The second Anime Carnival, the first day of the concert ended successfully, and the fans who came to the scene to participate were naturally very satisfied, not to mention the μ's they were missing, even the second Raiko who appeared halfway through the show was enough for them to pay back the ticket price.

Hundreds of thousands of fans left the concert, and the huge crowd made people's scalps tingle.

Seeing the dense crowd leaving from the various exits of the venue, many people inexplicably thought of a word.

Flood discharge!

That's right, it's flood discharge.

The fans at the anime carnival site, although there were many fans who knew the content of the concert before, there were more than 300,000 fans, but everyone had not seen it with their own eyes, so naturally they did not have a general idea.

But at this moment, seeing this surging crowd rushing out, the tourists knew how many people this concert accommodated.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the minds of tourists at this time, the concert is like a dam built upstream of a river, and when the concert is over, it is like a dam opening the flood gate.

Tianyi Square, which is closest to the concert venue, became crowded in an instant.

And the fans who left the concert are still flocking into the square, making the square even more crowded.

Seeing this scene, the most nervous people were naturally the staff of Company A who were responsible for maintaining law and order and the uncle in uniform who came to assist.

You must know that it is night, and although the lighting of the square is perfect, illuminating the whole square as if it were daytime, it is not daytime after all.

At this time, the square did not have enough light during the day, and the flow of people was too large, so the uniformed uncles were full of cold sweat and cheered up, for fear of any accidents.

Tianyi Square, located in front of the headquarters building of Company A, is famous for the virtual image ambassador of Company A - Tianyi in the center of the square.

At the same time, Tianyi Square is also the entrance to the entire anime carnival venue.

Directly south of the square is the headquarters building of Company A, and to the east is the venue for the concert.

The west side of the square is the main venue for the anime carnival, and the landmark buildings of other works of A Society, such as Xiuzhiyuan Academy, such as the chariot station base, and the theme park of "Plastic Memory", etc., are all on the west side of the square.

In addition to these buildings, there are also major shopping malls and various stores related to clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

Therefore, Tianyi Square can be described as a transportation hub connecting the concert site and the animation carnival, and fans who leave the concert want to continue to visit the animation carnival, they must pass through Tianyi Square.

This led to Tianyi Square, which is overcrowded at the moment.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, move forward slowly!"

"Look at the signs, I want to visit the headquarters of Company A or leave the fans who go to the exit to go south, and I want to go straight west if I want to participate in the anime carnival!"

"Because there are many people, everyone takes care of their valuables, and if it is inconvenient, they can temporarily hand them over to the temporary storage agency of Company A!"

"Please keep order and line up!"


In Tianyi Square, whether it was the staff of Company A or the uncle in uniform, they were all surrounded by the surging crowd, like a flat boat on the sea, which could be washed away at any time.

But everyone still tried to maintain order on the scene.

Looking at the crowd that was crowded but exceptionally orderly, slowly moving forward, people sighed for the first time, it turned out that Daxia was so safe.

In this scene, not to mention any attack, even throwing a firecracker into the crowd may make the crowd directly blow up the nest.

But at this time, the square was orderly, although it was crowded, but the movement of the team was unusually coordinated, and there were almost no people cutting in line.

In the team, everyone was not dissatisfied or uneasy because of the crowding, they were all talking and laughing with the people around them, regardless of whether they knew the people around them or not.

This wave, the quality of the fans in the two-dimensional circle is directly full, which makes many tourists who are not in this circle feel incredible.

Driven by the fans of the second dimension, these tourists have also restrained themselves and are no longer as reckless as before.

Fang Zheng once said that when he entered the two-dimensional circle, everyone is a family, and fans seem to have always thought so, and they have always led by example.

In the circle, for the newcomers who have just entered the circle, in addition to pranks and generally recommend some very healing anime, old fans will be very patient in other places to help them popularize some basic knowledge.

There is no so-called contempt and contempt for the old and the new, and there is naturally no contradiction, everyone gets along very harmoniously. In the major fan groups, there are bigwig fans or sand sculpture fans who speak every day, and there is never a lack of joy in the group.

The entire two-dimensional circle is grouped with major fan groups, just like a family, and there has never been any large-scale conflict.

Thanks to this, many media have made the two-dimensional circle the most united and harmonious group.

There have been a lot of media reports, which has also made some outsiders form an inherent impression, that is, fans and otaku in the two-dimensional circle seem to have a very gentle temper and treat people kindly.

As for the outside of the circle, although the two-dimensional circle almost does not take the initiative to go out of the circle, the reputation is there.

After all, when the A company was just established, the two-dimensional circle can be said to have just had a prototype, and it is such a circle, which actually single-handedly fights keyboard warriors, black fans, trolls, water armies, etc.

The most important thing is that they still won!

Coupled with the extraordinary unity of the two-dimensional circle, there has been a saying on the Internet.

Don't be a fan of provoking a two-dimensional one.

The first time you provoke, people may have a good temper, or they don't want to recruit black people in the two-dimensional circle, and they ignore you, but what about the second and third times?

People have a bottom line, and fans of the second dimension are also people, although they have a mild temper, but once such a person is angry, it is even more terrifying.

Never try to provoke an honest person, because when the other person gets angry, you won't even get a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy.

At this time, many tourists outside the circle of Tianyi Square, looking at the orderly waists of the two-dimensional fans, secretly smacked their tongues, and gasped in their hearts.

It seems that the rumors on the Internet are true, they are all true, and even those rumors are small.

The real two-dimensional circle round edge is much more terrifying than everyone knows from the Internet!!

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Tonight", "Zhao Chenxi", "Falling Rain and Snow", and "Phantom の時には", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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