With the daily episode of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic", the story in the school city is slowly unfolding.

Since the previous time when Ma found Intix lying in front of his house, and the red-haired man who was injured appeared behind him, it became the first priority to take Intix to escape and treat her.

But before that, to defeat the redhead man.

After all, the weak do not have the right to choose.

What's more, Intex will be injured here in order to take off the nun hat that has been lowered down, because she doesn't want to be involved anymore.

Dang Ma, who learned this, was greatly moved, how could such a cute fool not let people come to the rescue.

"Tears, Intix was actually injured by this. "

"Such a lovely person is still so considerate of others, and he is powdered. "

"I think when Ma thinks I'm embarrassed to walk after looking at other people's bodies. "

"What do you say, the plot of the hero saving the gangsters can see the character of the exploding head. "

"233 ~ Enthusiastic citizens, brave in the face of righteousness. "

"I hope I'm not wrong this time..."

The red-haired man, named Steele Magnus, is a magician belonging to the Puritan "Necessary Evil Church" in Country Y, and his magic name is "Fortis931", which means "I am here to prove that I am the strongest".

Although he is only 14 years old, he is more than 2 meters tall.

His ability, as fans guessed, is the best at fire magic, which is a cliché.

Fans who have been oppressed and discriminated against for a long time finally stood up, and finally once saw the routine of Pipi Shrimp clearly.

Familiar feeling, familiar taste.

The battle between the weak and the strong is bound to be a mouth cannon opening.

If you can do it, don't make noise, that's the power of the strong.

When the hemp comes up, there is a burst of mouth cannon attacks. Don't even think about it, it's definitely useless, and what can solve the battle is strength.

But it can't be said that it's useless, no, Steele was successfully provoked, don't talk nonsense, and go straight to the big move.

"One of the five elements that build the world, the Great Ancestral Flame. "

"The light of grace that gives birth to life at that time is the light of punishment that punishes evil. "

"While bringing stability and happiness, it is also to eliminate the cold and dark cold and bad luck. "

"His name is Yan, and his job is a sword. "

"Manifest it! gnaw my body and turn it into power!"

A line that is two out of ten, fans have called it an expert.

is worthy of being the pioneer of the two-dimensional industry, and the tone of this middle two is simply the ceiling level~

In the midst of the fierce fire, an elegant phoenix flew out, and then turned into a huge fire man, rushing towards Dangma.

The 'Witch Hunt King' is coming!

Seeing the other party's big move, ordinary people must have panicked.

But fans who already have a certain understanding of Shangjo's ability to be hemp are not panicked at all, just like dangma, they don't panic at all.

Put my sister's hand in my hand, I have it in the world!

Even if you're a man, you have to surrender!

Emm~ Unexpectedly, the battle was one-sided.

When Ma's strength is not as strong as his explosive head, except for the sister hand.

But to be honest, although Dangma has been beaten, he is as tenacious as a cockroach, and the battle is in a stalemate.

This can make Steele angry, this kid, why hasn't he fallen yet.

"233, I just like the way you can't get used to me but you can't help me. "

"This sister hand is too buggy. "

"God fainted in the toilet crying. "

"God: I didn't say magic was immune when I created magic. "

"It's really both men and women who put their sisters' hands. "

"Exploding Head: You guys on the magic side are scum!

As if hearing Dangma's inner monologue, the angry Steele couldn't bear it anymore.

This big move, how to drop the chain at a critical time, okay, then let you taste more powerful.

"Dust to the earth, dust to the earth. Vampire Hunt Red Cross!"

With two spells, two fires suddenly appeared in Steele's left and right hands! In his crazy eyes, the two fires turned into two fire blades and flew towards Dangma.

Dangerous, dangerous!

When Ma is resisting the witch's attack with his sister's hand, he has no time to care about the fire blade that comes to his back!

When hemp, he is going to lose!

The blade of fire is finally coming!


A loud thud came.

A large flame burned in the place where Dangma had just stood, accompanied by puffs of black smoke.

"That's it?"

"No, no, no, the exploding head will lose?"

"Sure enough, can't you just rely on your sister's hand?"

"I don't believe it, my sister's hand, the invincible sister's hand, the sister's hand that says that both men and women can eat it?"

For a while, the audience in front of the screen stood up one after another, worried about the fate of the exploding head.

The smoke cleared, and I saw that when Ma ran down the stairs in embarrassment, there were two smoke scattered behind him.

Not to mention anything else, this smoke is quite festive.

Embarrassed, he knelt on the ground in pain.

"No, I'm going to die. I thought I was really going to die. "

He had just escaped death, and he was scared and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

As soon as I looked up, a surprising scene appeared.


Corridors full of runes!

At this point, he remembered the taunt that Steele had just given him.

"If you can't, destroy all the runes in this building. You can't do that. "

Yes, this rune is the key.

Everything has a root. The medium of magical power, in addition to the chanting of incantations, is the runes that are plastered all over the wall.

Just destroy these runes, you can crack Steele's magic and defeat him!

"Damn, boy, you've finally started your brains. "

"It turns out that the explosion head has a head in addition to the girl's hand. "

"Who do you look down on upstairs?"

"More powerful than magic is wisdom!"

With this flash of inspiration, when Ma used the smoke alarm in the building to destroy the runes, the witch hunting king disappeared.

Stilton lost his mind and panicked.

Dangma, who had to stand on the upper hand, beat the water dogs and ran towards Steele in a sprint.

Girl's hand again!, and landed heavily on Steele's cheek.

"Damn, why didn't I think of that. "

"Since I don't want to accompany her to the abyss of hell, let's go from the abyss of hell..."

"Just pull her up!"

After the victory, when Ma looked at Intix with tender eyes.

"The Iron Fist of Justice is back!"

"The sister's hand is really eaten by both men and women!"

"Gan, aren't there any mages who can move their positions? "

"Look, look, this is the fate of the mage if he doesn't move, if he doesn't pull his position, he deserves to lose!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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