On the other hand, there is another reason why Fang Zheng has no time to watch the evaluation of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic".

That is, he is planning a plan in his heart.

A plan for the benefit of tens of millions of fans.

This plan is a lifelong event for fans.

As soon as this plan is completed, fans will no longer have to bother to find a three-dimensional girlfriend.

The two-dimensional wife is about to appear in front of them more vividly and lively.

That's the Virtual Streamer Program.

Virtual anchors, as the name suggests, are anchors who carry out activities on video websites and social platforms with a virtual identity.

What are the specific activities, they are nothing more than live singing, playing games, etc. Looking at this, some people must be suspicious, so what is the difference between this and other live broadcasts?

In fact, the difference between virtual anchors and traditional anchors is still a bit big, and the key lies in the word virtual.

The virtual identities of the anchors can choose the identities in reality, such as Bai Fumei, poor children from the mountains, etc.

Of course, it can't be too excessive or too fake, otherwise there is no difference between it and the miserable anchors of Shark Fighting and Slow Hand.

Compared with those ordinary identities, their greater advantage is in the two-dimensional anime of A Society.

In their own right, these anime characters have a deep audience base, and what anime character doesn't have their own fans?

The voice actors choose these anime characters as their virtual identities, and these fan bases are their natural strengths.

Besides, as voice actors, they themselves are the voices of anime characters, so fans can't help but be happy when they hear their favorite characters and favorite voices appear in their ears again.

Fang Zheng could think of those fans laughing stupidly in front of the screen.

What's more, you don't even have to pay copyright fees to use these identities, and you can anime your own family, so you're polite.

It just so happens that the current good development trend of the A society platform is providing a good soil for the development of the virtual live broadcast plan.

When fans see this plan, they are not allowed to throw themselves into the five bodies that he worships squarely.

The reason why Founder came up with this idea was not just because he had been exposed to it in his previous life.

Because of contact, we are attracted, so we are deeply loved.

The rockets in his account that have not been delivered so far are a testament to that deep love.

He knows the charm of these virtual anchors with the identity of two-dimensional characters, and the attraction to fans.

The attraction that makes moths to the fire.

What's more important is that the current animation education takes time, and animation talents still need to grow, resulting in the current two-dimensional fans' lives are still a bit monotonous.

Although there is an AMV zone that can make up for the empty hearts of fans, it is a drop in the bucket in the end.

And,Because there are too few anime,The voice actors in the voice actor department of Company A are a little idle.。

The voice actor department was established early and has already received professional training in college, but many well-qualified voice actor employees still have too little actual combat experience.

In addition to training to keep their voices every day, they are chasing anime.

To this end, and in order to better train them and make full use of their talents, Founder decided to put this plan on the agenda.

Let Company A open the live broadcast section normally, and the voice actors in the company are registered as virtual anchors for live broadcasts and daily small videos.

When this plan was launched, it has to be said that the horizontal industrial chain of Company A has been broadened a bit, and the income channels have become more abundant.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng couldn't help but show a stupid smile on his face.

The benefits to the fans are also obvious, in addition to the daily anime, plus the anime carnival and anime carnival, the fans' two-dimensional life is enriched.

Therefore, in the period after the broadcast of "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic", Fang Zheng was grasping this hard-won break time on the one hand to take a break, and on the other hand, he was thinking about the details of this plan.

Today, Zhang Siyu, who is concerned about the new data, is staying in the headquarters building of Company A, and Fang Zheng called her directly.

"What's the matter, calling me over so early in the morning?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with some suspicion, you must know that this wooden head is usually a straight man of steel who doesn't communicate with her even if he plays games~

"Hehe, it's not a big deal, it's just that I have a plan to inform you. "

Hearing this, Fang Zheng casually pointed to the sofa on the side and motioned for Zhang Siyu to sit down and speak.


Zhang Siyu raised her eyebrows, what Fang Zheng said was 'notice', but it was not a discussion, that is to say, whether she wants it or not, this plan is no longer negotiable.

"What's the plan?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng, she had always admired Fangzheng's novel ideas, but at the same time, she also felt a headache about some of Fangzheng's unrealistic plans.

I just hope we don't make any moths this time.

"A small plan can enrich the content of the second dimension to a certain extent, so I won't ask you to talk about it. "

Fang Zheng told Zhang Siyu the ins and outs of the virtual anchor plan, and Zhang Siyu fell into deep thought after listening to it.

To be honest, Zhang Siyu was a little shocked in his heart.

The live broadcast industry is no longer a new industry, and the major live broadcast platforms have also carved up the market, so it can be said that the tone of this industry has been formed.

But the virtual anchor, no one wants to get it except Founder.

And use voice actors to play virtual anime characters to broadcast live.,In this world,I believe there is no company that has more confidence than A Company to play like this~.

After a few minutes, I only heard Zhang Siyu say slowly.

"The plan is a good plan, but there are a few things that I think need to be aware of. "

"First, for the control of virtual identity, corresponding standards should be introduced to stipulate that virtual identity based on real identity must not be too excessive, and virtual identity based on animation must also be arranged, and voice actors cannot be excessively contested for a certain identity. "

"The second is the control of content in the live broadcast process, which must be managed by strict standards. "

"And, if we want to normalize the live broadcast sector, then we need some people to deal with the problems that may arise during the live broadcast. "

What Zhang Siyu said made Fang Zheng very comfortable, didn't he come to Zhang Siyu to deal with these trivial matters?

As a person who is eager to touch the fish, he can control the general direction, but he doesn't want to do everything himself, isn't that to tire him to death?

At this time, the role of a shrewd and capable wife is reflected.

Although the two are already married, Zhang Siyu's resolute nature has always been like this, and after discussing with Fang Zheng, he hurried to make arrangements.

Fang Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief, and after explaining the matter, he didn't need to worry.

With Zhang Siyu's ability, he will definitely arrange everything properly.

The next step is to explain this plan to Yang Li, the head of the voice actor department.

Not long after Zhang Siyu left, Yang Li came to Fangzheng's office.

In Fang Zheng's opinion, Yang Li's expression was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

However, Fangzheng, a straight man, has no feelings, and he didn't delve into it at all, maybe it's someone's menstrual holiday~

Fang Zheng explained this virtual anchor plan to Yang Li in detail.

Yang Li is naturally very supportive of this plan, on the one hand, it can train her employees, and on the other hand, it can increase the company's income, so why not.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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