Looking at the camera, Shen Mengyao took out the rented tools from the tent one by one and placed them in the open space in front of the tent, and many fans were envious.

"Quiet night sky, fresh air camping site, one person, one tent... This life really makes me jealous beyond recognition!!"

"I'm fed up with the concrete smell of the city, I'm going camping!"

"Brothers who want to camp, you can add the 'Swinging Camping Fan Club', which has knowledge about camping, and how to buy camping props without being slaughtered~"

"Thank you, brother upstairs, I really didn't know there was this fan base, it helped a lot!"

"Hehe, all the people in it are like-minded people who like camping because of "Swaying Camping", everyone is in the circle, and those who are close can team up~"

"Damn, the introduction of camping knowledge is so detailed, what kind of price, what brand of tent is the best..."

"Gagaga, this must be added, the old man is bored camping alone, just shout to see if anyone is willing to join the old man!"

"Hmph, I just added a team of young ladies who love camping, and I agreed to come to camp together on the first weekend after the carnival!"

"Little sister, I'm a brute!"

"What, is there really a young lady, is it the kind of Sesame Rin? or the kind of Nadeshiko? Or is it like the dog sister?"

Fans watched Shen Mengyao busy with everything, and chatted happily in the live broadcast room.

Especially after someone exposed the 'Swaying Camping Fan Club', the base camp of camping enthusiasts in the two-dimensional circle, everyone was even more excited.

Many fans want to go camping, but not everyone likes to camp like Rin.

Many camping enthusiasts, or newcomers who have just entered the industry, are still eager for a reasonable, sympathetic, and reliable teammate to accompany them.

It's better for this teammate to be a young lady, because these gentlemen prefer to live in a tent with a young lady than with a man.

"What are you talking about?"

I don't know when, Shen Mengyao has already lit the bonfire in front of the tent, and has also boiled a pot of water on it.

Next to the campfire is a small barbecue box, which is made of charcoal specially used for camping and cooking, and is glowing red.

Shen Mengyao wanted to come over and bring the live broadcast equipment closer, because she had bought a lot of ingredients today and was going to broadcast her barbecue skills live to the fans.

How do you say that, I will give you a live barbecue in the middle of the night, and I definitely don't have a good heart!

Shen Mengyao also wanted to skin it, she was very curious about whether her live broadcast today would promote the sales growth of the takeaway industry~

Shen Mengyao picked up the live broadcast equipment, saw the barrage above, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"I forgot, this 'Swaying Camping Fan Club' is well-known in our two-dimensional circle, especially for fans who love camping, this group must be added!"

Shen Mengyao said as she walked towards the barbecue box with the live broadcast equipment.

"I wanted to tell you before, but I forgot about it, I'm still a senior member of it~"

At this point, Shen Mengyao didn't brag, when she finished the live broadcast of the anime carnival, she experienced a camping experience at that time, and then completely fell in love with this feeling of occasionally giving herself away and getting close to nature.

At that time, she met a big guy in the two-dimensional circle during a live camping broadcast, and the big guy told her about the group.

Shen Mengyao naturally joined without saying a word, time has passed, and now she can be regarded as a senior member inside.

"I'm telling you, camping is slowly becoming popular now, but don't go camping on impulse. "

Shen Mengyao sat on a folding chair, preparing her own barbecue ingredients, and said to the live camera without looking back.

"Now many businesses selling outdoor products are very tricky, especially the new ones, they will be slaughtered if they don't pay attention to it, and everyone knows that outdoor products are a little expensive, so I recommend that you go to the group first to ask the experienced bosses. "

In the Swing Camping Fan Club, many members will share their experiences, and some people will specialize in statistics on the quality and price of outdoor products.

Take the most basic tent for camping as an example, some people in the group will make horizontal comparisons of different brands of tents, and will also make longitudinal comparisons of tents of the same brand with different prices.

"In short, if you want to go camping, go inside to learn some knowledge and common sense of camping, it will definitely not be a loss, it is a very practical skill!"

Shen Mengyao worked hard to promote the Swaying Camping Fan Club, and it seems that she is definitely a bigwig-level figure in the group.


While speaking, on the barbecue box in front of Shen Mengyao, the barbecue slices that had just been put on were sizzling, and the oil and water in the meat slices were quickly grilled out by charcoal.

Looking at the tempting color of the barbecue, the sailors in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"I'm special... Why live this!"

"Did you do it on purpose, show us a barbecue at night?"

"It's over, Yaoyao was infected by Pipi shrimp, and she has learned to skin it~!"

"Anchor, if you show us this at night, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Ma Dan, I knew that today's takeaway couldn't be saved, if I died poor one day, it would be all your fault!"

"233~Witty as me, I have already ordered a takeout~!"

"Yaoyao, although I am very grateful to you and me for popularizing these camping knowledge, I still want to send you an MMP!"

Shen Mengyao took the time to take a look at her live broadcast equipment, and when she saw the barrage sent by the fans above, she snickered in her heart.

Seeing that her prank was successful, Shen Mengyao smiled like a little fox.

Seeing this scene, the fans in the live broadcast room were even more speechless.

Sure enough, joy is built on the pain of others, and at this moment, the sailors in the live broadcast room have a deeper understanding of this sentence.

At the same time, many sailors scolded Fang Zheng in their hearts.

To say why?

Of course, he brought Shen Mengyao badly!

Before today, Shen Mengyao was still a very simple and normal outdoor anchor, but since she had a brief contact with Fang Zheng in the lobby on the first floor of the headquarters building of A Society in the morning, she has become like this.

Hiss ~ Pipi shrimp is terrifying!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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