As soon as Founder's new news was released, many fans were pushed, and for Founder's new news, they all blinked at your busy big eyes, and their eyes were full of confusion.

"What's the hand?"

"I know my sister, but what is my sister's hand~"

"Is this the name of a new work?"

"Pi Phi Shrimp, you are really a genius, why don't you call it a dictionary?"

"Although the old man doesn't understand the content in front of me, the old man knows that Pippi Shrimp hates Voldemort~!"

"emm~ In order to promote the passion for Pippi Shrimp's creation, we want to carry forward the profession of Voldemort~!"

"There is a long way to go~!"

On Weibo, fans are talking a lot under Founder's dynamics, some are curious about what kind of work the new work "Catalog of Magical Forbidden Books" is, and some are curious about what is the sister's hand.

Of course, it is also indispensable to be determined to carry forward Voldemort~!

In this regard, Fang Zheng was a little speechless, and it seemed that he didn't want to play the game in peace and stability in the future.

Do you think that if you surround the chicken, I can't play the league?



However, Fang Zheng watched fans be curious by one of his own dynamics, which still gave him a sense of accomplishment.

The anime "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" can be said to be known to everyone in the previous life.

Its original work is the "Catalogue of Magical Forbidden Books" of the light novel series and the biography "Safety Pants of a Certain Science", both of which can be said to be very well-known.

And in a sense, its biography is more famous.

The reason, naturally, is because of a certain tsundere discharge girl who likes to wear safety pants~

And the sister's hand is one of the abilities of the protagonist Kamijo as a hemp in the "Catalogue of Magical Forbidden Books"!

Emm~ It's not so much about ability as it is about attributes, because the sister's hand can't be changed, that is, whether the last article is willing to be Ma or not, his peach blossom luck will continue to come.

The attribute of the sister hand can be said to be juxtaposed with the other ability of the upper strip dangma's 'fantasy killer', which blesses the old unlucky man of the upper strip with a unique high peach blossom luck attribute.

The effect of putting the girl's hand is not an uncommon ability, that is, it blesses the peach blossom luck of the upper strip as a hemp, attracting all kinds of women and some men.

Of course, the sister hand also has its own limitations, and it is not invincible.

It is ineffective for lilies, such as Kuroko Shirai, who has always been obsessed with discharging girls, it has little effect on people who are too old or too young, and it is also effective for most men.

At the same time, it is not very practical for people who are too mature.

But Rao is like this, and I don't know how many men dream of the ability to put my sister's hand in my previous life~

After all, to put it bluntly, the sister hand is a pickled girl, and Peach Blossom keeps asking which man is not interested?

And there are a variety of derivative attributes of the sister's hand, such as 'a spit can make women blush', 'open the door and see things that shouldn't be seen, and kill them directly' and so on.

These secondary derivative abilities ignore geographical limitations and will elevate any woman who is successfully attracted to the highest priority.

This is simply a BUG-level ability?!

I don't know how many people envy this ability in my previous life, and I don't know how many men are jealous of this explosive head.

Even Founder was once one of them.

In order to get a sister's hand, he used to naively learn to be a hemp, and made a wish that he didn't want any girl to cry.

Of course, the wish is made, but whether there is any effort in the direction of realizing the wish, the answer is obvious.

"Hmph, it's a good thing to put your sister's hand, so when the time comes, you can go with envy and jealousy~"

Fang Zheng looked at the comments of his fans on Weibo and smiled playfully.

After the appearance of the product of Shangjo Dangma, I don't know how many middle and second disease patients who fantasize that they can also have a sister's hand will be born.

In the previous life, many otaku envied this ability, in this world, Fang Zheng didn't believe that anyone could resist this temptation!


No one can resist the hand!

On Weibo, fans are still discussing the new work and the matter of the sister's hand, not knowing that Fangzheng has prepared a melon seed bench, just waiting for the release of "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", and then be a qualified melon eater.

"Although I don't know what my sister's hand is, I know that my sister, this seems to be an amazing ability~!"

"Put your sister's hand, as the name suggests, use your sister's hand~!"

"You're so wise upstairs!"

"If anyone has such a hand, the old man will be the first to cut it off, and the scourge of the province will harm the world!"

"Hemp egg, I'm going to cut it too, and then transplant it to myself hehe~!"

"Brute, but if that's the case, I'm willing to do it~"

Fans don't quite understand the meaning of the sister's hand, and they don't know what connection this thing has to do with the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic".

But everyone knows that if nothing else, Fang Zheng's new work "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" should give an explanation, after all, Fang Zheng puts the two in one dynamic, and the answer is already obvious.

"It's going to be another week, and the old man can't bear it anymore!"

"Why don't we go and eat chicken?"

"Chicken, do you want to continue to be Voldemort?"

"Enter the game and lie on the ground, no interest!"

"Upstairs, just say if you like it or not~"

"It's not promising, but I like it!"

The fans got their wish and got an accurate reply from Fangzheng, and one by one they left Weibo satisfied, leaving the place where they had won.

As for whether Fang Zheng will deceive them...

Unless Fang Zheng is sure that he can resist the anger of the entire two-dimensional circle, this thing will never do such a stupid thing.

In fact, fans are not worried that Fang Zheng will lie to them at all, or even that Fang Zheng will be late.

Throughout the establishment of Society A, although Founder's skin, this character is still reliable.

If you say a week, it must be a week!

Fang Zheng ran to prepare for the production of the anime with great anticipation, while fans poured into eating chicken, once again setting off a bloody storm.

Starting today, the majority of chicken players have suffered.

In a few days, if you want to say who they hate the most, 70% of the players will answer 'Voldemort'!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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