In the silent night sky, a full moon hangs high.

In the swaying camping theme camping park, there are no neon signs or traffic, just tents and outdoor lamps that emit bright lights.

The large camping site is divided into blocks, each area is preceded by a tent in front of which a bonfire is lit, and camping tourists talk and laugh around the campfire.

Shen Mengyao saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, smiled mischievously, and then flipped over the barbecue on the grill.

Looking at the bubbling barbecue slices, Shen Mengyao sniffed and said with a sense of accomplishment.

"It's so fragrant~!"

Looking at Shen Mengyao's intoxicated expression, the sailors in the live broadcast room were even more fried.

"Good guy, I'm straight good guy!"

"It's too much to show me this at night, and you still tempt me?

"Looking at Yaoyao's barbecue, the old man instantly felt that the instant noodles in his hand were not fragrant!"

"Camping and picnic, this life is so enviable~"

The sailors in the live broadcast room have turned into lemon essence, some envy Shen Mengyao's food, and some envy Shen Mengyao's carefree camping.

In short, the live broadcast room is full of sourness!

Shen Mengyao also knew that it was enough to stop, and did not show off her cooking skills too much, and after eating a hearty dinner, she simply took a turn in the camping park and closed her live broadcast room.

On the first day of the Anime Carnival, more than three million visitors were received.

Maybe this number is not particularly exaggerated for some tourist attractions, but you know, this is the first day of the anime carnival~!

And most of the fans are on the way here, and it is foreseeable how hot and lively the Zhuyuan area of the magic capital will be in the next few days.

The second edition of the Anime Carnival, the streets of various styles, the cosers on the streets, and the rich and interesting activities all fascinated the tourists.

Even if you are not a fan of the two-dimensional circle, you will feel that this trip is worth it when you come here.

The anime carnival lasts for seven days, and during these seven days, the entire magic capital seems to have fallen into a two-dimensional ocean.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a young man walking on the street stops at random, there is a 50% probability that he is a fan of the two-dimensional circle.

The streets and alleys are full of voices discussing the second dimension, and billboards and painful cars can be seen everywhere on the streets.

It can be said that the animation carnival has dyed the international metropolis of the magic capital with a strong two-dimensional atmosphere.

The anime carnival lasted for seven days, and after seven days of feasting, fans could still feel their excitement and couldn't calm down for a long time.

The A Society Forum has undoubtedly become the best place for fans to express their excitement.

"Brothers, did you watch μ's concert?

"If miracles have colors, they must be intertwined with nine colors!"

"Woo woo Woo Emperor Guo forgive me, I have a little rebellion in the middle for a few minutes, I'm sorry~!"

"233~ There is a traitor upstairs, everyone come and bully him!"

"There is one thing to say, Er Laizi is a real bull, and the performance power of the scene is better than μ's!"


"Gan, shut upstairs! The old man finally quit this voice!"

"Hahaha, Erlaizi's demonic brainwashing electric sound is coming!"

In the second edition of the Anime Carnival, fans paid the most attention to μ's concert, and with the end of "LoveLive", everyone was looking forward to μ's coming across dimensions.

At the concert site, when μ's really crossed the dimensional door to the real stage, the fans in the audience didn't know how many people couldn't hold back their tears.

When fans saw μ's active on the stage again, active on the stage of reality, the emotion in everyone's hearts was really unforgettable.

There is no doubt that μ's has brought a lot of touches to everyone, and fans have watched μ's become a miracle of nine colors from the original three people step by step, and this persistence and hard work have moved the fans.

Obviously, though, μ's was the protagonist of the second edition of the Anime Carnival, but it wasn't the only one.

"μ's really moved the old man, but my big light voice is not bad at all~"

"Even if, after such a long time, I see only a few people again, and I am full of nostalgia~!"

"Duwei is still so cute and lovely~"

"Blue and White Bowl~"

"I'm Gan, you're the devil upstairs, and the stalk of the blue and white bowl can't get by, right~!"

"It's been so long since "Light Girl" ended in a blink of an eye, everything is like yesterday!"

"I still prefer that casual afternoon tea band after school~"

"That's right, drink tea, eat snacks every day, and occasionally come to sing on stage when you are interested, how warm~!"

μ's has a lot of fans, but there are also a lot of fans of the light sound group, and these two fan groups occupy half of the A Society forum.

Some say that μ's concerts bring people moving, and some say that light music concerts bring memories.

The miracle of nine colors intertwined, light voice without regrets, etc., can be seen everywhere in the forum of the A Society.

The concert of the 2nd Anime Carnival is not only the μ's concert and the light music concert, but also the theme concert of other works of A Society.

But compared with μ's and light sounds, which are anime that specialize in music, the popularity is obviously incomparable.

"My Katyusha is also very good~"

"Little tyrant?"

"152 caliber warning upstairs!"

"How dare you insult the great and invincible Katyusha and punish you for digging potatoes in Siberia!"

"233 ~ You forgot to send twenty-five rubles!"

The forum is very lively, everyone is discussing the most high-profile concert of the anime carnival, although other activities are also very interesting, but compared to the concert, it is obviously a small thing.

The second Anime Carnival once again detonated the passion in the hearts of fans, and they felt the grand day that belonged to the two-dimensional circle for a long time.

Usually everyone likes to chase and urge Fangzheng to hurry up with new works, but the anime carnival directly ignited the passion of fans and reached a new height.

On the first day of the second edition of the Anime Carnival, fans were excited and had the urge to stay awake all night.

The A Society forum has become a place for fans to vent, even if it is twelve o'clock in the morning, everyone's excitement has not diminished in the slightest.

PS: Thanks to "South Look." , "I am a big sword hero", "Ice braised rabbit head" monthly pass support, thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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