As soon as Founder's Weibo news was released, the army of fans who surrounded Weibo and were urging changes were instantly confused.

What is the shadow of Voldemort, and the inspiration to make anime is gone!

If you're lazy, you're lazy, and if you're addicted to games, just say it, find such an unreliable reason, who are you fooling?!

"No, I'm curious, does Voldemort have such great abilities?!"

"I don't know if Voldemort has the ability, but I do know that Pipi Shrimp has a batch of chicken dishes!"

"233~Voldemort's lifelong enemy~!"

"It's fun to say, is there a big guy to organize it, and everyone will collectively snipe this ID~!"

"Sniper, did you take the wrong medicine, how can sniping Voldemort be interesting to urge Pipi Shrimp to change!"

"That's it, it's a pain in the idle egg to snipe Voldemort~!"

The Weibo news just released by Fangzheng is obviously not believed by anyone, after all, for such an unreliable reason, whoever believes it is a fool.

Because I was yin by Voldemort because I played chicken, I didn't have the inspiration to create anime?

Hell, this is as ridiculous as the joke of the end of the world~!

And, most importantly, fans discovered the root cause why Founder has not moved in the past few days.

That is, they are addicted to the chicken game and can't extricate themselves, so the new anime they have been thinking about has not responded!

This discovery made fans speechless and a little crying and laughing at the same time, who would have thought that such a big guy as Fangzheng would be addicted to the game of eating chicken~

Seeing that Fang Zheng was obsessed with eating chicken and not doing his job, fans stopped doing it in an instant.

Good guys, we are all waiting for your new work as spiritual food, but you go to play chickens and fish?

Is this worth it?!

"Fix these fictitious ones, Pipi Shrimp, you can tell me when your new work will be released, otherwise we will send a specialty!"

"I heard that you like to eat chicken, believe it or not, our two-dimensional fans collectively turned into Voldemort's army to snipe you?"

"If you don't do your job all day, hurry up and create new works!"

"It's floating, you don't want to feed us parents, and you actually run to eat chicken?"

"Is it so fun to eat chicken, that you forget who you are?"

The fans' messages, Founder naturally saw it.

In this regard, Fang Zheng sneered disdainfully, you are strong, the breeze blows the hills, you are horizontal, the bright moon shines on the river!

As the saying goes, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, you can urge the change, if I honestly do the anime, then I will lose!

Fang Zheng smiled and shook his head, then closed Weibo, logged in to the chicken game again, and began his 'slaughter' journey.

Ten minutes passed...

Half an hour has passed...

An hour passed...

On Weibo, the army of fans looked at Fangzheng's Weibo with blank eyes, waiting for Fangzheng to respond to them.

But left and right, Fang Zheng seemed to have disappeared, compared to the update of the dynamic response to them, not even a bubble bubbled.

"How can this be reasonable, Pi Phi Shrimp is what you forced us to do!"

"Gan, Pipi Shrimp has completely let itself go!"

"Did you say that Pipi Shrimp went to play with chicken?"

"Playing with chicken?"

"Damn, it's really possible for you to say that!"

"Brothers, let's shake people to eat chicken, doesn't Pippi Shrimp hate Voldemort? Let's all show Voldemort to him!"

"233~ That's a good idea, I like it!"

The two-dimensional fans on Weibo, when they heard that everyone was going to turn into Voldemort to disgust Founder, they were all excited.

Weibo, which was still lively just now, instantly became popular and became unpopular.

Soon, the number of people online for the game exploded, and there were a lot of new players.

But it's strange that the names of these people all have a strong two-dimensional atmosphere and the smell of otaku.

And these people enter the game without blocking bridges or looking for steel guns, but searching for some simple equipment, and then crawling to the ground and crawling forward.

From the beginning of the game, these people almost always enter the circle on their stomachs.

That's outrageous.

And what's even more bizarre is that these people actually illegally formed a team to form a veritable Voldemort army.

Many players will inexplicably hit and kill people when they drive their cars, and there are several of them at a time.

This strange situation has baffled many endings, is this thought Voldemort so organized and disciplined?

Ordinary players couldn't understand it, but the corners of Fangzheng's mouth twitched.

Good guy, a good chicken game is almost finished by him Skydiving Simulator.

Voldemort! Voldemort!

Could it be that Voldemort was collectively touched today??!

Fang Zheng was so angry that he almost smashed the mouse, and he was killed by Voldemort more than ten times in a row, which made Fang Zheng a little angry.

Suddenly, Fang Zheng thought of something, opened Weibo and looked at it, and was instantly dumbfounded.

"I... Play or you will play!

Sure enough, most of these Voldemorts are fans of the second dimension, everyone sees that he is addicted to games and does not make new works, and he actually incarnates Voldemort to snipe him!

Good guys, what a loss for this game to sell to you!

Fang Zheng didn't know how to complain, but he knew a little!

That is, if you don't have a new work, you don't want to play this chicken safely.

"You are ruthless!"

Fang Zheng posted a Weibo, and then reluctantly glanced at his chicken game, then gritted his teeth and closed the page, devoting himself to the long-lost work.

And Founder's dynamics also made fans very excited, because this is their victory, a great victory of their Voldemort tactics!

"Brothers, this effect is very significant~"

"Hahaha, I don't believe that so many of us can't cure you Pipi Shrimp?"

"Pippi Shrimp I heard you like to play with chicken?"

"Voldemort to find out?"

"Ma Dan, this thing can be regarded as going to business, the old man is about to vomit!"

"Me upstairs, too, the hell Voldemort isn't a human job!"

This battle of sniping and being sniped was finally won by the persistence of the fans.

While fans were announcing to each other and celebrating this great victory, Founder posted another Weibo post.

"The new work "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" will be released in a week, you can guess what it means to put a sister's hand, and also, I hate Voldemort!!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "191...7", "やとがみとお", and "183...85", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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