The AMV fire related to the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" this time can be described as unexpected.

Although there are also parties who add a fire in the middle, but if there is no "Who Are You Loving - Shangjo Danma" at the beginning, everything is the source of nothingness.

In addition to this unexpected surprise, the originally planned virtual anchor plan is also going on step by step.

Since the last time Fang Zheng assigned the task to Yang Li, Yang Li has seized the time to train the voice actors under her hands.

However, this training is also a piece of cake for the voice actors, except for the initial determination of the virtual identity and the relevant regulations in the live broadcast process, which is a little annoying, the other voices are just the original work of the voice actors.

After all, who doesn't have a special skill when they come out to do it?

As a voice actor, who doesn't know four, five, six, seven, or eight voice changes.

What loli sound, royal sister sound, queen sound, zhengtai sound, etc., etc., etc., etc., are not a problem.

At this moment, it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

And now,Taking advantage of the gap between the old and the new one,While the fans' attention has not yet been focused on the new one,It's extremely good to choose this time.。

Time passed quietly again, and before I knew it, a week had passed.

The AMV competition came to an end, and the top performers naturally received rich rewards, while the other participants also received awards for encouraging their participation.

I have to say that A will not treat fans badly in this regard.

For the development of AMV, Founder has completely borrowed from the two-dimensional template of the previous life.

In addition to the barrage of learning at the beginning, activities such as the cultivation of up masters and the annual top 100 up master elections are activities that can improve user viscosity and user engagement.

In the past, Founder also had likes, forwards, and comment mechanisms for the profession of up master, and gave real monetary rewards to the up master according to the number of broadcasts and the number of gifts obtained.

Although the current development of professional up owners is still a little worse than imagined, I believe that under the operation of A Society, animation mixing and ghost animals will inevitably be able to get faster and better development.

Just like this opportunity seized by Fangzheng this time, the AMV competition was held on the occasion of the new release, and the winners were rewarded with figures, which greatly stimulated the creative passion of the up master.

After all, the figure is more precious to the fans of the second dimension than the wife.


Finally, on this day, the voting of the CP party on Weibo on the "Catalogue of Magical Forbidden Books" ended.

Founder Weibo and Guan Bo Niang sent a news at the same time.

"At 7 o'clock tonight, Founder will join hands with a mysterious guest to unveil the final results of the CP party of the "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog" for all fans, so stay tuned!"

Founder's Weibo blew up many fans, and everyone was a little stunned when they saw the content of Weibo, and then they were ecstatic.

They have been waiting for this result for a long time, and they are looking forward to it.

"Wow, the CP results I've been thinking about are finally coming out. "

"Shangyin is the best in the world!"

"Nonsense, it's clear that the emperor is a natural pair. "

"What status do you put on my Black Imperial Party like this!"

"If you don't mention this, don't you any of you expect Fang Da to appear? I haven't seen him for a long time. "

"Heh, what is there to look forward to in Pippi Shrimp, I want to see that mysterious guest even more. "

At Modu University, Chen Qian and several roommates crowded in front of the window, staring intently at the computer screen, only to see that the live broadcast room was still in a black state, but the dense barrage was dizzying.

"You say, which CP party will win this time?"

"Alas, it's hard to say, after all, the support of all parties is quite high. "

Hearing his roommate's discussion, Chen Qian rolled his eyes speechlessly, then got up without saying a word and walked to the bedside table on the side.

"Old Chen, you don't want to sacrifice your incense burner again. "

The roommate looked at Chen Qian, who was walking towards the bedside table, as if he had thought of something.

"Surely at this critical time, isn't it right to pray for my beloved?"

As he spoke, Chen Qian took out the incense burner that he had used several times before from the bedside table and lit three sticks of agarwood.

Suddenly, green smoke filled. I saw Chen Qian piously fold his hands, close his eyes and pray.

"Poof, Lao Chen, don't you think this thing is really useful? Although you have won the Weibo lottery before, I don't think it has much to do with this thing. "

Hearing his roommate's ridicule, Chen Qian took a deep breath, bowed very reverently to the incense burner, and then returned to the computer desk and sat down.

"You know a hammer, this is faith, this is a necessary ritual. Only then did I feel like I was doing my best for what I loved. Shangyin, you must win!"

Seeing Chen Gan's appearance, the roommates had no choice but to shake their heads, after all, this is not the first time, and it must not be the last, although they still can't adapt to it now, but they still try to adapt to it.

Not to mention, the time came to 7 o'clock, and the live broadcast started on time.

After a moment of calm, the barrage became agitated.

"Pippi Shrimp, this time you finally have no skin. "

"Pipi Shrimp, are you still the one who is no longer late?"

"I'm rubbing, and I'm finally seeing your handsome face again. "

"Seeing you again, I want to send you some fans' thoughts again. "

Fang Zheng saw these barrages, he was really angry, it seemed that he couldn't get used to this group of fans, and finally thought about them once, thinking that they would be sad for the failed CP, and he would be serious once.

But this group of fans is so excessive!

Are you too used to them?

Fang Zheng's eyebrows furrowed slightly, he felt that his decision today seemed to be a wrong choice.

"I didn't expect that I was finally on time once, and there were so many fans who were dissatisfied, so I had to think about it next time. After all, the more late you are, the bigger you are. "

"The more late the god is, the more big the person, I believe you have a ghost!"

"No, Pippi Shrimp, that's fine. "

"That is, punctuality is an important bottom line of civic morality!"

"Fang Dada, we will never be like this again. "

"It's all upstairs, the blind chicken has the rhythm. "

I can't cure you anymore.

Seeing that the fans were very cooperative to give themselves a step, Fang Zheng also knew that he would accept it when he saw it.

This group of fans is not a good stubble, I believe that if it weren't for the early knowledge of the result, I am afraid that I have already begun to line up with him at this time.

Stand corrected?

Dream on!

From this point of view, the skin of these fans is deeply rooted in his true heritage.

"It seems that you have realized your mistakes, so I hope you will keep them in mind. "

Without further ado, let's get straight to the point. "

"Presumably, you have been waiting for the outcome of the CP party battle for the Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic, so I will announce the results now. "

"The ultimate winner was—"

PS: Kneel down and beg all the bigwigs to support a lot, please!!

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