The fans at the concert scene vividly demonstrated what it means to have different hearts.

used to keep saying how loyal and liked μ's, but as soon as Er Laizi appeared on the stage, they all got high, shaking their heads and having fun.

The fans at the scene are very real, and the body is much more honest than the mouth.

The master in charge of the broadcast on the spot didn't know if it was intentional, and the before and after comparison of the audience was live.

Seeing this scene, the fans who watched the live broadcast burst out laughing.

"666, this is a typical inconsistency~!"

"Body is more honest than mouth series!"

"Welcome to the massive apostasy live!"

"Oh, these people's ugly faces are really spicy, which is like me, firmly supporting μ's!"

"Can you take your eyes off the screen before you say this, you're so unconvincing!"

"Erlaizi will always be a god!"

The fans in the live broadcast room, watching the fans on the scene defect, it definitely took no more than half a minute before and after.

However, everyone expressed their understanding, not that our army was not firm, but that the enemy army was too tempting.

Watching the three members of Erraiko dancing on the stage, the seductive dance, with the magic song of the thick electronic music style, how many people can resist such a charm?


At the concert scene, fans no longer know what state they are at this moment, they only know that the voice of Whatchado has been echoing in their heads now.

The 360-degree, 3D stereo surround sound rings in the ears without interruption, which makes fans can't stop at all.

Coupled with the mature dance of the three members of the wing team that is more in line with the stage, it releases seductive signals all the time.

In this case, how can fans resist?

"Ghost, Er Laizi deserves to be Nicole's idol, this strength is really not covered~!"

"I have to say that compared with μ's, Erraizi's dances and songs seem to be more suitable for the stage, and they are much more mature and atmospheric!"

"Not necessarily, it can only be said that their styles are different!"

"That's right, compared to Erlaizi, I like μ's gentle and lyrical style more~!"

"I like them all, but at this time I still have the voice of Whatchado in my head~"

"I'm upstairs too!!"

"Please let me out, I'm a fan of μ's, who will turn off Erraizi's stereo?!"

The fans at the scene couldn't extricate themselves at all, even though Er Raiko's concert had ended at this time, but everyone was still immersed in the magical music and couldn't wake up.

At this moment, many people remembered the feeling that they were dominated by "Pure Land of Bliss", and that feeling was really good!

After a long absence, fans once again felt the feeling of being dominated, which made many people a little trance.

But no matter how excited the fans are, there will finally be a moment when they come to their senses.

With the exit of Er Laizi, fans all breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the chairs together.

In just a few minutes, fans felt as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

I was on the rise just now, so I didn't feel anything, but now when I react, I instantly feel weak and my mouth is dry.

At this time, the drinks previously distributed by the staff came in handy.

Goo Dong~!Goo Dong~!

With the exit of Er Laizi, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Therefore, the sound of fans drinking drinks is extraordinarily loud, and they are not alone, almost all fans are moistening their throats with drinks.

There was some confusion at the scene for a while, and what I knew was that these people were using their voices too much just now, so slowly, I didn't know that I thought that there was some strange activity here~!

In the box, Zhang Siyu looked at the uniform movements of the fans at the scene, and couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Fang Zheng in admiration.

Although it was just a trivial act of giving away drinks for free, it gained a lot of favor from fans.

A bottle of drink is not worth a few dollars, but at this time, the fans are in urgent need, and Founder happened to anticipate this situation, so he gave away a drink for free.

With the smallest comeback, he gained the greatest favor from fans, and this deal is simply not too cost-effective!

You know, the goodwill thing will slowly disappear, maybe because some usual actions consume the goodwill that has been accumulated hard, or maybe because the favorability slowly decreases as time goes by.

But no matter what, the goodwill thing will slowly disappear.

Therefore, in Zhang Siyu's view, if you want fans to always support Company A, then Company A must continue to gain the favor of fans, and only in this way can you go further.

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng, his heart was full of admiration, but Fang Zheng had no expression on his face, as if he hadn't noticed this scene at all.

Fang Zheng looked at the reaction of the fans at the concert and nodded with satisfaction.

I kept saying that I was a fan of μ's before, but what happened?

Didn't you even hold on for thirty seconds before you disarmed and surrendered?

With this kind of awareness, you are embarrassed to call yourself a fan?

The corners of Fang Zheng's mouth raised slightly, and when he thought of the comparison between these fans before and after, he couldn't help but feel a burst of amusement in his heart.

If he could, Fang Zheng really wanted to go out and skin with the fans at this time, and expose their fickle faces, but looking at the dense fans at the scene, Fang Zheng smiled bitterly.

Of course, the skin can be skinned, but the most important thing is your own life~

If this is really overskinned, fans will be annoyed and angry, and one person can drown him with a mouthful of spit!

Thinking of the scene where he was overwhelmed by 300,000 fans, Fang Zheng instantly shrunk his neck, and extinguished the idea of going out to skin it in his heart.

The transformation of Founder's fans has been broadcast live by the live broadcast equipment, and after the anime carnival, he can post a Weibo dynamic and make a wave of yin and yang people mocking.

Isn't this safer than direct live taunting?

Which is more important, the abacus in Fang Zheng's heart crackled.

The way of skin, there is a long way to go, and you must not disregard Qingqing's life for the sake of a momentary limelight~!

Fang Zheng honestly sat in the box, watching the concert scene below, if nothing else, wait for μ's to reappear on stage after a while, these fans soon said that they were μ's fans.

What do you mean by that?

Apostasy is cool for a while, and it's always cool for apostasy all the time, but in the final analysis, everyone is still a fanatic of the LL Church!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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