The magic capital is far away, and the lights are on.

The huge Zhuyuan area seems to have turned into a concert scene at this moment, and the neat chorus is overwhelming.

The tourists who were mixed in the crowd looked at the people around them with a look of confusion and shock.

These fans, who were still going to the anime carnival like them just now, are looking at the direction of the concert with reverent eyes and singing songs.

"What's going on?"

"Is this song famous?Why does everyone sing it~"

"Oh my god, are these people crazy?!"

"My soul trembles in the crowd, I won't be treated as a heretic~!"

Some tourists at the scene were a little apprehensive when they looked at the crowd around them that suddenly became 'very weird'.

To be honest, this kind of scene is indeed a little scary for those of them who don't know what to do.

Many tourists don't understand what's going on, and they have taken out their mobile phones, wanting to check who this μ's is and why there is so much magic~

A lot of tourists have done this.,The results of the query said,μ's is the school idol in the work of A company's "lovelive",It's also one of the most popular two-dimensional groups among fans.。

Get this result,Tourists are dumbfounded,A school idol group that doesn't exist in reality,Is there really such a big charm?

Although they were skeptical, the reaction of the crowd at the moment was telling them that it was all true.

After a few minutes, the crowd returned to normal, and if it weren't for the fact that the faces of these fans were a little red from excitement, the tourists would have wondered if they were dreaming just now.

"Brother, take the liberty of bothering, why did you sing just now, and you are so neat?"

A tourist stopped a kind-looking fan, cautiously stepped forward, and asked.

"You said the song just now, that's one of our favorite songs in the two-dimensional circle, this is μ's!"

Hearing someone ask, the fan brother instantly became excited.

From A to μ's, from "lovelive" to the entire two-dimensional circle, this fan brother popularized science for others.

Outside the concert, this kind of scene abounds, and a good anime carnival seems to have suddenly become a pyramid scheme brainwashing scene for passers-by in the two-dimensional circle, which makes people cry and laugh.

And in the concert venue, fans were even more excited and didn't know what to do.

At this time, the fans were sweating and panting, but despite this, their eyes were very bright, and they couldn't hide their excitement at the moment.


"It's so touching, this song was just sung by Sui Naiguo, Hai Wei and Nan Xiaoniao, and then the other six people also joined in, it's really full of memories~!"

"Fang Da really has a heart, at the beginning, Sui Naiguo sang this song by the three of them, and then μ's nine people sang this song, Fang Da is a god restoration!"

"I hope μ's can continue to sing like this, after watching μ's live, it's hard to be moved by other people~"

"This is live, this is μ's, there are no bells and whistles, one song is enough!"

"Guohuang, have you seen it? The audience is now full!"

"Hehe, "LoveLive" has ended, the audience is over, but the stage is empty!"

"Can't Pipi Shrimp have a sequel?!Why are you so cruel!"

"Please, come up with a sequel, even if it's for μ's to stand on stage and chat!!"

At this moment, the moment the song fell, the fans suddenly felt a wave of sadness.

When they heard this song for the first time, there were three figures on the stage at that time, but there was no audience off the stage.

Now, their stage is full of people, but the μ's who were active on the stage is gone.

For the first time, fans felt that the end of "LoveLive" was a pity in itself.

Maybe the original ending was perfect, the μ's got back together, and they would continue to move towards live, but fans know that "LoveLive" is over.

If they could, how much fans would like Founders to launch a second season, a third season...

As everyone said, even if Sui Naiguo and the others just chat on the stage, they can accept these.

They love μ's, not only because of each other's songs, but also because of the emotion that μ's bring to them standing on stage.

"Everyone, we are really happy today, thank you all for supporting us!!"

Sui Naiguo stood on the stage, took two steps forward, and thanked the fans in the audience with an excited smile on his face.

"Today, not only our μ's, but also the most popular group A-rise, we will invite A-rise to perform for you!"

Sui Naiguo's words made the fans in the audience stunned, and their faces were a little confused.

"No, what do you mean?"

"I'm happy to hear it, I'm moving, how can I change people~!"

"Er Laizi is the most popular combination, why don't I know, Guohuang, I'm afraid you don't know how terrifying μ's appeal is~!"

"I don't care, I'm going to μ's!"

"Hey, hey, don't make a mistake about the protagonist, this is your μ's show!"

Fans began to complain, and even by the end, fans had begun to shout 'Encore' to express their demands.

Listening to the audience, neatly shouting Encore, the square box door was pushed open, and a staff member walked in.

"Fang Dong, the fans' demands are obvious, do we still insist on letting A-rise play according to the plan?"

When they spoke, the staff wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

According to the plan, in this μ's concert, there is a combination of Erlaizi in the middle, after all, the popularity of the Erlaizi group is not low.

But seeing the fans in the venue shouting frantically about Encore at this time, the staff was a little unsure, so they came to ask Founder to see what kind of ISI Founder was.

"Let's go according to the plan~"

Fang Zheng didn't say much, just asked the employees to prepare according to the previous plan.

The μ's on stage is a virtual imaging system, which is also designed in advance, and it is obviously too late to change the program now.

Moreover, Founder believes that Er Laizi can control the field, after all, in a real sense, Er Laizi is to give fans a science popularization of what is called a school idol group.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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