At six o'clock in the evening, people were busy all day, dragging their tired bodies home, and after a hurried dinner, fans were eagerly waiting in front of Company A, calling for the arrival of 7 o'clock.

Speaking of which, since the end of the anime carnival, fans are in desperate need of spiritual food to replenish themselves.

In just a few dozen minutes, it is indeed so long in the eyes of impatient fans.

At more than six o'clock, fans gathered in the forum of A Society, slowly waiting for the start of the new work promised by Fangzheng.

"Finally waited, this time the old man is really boring to death. "

"Pi Phi Shrimp's new work, I don't know if there will be my destined goddess in it~"

"Wake up, wake up, the anime hasn't started yet, I don't know if the protagonist is a man or a woman, don't be so anxious, okay?"

"That's it, just the urine sex of Pipi shrimp, if we give us a women's clothing boss again, we must not cry blind. "

"Women's clothing boss, it doesn't exist, if Pipi Shrimp doesn't want to listen to Juhua full of mountains!"

"Correct explanation, women's clothing is impossible for women's clothing, and it is impossible for Pipi Shrimp to wear women's clothing in this life!"

"Don't let your guard down, we must learn a lesson, isn't it bad enough to be pitted by Pipi Shrimp before?


Finally, in the heated discussion among fans, time passed minute by minute.

Seven o'clock is coming, there is no need to say much, fans leave the forum of A Society very tacitly and go to the homepage of the A Society platform.

Click to refresh, and sure enough, the new work "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" arrived as scheduled.

At the beginning, there is a picture of the blue star and a satellite shaped like a tree, and then the screen gradually zooms out.

Fans are glued to the screen, not wanting to miss the slightest detail.

Suddenly, a slightly rapid rhythm of BGM entered the ears of fans, and I saw a teenager in a white short-sleeved shirt running eagerly, followed by a group of people with different hairstyles and bad gangster dresses chasing after him.

"My name is Kamijo Dangma, and my youth was spent in misfortune. "

Seeing the explosive head in front of him in a student uniform, fans know that if nothing else, this is the protagonist of this episode.

"Is this the male protagonist?,This explosive head is too symbolic~!"

"233~ This thing won't do anything terrible, right, such as being the boss of the green family?"

"What other reason is there for so many thugs to chase after them in the middle of the night. "

"emmm~ Maybe someone fell in love with the male owner, and then the male owner desperately didn't obey it~"

"My youth was spent in misfortune, and what have you experienced as a teenager?"

As soon as the screen turned, I came to a restaurant.

Because the male protagonist who is about to start a profligate summer vacation life,Just come here to have a good meal to celebrate his holiday.,I saw a gangster talking to a girl who looked like a teenager.。

How can this be reasonable, a group of big men actually bullied a girl, how did you do this?!

The scene in front of me is a bloody man who can't bear it, how can this kind of thing not call me along...

Ahem, fans admit that their thinking has gone wrong.

Fans watched the exploding male protagonist stand up, and his vigorous appearance made many fans look forward to it.

Not to mention, with Pipi Shrimp as a person, at this time, the male protagonist shouted 'Stop!' without any sense of disobedience, but this is in line with the script in everyone's hearts.

Can the script of Pipi Shrimp follow common sense?

Obviously not!

However, fans were disappointed because the plot they were expecting did not appear.

In the screen, the male protagonist of the explosive head bravely stood up and stopped the gangsters' 'jealous' and 'outrageous' 'hateful' behavior.

Fans thought it was an old-fashioned story of a hero saving beauty, but a dramatic scene came later.

I saw that not long after the male protagonist was powerful, and before he had time to load the cup, there was a hula in the private room, and more than a dozen gangsters came out, followed by the opening scene.

"I see, the male protagonist is a hero saving beauty, upstairs you are really dark in your heart, God cuckolds others, you can figure it out. "

"That's it.,Just the explosive head of the male protagonist.,It's good to have an object!"

"One thing to say, this male protagonist has a sense of justice, the hero saves the beauty and sacrifices himself"

"emm~ You say that the back will not be the old bridge that the girl secretly promised~"

"Ma Dan, this story tells us, don't blindly pretend to be a cup if it's okay, otherwise this is the end!"

"The brain hole is quite big, in the style of Pi Phi Shrimp, do you think he can let you guess the plot behind it?

Finally, the male protagonist ran to a bridge and sat on the ground tired.

"Damn, did you finally get rid of it?"

Looking at the empty appearance behind him, the blast head could finally catch his breath.

However, the matter is obviously not over yet, and a person who should not have appeared is standing behind the male protagonist.

It's none other than the girl who sacrificed his life to save the male protagonist.

"What's the matter with you, do you want to be a good person and protect a bad boy, or are you pretending to be a hot-blooded teacher?"

"They didn't chase them because..."

"That's right, because it's annoying, I've disposed of it. "

And so it was. "

The conversation between the exploding head and the goddess made fans a little dumbfounded, and there seems to be something wrong with this plot~

However, compared to the plot, fans are more interested in this beautiful girl in a student uniform.

The short brown hair is crisp and neat, and the eyes under the bangs are looking at the explosive head, which has a domineering feeling.

Of course, the gentlemen in front of the screen didn't pay attention to this, they stared at the short skirt blowing in the night breeze, and almost wrote 'want to see' on their faces.

As the plot progresses, fans also understand the general background and setting of the anime.

It turns out that in this school city,There are people with abilities.,From LV1 to LV5.,And this girl called Mikoto Misaka.,It's one of the seven LV5 abilities.。

And the male protagonist just now didn't want the hero to save the beauty, but the hero to save the gangsters.

At this point in the plot, the audience has a question mark on their black faces???

Should it be said that it is worthy of the script of Pippi Shrimp?

It's the first time I've heard of such a thing as saving the thugs.

"It's really a shocking reversal, this plot and this brain circuit... Pipi shrimp is still pipi shrimp!"

"Enthusiastic citizens save the gangsters, have the gangsters been treated so well these days?"

"Love, love, love, the male protagonist is so warm-hearted... It seems to be a little interesting~!"

"I thought it was a hero saving the United States, but I didn't expect it to be a rescue gangster, this Poppi shrimp is in the atmosphere. "

"I seriously suspect that this thing is self-directed and self-acted, and the purpose is to get to know my wife!"

"Your wife,, this is obviously my wife!"

PS: Thank you for the support of the monthly pass, thank you, big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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