The lights on the stage changed, and μ's stepped onto the stage again.

Fans at the concert site saw μ's members appear, and they were instantly fried.

After a brief period of calm and stunned, the fans were in ecstasy, and the screams and shouts instantly covered the entire concert.

Because the concert was open-air, the excited shouts of these fans could be heard even outside the concert.

"Tsk, envy these 300,000 lucky people!"

"It's so good, I want to see the concert too, but unfortunately I'm tomorrow's ticket~"

"Brother, I suspect you're showing off, you know how easy it is to be beaten?"

"Brother, take care of the feelings of those of us who didn't grab the tickets, you don't want to be squashed by so many people~!"

"I'm sorry big brothers, I was wrong, I'll leave now~!"

Outside of the concert, fans were shopping at the anime carnival, and when they heard the shouts coming from the direction of the concert, they were envious and lemony.

As they themselves said, the fans sitting in the audience at this moment are the absolute lucky ones.

At the concert, fans shouted as they watched the μ's members who returned to the stage.


"Guohuang, I love you!"

"Demon King Xi, come on!"

"I will always love μ's, and I swear I will never apostate!"

"Brother Wo, how did you do it so shamelessly, Er Laizi appeared on the stage just now, you shouted so happily!"

"yes, man, that's not what you just said!"

", you know what, I was looking at Er Laizi with a critical eye at that time!"

"666, the big guy is the big guy, I'm ashamed of this shameless kung fu~!"

Good guys, the fans at the scene have already started to ridicule themselves, and they don't need Fangzheng's leather shrimp to appear at all~

The fans themselves already know that their performance just now has nothing to do with their previous vows, and as soon as Er Laizi appears, no one else who is apostate will be profitable.

But in the face of the μ's who are back on the stage, can you admit this?

I can't admit it!

People often say that women are always unreasonable, but men themselves are not different~

"Hee-hee, we won't lose to A-risa μ's, here's a song..."

The concert lasted until 9 o'clock in the evening, and it was not until the first season of "LoveLive" that all the songs about μ's were performed by Guo Huang and others, and the fans reluctantly accepted the reality that the concert was over.

Even when μ's and others left, fans still chanted 'encore', hoping that μ's could return to the show and do another song.

But it is clear that this is simply not possible.

The interdimensional concert is not a concert in reality, it is set in advance, and it is not so easy to change it if it can be changed.

If it's a real-life concert, seeing the fans so enthusiastic, their idols may work overtime.

But the end of the cross-dimensional concert is over, and it's impossible to listen to it once, unless you grab two tickets, but this probability is almost negligible under the adjustment of Company A.

At the end of the concert, the lights on the stage changed for a while, and the trio of μ's members and Eryoiko disappeared into everyone's field of vision across the space again.

The stage was restored to mandarin ducks as if nothing had happened.

Fans looked at the empty stage and suddenly had the feeling that they were in a dream, everything was so unreal.


In the audience, someone slapped themselves, trying to tell themselves that this was not a dream.

The concert ended, but no one left the fans, and everyone sat in their seats in a daze, their eyes a little confused.

Seeing this scene, the staff at the scene were a little hesitant, hesitant to remind the fans that the concert was over and it was time for you to leave.

But soon, the staff received instructions from Fang Zheng to stop acting for the time being and give fans some time to relax.

The huge concert scene, densely packed with 300,000 fans, this kind of large-scale concert should have been noisy, but the concert scene at this time was quiet. The silence was somewhat scary.

As if they had lost their consciousness, the fans just stared straight at the empty stage, motionless.

This strange atmosphere lasted for five or six minutes, and just when Fang Zheng himself was a little worried about the mental state of the fans, the scene suddenly remembered a very suppressed cry.

At first, only a small part was crying and crying, but soon, as if it would be contagious, the fans at the scene couldn't suppress their feelings.


In the box, Fang Zheng looked at the red eyes of the fans at the scene and sighed helplessly.

He had expected this scene for a long time, but he didn't expect the fans' reactions to be so fierce and so sudden.

He thought that there would be fans who would be reluctant to give up, and there would be people who would be depressed in the face of μ's departure, but he never expected fans to be so sentimental.

For fans, μ's departure means that they may not see each other for a long time, and the next time they see each other may be the third edition of Anime Carnival.

And even if it's the third anime carnival a year later, the protagonist at that time must not be μ's, just like the original light sound combination.

Thinking of this, many fans feel a little inexplicable sentimentality in their hearts, and they are easily affected by other people's cries.

At the concert site, suppressed cries came, which made the staff on the scene a little dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

In this situation, it is obvious that they can't take the initiative to let the fans leave, but it is unrealistic to let the fans continue to stay at the concert like this.

After the fans leave the venue, they also have to clean up, recheck the virtual imaging equipment, and other preparations to make arrangements for tomorrow's concert.

In the end, there was no way, but Fang Zheng came up with an idea, which was to tell these fans that there were μ's albums for sale in the major shopping supermarkets of the anime carnival.

As soon as the news spread, the effect was immediate, and without the urging of the staff, the fans themselves left the venue in a hurry.

Everyone thinks the same thing, since they may not see μ's for a long time, then buy a copy of μ's album and treasure it.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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