The anime carnival in the evening also has a lot of flavor, with colorful neon lights lighting up the entire street, and the whole scene is reflected in all colors.

Tourists come and go on the streets, eating snacks and admiring the cosers on the streets.

The storefronts on the street have been renovated and decorated to match this anime carnival, and you can experience a different style experience as soon as you enter the street.

There are otherworldly streets full of magic, and there are also modern streets in anime, and every time you enter a street, it gives people the illusion of traveling through and brings a different sense of freshness.

On the other side, Shen Mengyao came out of the concert site and walked through the dense crowd of Tianyi Square, and after entering the street of the anime carnival, the crowd was diverted, which made it seem less crowded.

Turning on her live streaming device again, she started her second live stream of the day.

At the same time, the official live broadcast of the concert was also closed, and many fans who stayed in front of the screen had a feeling of unfinished business, and searched for the anchors of the live anime carnival on major live broadcast platforms.

Thanks to this, as soon as Shen Mengyao started the live broadcast, there were many fans in the live broadcast room, some who had paid attention to her, and some who had not.

Compared with other anchors, Shen Mengyao's biggest advantage is that she was invited to live broadcast and has a temporary work permit issued by Company A.

At this point, compared with other outdoor anchors, Shen Mengyao doesn't know how many times more convenient.

"Wow, it's finally live!"

"Is this the anime carnival of the night?

"emmm~ Seeing this street, the old man can't help but want to go on an adventure~"

"It's a typical otherworldly street, swords and magic, and adventurers, it feels so special!"

"Where are the streamers going? Is there any secret that the anime carnival is not known to?"

Fans sent barrages, looking at the streets under the live broadcast camera, all of them were a little envious of these tourists and fans who went to the scene.

If nothing else, it's good to experience this original style~

There are a lot of otherworldly anime under the A Society, such as the empty nest old bones, and the cute king slime, so for the otherworldly style, A can be said to be an old expert.

Naturally, for the decoration of the street, the style of the otherworldly version will not be much worse.

On the contrary, the decoration of this street has amazed many fans.

This is still the scene that everyone sees through the live broadcast lens, if you really go to the scene and be immersive, I'm afraid I can't resist the temptation, I will rent a dress and make a cameo appearance as a coser~

"Hello, good evening everyone, I'm the anchor Yaoyao~"

Shen Mengyao watched so many sailors pour into the live broadcast room in just a few minutes, and her face was excited.

But Shen Mengyao knows what this is, if it weren't for the invitation of Society A, I'm afraid she wouldn't be anything special like other outdoor anchors.

"It's already nine o'clock in the evening, and I was going to go to the "Plastic Memory" theme park to take a ride on the Ferris wheel and see Zhu Yuan's night view. "

Speaking of this, Shen Mengyao sighed helplessly.

The theme park of "Plastic Memory" can be said to be one of Zhu Yuan's very famous attractions.

Thanks to the promotion of "Plastic Memory", the Ferris wheel of the theme park has been regarded by many tourists as a must-visit love destination for couples.

In the anime, Ella said goodbye to the protagonist on the Ferris wheel, leaving a very poignant story.

Those couples who are in love naturally want to experience it.

But the more famous, the more tourists there will be.

Although Shen Mengyao had not gone to the theme park of "Plastic Memory" before, it was known from the crowd diversion in Tianyi Square just now that at least more than one-third of the tourists went there.

In today's world, playgrounds are everywhere, but at least those who want to go will never say that they can't find a place.

Since there are still so many people heading towards the theme park of "Plastic Memory", it means that there are certainly not a few people who think the same way as her.

Although the Ferris wheel is free for couples, it is not said that single dogs are not allowed to ride~

Take 10,000 steps back, does it mean that a couple is squeezed down by a single dog to ride the Ferris wheel?

Thinking about it this way, many single dogs hold ulterior secrets and become more positive.

After all, the resentment of a single dog is still very heavy, and it is a pair to be able to dismantle a pair... Ahh

Let's see if you can withstand the trials of time and be so loving forever!

Moreover, even if you are a single dog, it is not bad to take a ride on the Ferris wheel to see Zhu Yuan's night view.

You must know that because of the existence of Zhu Yuan, a two-dimensional giant, and Founder's continuous investment in the Zhu Yuan area, Zhu Yuan at this time is no longer the desolate land he was before.

Moreover, with the increasing number of enterprises cooperating with Company A, large-scale settlement in Zhuyuan, the current Zhuyuan area can be said to be an inch of land, almost every day.

So many fans want to see Zhu Yuan's changes, especially the night scene.

Obviously, the Malleable Memories theme park at night must be overcrowded.

Therefore, Shen Mengyao said to the sailors in her live broadcast room, her tone was still a little complaining, and she seemed to be disgusted with the reputation of the theme park of "Plastic Memory".

Shen Mengyao pouted, her face full of helplessness.

"There are too many people on the Ferris wheel, and it's a little late in the addition time, so I plan to go back to the campsite for the time being, and live stream camping and picnics for everyone there~!"

Shen Mengyao took a step forward and walked towards the camping park endorsed by "Swaying Camping", talking and laughing with fans all the way, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Not long after, Shen Mengyao came to the venue where she had set up her tent, put the live broadcast equipment aside, and began to pack up the props.

"Wow, the scenery of this campsite is really beautiful~"

"I have an inner taste, I just watched "Swaying Camping" to like the sport of camping~"

"233~ I still remember that the first time the old man camped was winter camping, and he almost froze into a dog in the wild!"

"Hahaha, you think you're Sesame Rin!"

"'Swaying Camping,' a work that can make otaku like me and others interested in the outdoors, is really well done. "

"I don't know if I can see the second season in my lifetime, to be honest, I especially like the warm camping scene of "Swaying Camping"~"

"It's so good, I really want to go camping~!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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