The lights at the concert dimmed, and the audience could no longer see anything but the glow of the glow sticks.

At this moment, the stage is the focus of attention, and the μ's on the stage shines with a miraculous light.

The concert scene turned into a sea of silver rods, wave after wave, this scene was seen by Fangzheng, and his heart was full of nostalgia and touch.

In "LoveLive", "Startdash" can be said to be the place where the dream begins in the real sense, and the original Honoka trio used this song to stand on the stage for the first time.

Although there was no one under the stage, it firmly attracted the fans in front of the screen.

Since then, everyone has remembered this unique combination.


Fang Zheng looked at the scene outside the box, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he didn't know why, he inexplicably felt a burst of relief.

Maybe he didn't even realize it, but μ's was an indispensable part of the two-dimensional circle in his heart.

At this time, the wave of light sticks under the stage reflects the most real emotions of fans.

That's μ's!

No one can replace μ's!


Sui Naiguo shouted, making fans dream back to the original place.

The lights on the stage changed, and at this time the fans realized that the μ's group, which was still nine people on the stage just now, was left with only Sui Naiguo, Nan Xiaoniao and Tian Yuan Haiwei.

This scene made fans even more emotional, isn't this the scene where the three of Sui Nago took the stage for the first time?

At that time, μ's was not yet complete, and at that time it was the first time that the three of them appeared on the stage, and at that time it was the auditorium of Otonogizaka Academy.

At that time, the audience was empty...

Suddenly, the fans were in tears, and they suddenly understood why Founder had arranged it this way.

At the beginning of the concert, the audience was empty, but now it is full, step by step, μ's has come to the present, and the dream is no longer out of reach.

"Pipi Shrimp, you brute, why are you so sensational!"

"It reminds me of the empty auditorium at the beginning, and I don't explain it with a bitter heart~"

"Thank you! Thank you for your persistence, it is because of your refusal to give up that we can enjoy such a beautiful live!"

"μ's a lifetime fan!"

"Now we're your audience, your fans, so.... μ's come on!"

Under the stage, there were a little sparkles in the dark environment, and the vision of the sensual fans was already a little blurred.

For Founder's arrangement, I was both moved and angry.

Moved naturally because Fang Zheng let them experience the feeling of the beginning of the dream again, and the anger was also because of this.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a good concert and let everyone cheer together?

Why be so sensational and make everyone cry?

But no matter what, fans know that the arrangement of the concert is definitely a lot of effort, otherwise it wouldn't have been done so well.

In other words, Founder, like them, is a fan of μ's.

Only fans of μ's know what this scene means!


As soon as the song began, the fans were instantly detonated, and the cheers and shouts even covered the singing voices of the three Honooka on the stage for a while.

“Hey!Hey!Hey!Start; Dash!"

The chorus of Suinaiguo, Nan Xiaoniao and Tian Yuan Haiwei made fans unable to hold back their excitement anymore.

"Let's do it together!"

As if knowing this result, Honoka on the stage shouted to the audience, and began to interact with the fans for the first time.

When the fans under the stage heard this, they were so excited that they couldn't help but think, thinking of the familiar melody in their ears, their bodies writhing to the beat, and the light sticks in their hands were wave after wave.

Hey!Hey!Hey!Start; Dash!

At the concert site, the sound of the chorus of 300,000 people instantly went straight into the sky, and outside the venue, all the fans and tourists who went to the anime carnival heard this familiar song.

In Tianyi Square in the magic capital, colorful fountains decorate the square with dreamlike colors.

Tourists come and go here, and photo opportunities abound.

But soon, some tourists noticed something unusual.

Hey!Hey!Hey!Start; Dash!

Is this someone singing?

It shouldn't be the fans singing together in the concert, but the sound has reached here~

How many people are singing together~!

Some of the tourists secretly smacked their tongues, their hearts full of shock.

If the sound can be transmitted here, it means that the chorus is not one or two, but the fans of the entire concert are singing~

How much charm is this to make fans crazy to this point, and those so-called kings are nothing more than that~

"Ghosts, the people inside are crazy~"

"Excuse me, is there a superstar in a concert?"

"What,You said the concert was a two-dimensional school idol?!"


The anime carnival is a two-dimensional grand day, and in addition to the fans of the two-dimensional circle, there are naturally some tourists.

They are not fans of the second dimension, and they don't even know much about the second dimension, but this does not prevent them from coming over to join in the fun.

Many tourists have heard about concerts, but they may not know who the main characters of the concert are.

Therefore, when these confused fans heard that the concert was actually sung by a μ's group, their faces were full of shock.

If this is a certain superstar in a concert, everyone can understand this situation, but a two-dimensional school idol group, this terrifying appeal, really shocked them.

Perhaps, this is the most real reaction inside and outside the circle, not a two-dimensional fan, don't know μ's, it's really difficult to understand this feeling.

However, just when the tourists were secretly smacking their tongues, the scene in the square made the tourists feel weird.

The crowd that was still surging just now stopped at this time, no one took pictures, no one talked, everyone turned their heads to look at the concert venue in the distance.

Hey!Hey!Hey!Start; Dash!

At this moment, whether it is the interior of the concert venue, or Tianyi Square, or the other place of the anime carnival.

Wherever there are two-dimensional fans, singing sounds.

There is no accompaniment, no beat, but everyone is really tacit!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "rayearth", "やとがみとお", thank you for the reward of "Rough 7", and thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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