This battle was a well-deserved winner, but it was far from the time to be happy.

Intix is still seriously injured and in danger.

The injuries were so severe that it was too late to go to the hospital for treatment. If Intex can't be treated in time, then she will enter the auto-destruction process and leave the company.

Seeing this, the fans in front of the screen also pinched a cold sweat.

Such a lovely Intix, she must get better.

Fortunately, the seriously injured Intix seemed to sense Dangma's concern and woke up.

When she opened her eyes and saw Dangma in front of her, the smile on her face was really beautiful, even if she still looked weak.

When Ma saw Intix wake up, he hurriedly asked her if there was a cure for her in the 103,000 magic books.

God is merciful, there is.

When Ma immediately smiled, he was still happy too soon.

Although such magic exists, the caster must be someone who has not developed superpowers.

When hemp, of course, it can't be used, and Intix's current state can't use magic on her own.

This can be as anxious as an ant on a hot pan - round and round.

People who haven't developed superpowers.,Find it in the school city on the science side.,Isn't this a trouble?

The hearts that fans had just put back in their stomachs were lifted again.

The hard work is worth it, when Ma finally thought of a person.

That is, Teacher Xiaomeng.

When Ma hurriedly carried Intix on his back to Teacher Xiaomeng's house.

Immediately after, a shocking picture appeared.

Teacher Xiaomeng not only drinks but also smokes at home, and the chaos in the house has not yet been dealt with.

"It's over, it's over, the image is shattered. "

"The more powdery your hair, the more stable it is with a knife. "

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiaomeng, under your pure and lovely loli appearance, there was such a bohemian heart. "

"Teacher Xiaomeng, I really can't guess you. "

"Don't talk about it, Teacher Xiaomeng is also an adult, what's wrong with drinking and smoking... What's wrong...!"

"I drink and smoke, but I'm a good girl!"

"Weakly ask, is this a woman's room?"

However, the messy interior does not affect the treatment of Intix, but when the hemp is exposed, the right hand is affected.

I care about you, I want to save you, but I didn't expect that it was me who affected you in the end.

In desperation, when Ma could only walk out of the house lonely, quietly waiting for the result.

At Teacher Xiaomeng's house, Intix automatically turned on the "automatic secretary" mode because of the severity of her injuries, and mechanically taught Teacher Xiaomeng magic rituals.

In a burst of dark and eerie green light and background music, Ms. Meng finally succeeded in casting her magic and curing Intix.

Intix is out of danger.

"I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this BGM is always weird, right?"

"It's weird, like those DJs in a nightclub. "

"Priest DJing ??!"

"I thought it was going to fail..."

Intex is finally out of danger and lives at Teacher Xiaomeng's house temporarily.

Dangma, who thought he would start a peaceful life, met Steele again, and this time he also brought a companion named the magician of the god cracked fire weaving.

Unsurprisingly, it was another fight, but in the midst of it, Uejo learned more about Intix.

It turns out that Steele and Flame Weave are not Intix's enemies, but her companions.

The previous injury was just an unintentional act of God Cracked Fire Weaving, she thought that there was a "Church of Action", and she would not be able to hurt Intix, but who would have thought that the "Church of Action" had been destroyed.

The reason they wanted to capture Intix was to save her.

Intex suffers from a condition called "hyperamnesia", which is a condition with a strong memory that allows her to remember any detail of anything she sees.

The church had put the magic book in her head, but problems arose.

As a result, Intix's remaining usable brain capacity was too small and had to be cleaned up every year that passed.

After cleaning up, he will lose his memory, and Steele is Intix's former companion, but now he has forgotten.

Sadly, there are only 20 days left before this memory cleanup, and if it doesn't take place, Intex will lose her life.

"Hiss~ Is this something that people can do?"

I see, no wonder she has so many books in her head. "

"I knew that such a handsome red-haired guy wouldn't be a bad guy. "

"I'm so envious of hyperamnesia, do you still have to worry about my studies with this mother?"

"I want to have hyperamnesia too, is there a way?"

Knowing the truth, Shangjo Dangma is entangled, on the one hand, his own memory, and on the other hand, his life, which is really difficult to choose.

Soon, the countdown came to the last few hours, and Steele and God Cracked Fire Weaving came to Teacher Xiaomeng's house as promised.

Kamijo Dangma still hasn't made up his mind.

Time passed little by little, and in desperation, Kamijo prepared to say a final goodbye to Intix.

Is that all you have to give into?

Obviously, when hemp is naturally unwilling.

The unfortunate life for a long time has created a tenacious character, and the more unfortunate it is, the more it is necessary to fight and enjoy it.

Unwilling to give in, he rushed to the doctor with leprosy and made phone calls to various hospitals.

Unexpectedly, in Teacher Xiaomeng, he got the answer, and his brain capacity is not life-threatening!

It was the church that lied to Steele!

The church has done something to Intix's head!

He cracked Intix's mouth, and sure enough, he found the control sigil!

Right hand, he's going to destroy the control sigil with his right hand!

He ran into it!

Bounced off!

Intex turns on Cleanup Invader mode!

"St. George's Sanctuary" is launched!

I can't hold on to my sister's hand!

Mouth cannon mode activated!

Steele and the god Cracked Fire Weave were immediately moved.

Steele: "Fortis931"!

God Crack Fire Weaving: "Salvare000"!

The addition of these two forces immediately turned the tide of battle, and Intix's attack was deflected into the air, hitting the tree-like moon outside the aqua blue star impartially.

At the last moment, Kamijo broke through the resistance and touched Intix with his right hand.

"The collar is completely destroyed and cannot be regenerated. "

Intix is free from the control of the Church.

The "collar" dissolves into feathers, which fall to the ground and then dissipate.

But there was a piece that fell right on the head of the upper strip of the hemp, and the upper strip of the hemp fell to the ground as if it had been hit hard.

"It's exciting, it's exciting!"

"It's a Pippi shrimp, this special effect is really cool!"

"It turned out that the church was behind it, and sure enough, there was not a single good thing in the church. "

"What's going on? The big guys get it?"

"Don't call it a big guy, I don't understand, I'm so sorry for this title!"

"Whatever, anyway, the old man knows that Intix is safe~ hehe!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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