sweating and distributing drinks to the fans.

Listening to the thunderous shouts in my ears, I felt that my liver trembled and trembled, for fear that the sky would fall apart in the next moment.

On the stage, Sui Naiguo and others happily waved to the fans under the stage, which made the fans even more crazy!

"See! The Emperor beckoned to me!"

", that's beckoning to me!"

"It's all optical effects, as for being so excited?"

"When my brother said this, could you put away the smile on his face first?

"Old man, this is thinking of something happy!"

"Coincidentally, then I also thought of something happy hehe~"

The fans frantically supported the audience, as if their every move was supporting the μ's members on the stage.

"Thank you for your applause, and then the concert will officially begin, and the song 'We Are Now' will be given to everyone!"

Sui Naiguo's words fell, and the nine members of the μ's stood on the stage one after another, and the live music was also abruptly repeated, starting the prelude to the concert.

Seeing μ's people put on a posture, the fans at the scene instantly quieted down.

This transformation from extreme movement to extreme silence made Fang Zheng and the others who were watching in the box a little dumbfounded.

At the concert site, the lights changed, and by the time the fans found the μ's members on stage, everyone had already completed the costume change.

The red short skirt and white shirt, this classic red and white outfit, instantly reminded everyone of the scene at the beginning of the "lovelive" anime.

Seeing this familiar but extremely real scene, many fans at the scene were deeply moved.

They knew that this μ's concert must have been moved by Fangzheng, otherwise there would not be so many details.

Looking at the μ's all the members who danced on the stage, the fans' eyes were full of emotion.

Although it has not been long since "Lovelive" ended, it seems as if a long time has passed for fans at this time.

Revisiting this familiar opening song again, everyone has an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Maybe only people who have watched anime will have this kind of feeling~

The soothing rhythm slowly drifted through the concert hall, and the moving and energetic figures on the stage firmly attracted the attention of fans.

"Straightforward thoughts connect you and me~"

"Even if I'm serious, I'm still clumsy.,Such a collision of hearts~"

"Even so, I want to see that big dream~"

"Right here, just about to start~!"


The familiar melody, the familiar lyrics, and the energetic μ's figure on the stage were all unconsciously waving the light sticks in their hands.

The body swayed rhythmically, and when the lights changed, you could see the anime scenes flashing on the big screen behind the stage, and Mio fans were more cordial and nostalgic~

Singing can heal a person's soul, when you drag your tired body home, lie in bed after eating, plug in headphones, and listen to a soothing music quietly, you can relax your body and mind to a great extent.

At this time, the fans at the scene fell into this state, without too many words, without too many shouts, listening quietly, savoring carefully, and scribbling through the anime clips they were familiar with in their minds.

Everything seems so unwavering, but it is heartwarming.

"(I understand) not only to enjoy the fun, but also to be trained~"

"(I understand) because of this pain, it will turn into the future~"

"(Forward) Together with you, I will be stronger~"

"(Certainly) will change like this~"


Sui Naiguo and others sang and danced on the stage, the dance seemed so beautiful, the singing voice was so pure, and the corners of the eyes and mouth were smiling at all times, just like angels descending on the earth.

Watching the energetic dance and listening to the songs made for μ's, the fans were intoxicated.

Accompanied by the song "We Are Now", fans recalled in their minds the difficulties of μ's when it was first established.

As the lyrics say,If you want to become a school idol,,Not only to enjoy happiness,But also to accept the training,What happened to Sui Naiguo and others in the early stage,Isn't it exactly the difficulty they have to go through when they embark on the road of school idols?

With this pain and experience, the bond between μ's nine will be more compact, μ's will be more successful, and their future will be more dazzling.

μ's would no longer be complete without anyone, and the sentence "I will be stronger with you" in "Today's Us" has made many emotional fans feel the urge to tears.

μ's nine people are intertwined into a nine-color miracle, they rely on each other, support each other, encourage each other, and work together.

This emotion is genuine, and it can't be mixed with any fake, and it is precisely because of this that fans have a deep emotion about this song "Today's Us".

In other words, the song is tailor-made for μ's, and the lyrics tell the story of μ's development and the relationship between Suinogo and others.

"Maybe this is the real bond of friendship~"

"Seeing Suinaiguo and them, I'm sour, I'm afraid there are very few friends like this~"

"Reality is full of too much profit and deceit, which is why I like two-dimensional. "

"Why do you feel so much, everyone shouts together μ's come on!"

"Yes, yes, we can't go to the magic capital to support on the spot, we can only give μ's most sincere blessings through the screen~"

"It doesn't matter who you are and what you do, now, at the moment, we are all fans of μ's, we are all family and friends!"

In the official live broadcast room of the μ's concert site, a large number of fans who could not come to the scene gathered.

They couldn't get to the magic capital for various reasons, but their feelings for μ's were no weaker than those who went to the scene to help.

The reason why they didn't go to the concert was not because they didn't love it, but because they were tied by reality.

What's more, ACG fans are a huge group, how many lucky people can go to the scene and grab tickets?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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