The crisis is solved, and Uejo Dangma and Intix live a life of two people without shame.

Forehead... Something is wrong, who is this girl in a kimono next to Intix?

It's Himejin Akisha!

This is also a girl who was rescued from the fire by Dangma, and after being rescued by Dangma, she had nowhere to go, so she temporarily lived in Dangma's house.


"Eh~ Why do you say it?"

"Upstairs you're stupid, aren't you Intix?"

"It's really a big shine on my sister's hands, right?"

"Brothers, this lemon is so sour that your teeth are going to fall out. "

Looking at the explosive head of Kanaya Zangjiao on the screen, fans ate lemons one after another.

The two sisters' wallets quickly deflated.

No way, woman.

On this day, on the way to school, the thirsty Dangma took out the last 2,000 yen and went to the drink self-service machine on the street.

Unfortunately, the machine malfunctioned, and the last 2,000 yen was swallowed up tragically, and there was no fart, let alone drinks.

The roof leak happened to rain overnight.

But there is no end to the sky, and a savior has appeared.

Mikoto Misaka came to his side at the right time and let out a terrible laugh when she heard his painful experience...

After the ridicule, the tsundere discharge girl still used violence and forcibly made the self-service machine spit out more than a dozen cans of drinks.

Although the money can't be recovered, the drink can't be left without it.

Just as Ma was grateful to Mikoto, a surprising scene appeared.

A girl with the exact same appearance as Mikoto appears.

When Mai Trin saw the girl, she hurriedly pulled her away.

When things are impermanent, there must be demons, sneaky, and there must be cats.

When Ma is naturally very puzzled in his heart, why is there a girl who is exactly the same as Mikoto Misaka?

Could it be her sister.

"I've learned the way to forcibly take drinks, so I'm going to line up with the drink machine!"

"Upstairs, don't be impulsive, people have superpowers. "

"That is, if you don't think about superpowers, you have to think about the law!"

"I'm also confused, what's the origin of this girl?"

"Brothers, I have an immature idea, twins..."

In all fairness.

Dangma, who was returning home with a bunch of drinks, bumped into the girl again on the road.

The girl seems to have a natural affection for Dangma, and she took the initiative to help Dangmahjong drink return home.

It also solved the fleas on the stray cats adopted by Intix, who, like the discharge girl, also have superpowers in electromagnetism.

This is even more puzzling.

What's more coincidental is that the next day, when Ma met the girl by chance.

This may be the inevitability of chance.

After all, the power of the sister's hand is endless.

This time, the girl is preparing to adopt a stray cat, but because the cat will feel uncomfortable due to the electromagnetic force on her body, she has not touched the cat for a long time.

When Ma saw this, he shouted, 'Let me come', and picked up the girl... The cat next to him.

The cat instantly became a bond between the two, and they pressed the road to go to the convenience store to buy some food for the cat.

When she arrived at the convenience store, when Ma went in to buy something, the girl was holding the cat that Dangma forcibly threw to her, standing outside the store and waiting.

Suddenly, a surprised expression appeared on the girl's face.

Following her line of sight, a white-haired boy stared at her with a grim smile on his face.

As if to eat her.

As soon as the camera turned, the girl and the teenager were fiercely chasing and fighting in the dim alley.

Obviously, the strength of the teenager is much higher than that of the girl.

As a last resort, the girl had no choice but to fight and retreat.

But to no avail, the girl was brutally killed, and the scene was extremely tragic for a time.

"This young man is so cruel, he can do it to such a beautiful little girl!"

"Cruel to the extreme!"

"Such a simple and lovely girl can be killed, this boy is really annoying!"

"Don't mention it, let me cry a little longer. "

At the door of the convenience store, when Ma Ma, who bought good things, saw a lonely kitten being placed on the ground, but the girl was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Following his sixth sense, he explored the alley where the two had just fought, and the traces of the battle on the ground were so obvious.

Following these traces of battle, he found the filament of the girl's tragic death!



In his pain, he had no choice but to call the police.

When the police arrived, he led the police to check on the girl's body, and something strange happened, the girl's body was missing.

Sad, Kamijo Dangma hurriedly looked inside.

An even more shocking scene emerged.

It seems that what he just saw was an illusion, and the girl he saw with his own eyes who died tragically appeared in front of him again!

Before he could ask, a dozen more people in the narrow alley who looked exactly like the girl appeared, and warned him not to get involved in the matter again.

When the hemp man is stupid.

Just like the audience in front of the screen right now.

After much thought, he decided to go to Mai Trin and ask for clarification.

When he came to Mai Trin's dormitory, Mai T琴 was not at home, only Mai Trin's junior sister Shirai Kuroko who had a relationship with each other was there.

Kuroko, who was full of gossip in his heart, invited him into the room to wait.

He could only do so.

Unfortunately, the dormitory manager was rounding, and he had to get under Mai Trin's bed to hide.

And this evasion brought him unexpected gains.

He unexpectedly found a document in the belly of the white bear puppet under the bed, and this document recorded the truth.

"What a coincidence of the exploding head. "

"There is no coincidence, everything is inevitable in chance. "

"Everything is in my sister's hands. "

"Doesn't anyone care about that information?"

"Yes, I'm all tickled by that information. "

It turns out that the girl, the girl who looks exactly like her mother when Ma meets, is a clone of Mikoto Misaka, and they share a brain "Misaka Network" and have the same memories.

There are more than 20,000 of them in the academy city.

It was 10031 who had just died, and the girl who later talked to Kamijo Danma was 10032.

The purpose of their existence is death, to let the white-haired boy grow up.

According to the calculation of the tree map satellite, the boy will evolve from LV5 to LV6 after killing 20,000 clones of Mikoto Misaka, becoming the strongest in the school city.

Today, the teenager's hands are covered with snow from 10,031 young girls.

"Cruel, a bunch of big perverts!"

"It's just that the boy is cruel, and the person who came up with this plan is even more cruel!"

"This group of people will ignore life, and there will be no human rights for human cloning. "

"Damn, I lost my favor with the people on the science side in an instant!"

When Ma learned the truth, he was naturally furious, and he wanted to ask Meiqin for an explanation.

After some searching, finally, at the bridge where they met several times, the two met again.

Ma immediately took out the report and asked Mai Trin, who rarely did not refute it, her face full of remorse and sadness.

Her heart was also in pain.

It turned out that the higher-ups who had made this plan had deceived her at a young age, and when she learned all about it, it was too late and there was no way to stop it.

And more importantly, that boy is the first party in the seven LV5 of the school city, and Mai Trin can't beat it.

When hemp naturally does not give up because of this.

After some hard persuasion, I learned that tonight was the day when the 10032 opponent passed.

When Ma learned the location, he hurried to try to stop it.

And Mikoto Misaka, who was entangled, finally made up her mind and followed behind, deciding to end all this.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "191...97", "The sky is crying blue sea", and "Demolition Brigade Captain Gan", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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