"I declare that the CP party that won the final victory is—"

"Shangyin Party!"

Before Fangzheng's words fell, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

"Sure enough, Shangyin is the best in the world!"

"Intix: People have paid for it. "

"Woo woo, my Imperial Party, my Mikoto Misaka, why are you so miserable!"

"Don't mention it, what should I do with my Ji God Qiusha and Wind Slashing Binghua!"

"Hmph, this result is not bad, my Black Royal Party can develop. "

"The opposite sex is only for reproduction, and the same sex is true love!"

When the results are announced, naturally some people are happy and some are worried, which is also something that cannot be helped.

However, some surprises were expected, and the Shangyin Party would win, which was a different ending from the previous life, perhaps the result of certain changes and optimization.

In the previous life, the appearance rate of Intix in the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" is really touching, and she is simply reduced to a cute baby who eats and waits for death.

That's fine, anyway, "Magic Forbidden Books Catalog 2" will also be on the agenda, and Intix is still the well-deserved protagonist, just right, let's take this opportunity to explain it to the audience.

"Okay, the results are out, it's your own choice, fans. The voting process is transparent. "

"I'm sure you remember it.,As I said before, in addition to the CP party dispute, this result will also affect the direction of the protagonist of the next anime.。 "

"Then now I want to explain to you that the second part of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" will choose this result, and it will still be the hero and heroine of the above article Dangma and Intix. "

"Here, Uejo Dama will start his journey to rescue, and what kind of story will they go through? In the near future, this anime will meet fans, so please stay enthusiastic and be patient!"

There are so many surprises today!

In the Modu University, Chen Qian, who was guarding the computer desk, jumped up directly from the chair after hearing the news of the victory of the Shangyin Party, and grabbed the roommate next to him and hugged him.

"Gan, Lao Chen, don't get excited! Don't ruin my life's reputation! I'm innocent, I haven't even touched my little sister's hand so far, you hug me like this!"

"Hehe, I'm not excited! Look, I'll just say that the Shangyin Party is the best in the world, and you still don't believe it. "

"Thank you to the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Sanqing Patriarch, Guanyin Master, the Quartet Bodhisattva, thank you for your blessing!"

When Chen Qian heard the other party's words, he let go of his hand in embarrassment, realizing that his actions were a little too ambiguous.

And his own sexual orientation is also normal!

"I'll just say that burning incense is useful, we can still get the blessing of incense!"

Hearing this, Qi Yu on the side pursed his lips and said helplessly.

"The result is the result of the efforts of our fans, and what is the matter with burning incense..."

At the same time, similar scenes were happening in various places.

"Okay, okay, I know you're excited right now, but you can be quiet. Below, I'm going to introduce you to a mystery guest who will be joining me for this livestream. "

"Her name is Cat Attack Hinata, I can only reveal a name for the time being, and you need to find out for yourselves~"

Fang Zheng smiled mysteriously, and as soon as the words fell, the live broadcast room fell into darkness.

Slowly, a beam of light hit the center of the screen, and the silhouette of a person gradually became clear.

"How's that, can you still see clearly?"

Fangzheng's voice also came out at the right time.

"Look at the chicken, what's going on in this darkness?"

Fans are making a fuss.

"What? I can't see clearly! You spicy chicken audience, you are not qualified to do it. "

Fang Zheng took the opportunity to skin it, and then let the mysterious guest appear, not hanging the appetite of fans.

I saw the darkness fade, and a little Lori with pink cat ears and two long braids hanging down from the side of her ears appeared in front of the audience.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Cat Attack Hinata, please take care of me in the future. "

When fans saw the true face of the cat attacking Hinata, they couldn't help but talk about it.

"This pink-haired loli is so cute, the old man's girly heart!

"Is this another anime character with virtual imaging technology?"

"Is this the same existence as His Highness Tianyi?"

"No matter what, from today onwards, the old man has one more wife. "

"Upstairs, Nong's brain is watted? This is obviously my wife!"

When Cat Attack Hinata saw the barrage arguing for her in the live broadcast room, she couldn't help but speak out.

"Fans... Don't argue, I'll always be by everyone's side in the future..."

Seeing the barrage of fans, this Hinata seemed to be frightened, and his voice was soft and weak, really like a kitten.

And when fans heard the answer of the cat attack Hinata, they were amazed again.

"Well... So gentle. "

"Such a voice... It's really annoying. "

"What do you mean by being there for us all the time?!"

"But what kind of companionship?"


"Now, you've got to know our mysterious guest, Cat Attack Hinata. So, let me unveil the second part of our live stream today. "

"This content is also related to our mystery guest. "

"A company is ready to permanently open the live broadcast section, and Cat Attack Hyuga is the first batch of anchors in our live broadcast section. "

"Of course, unlike those real anchors in Fighting Shark and Goose Factory, they are a group of virtual anchors. "

"Cat Attack Hyuga is the representative of our first batch of virtual anchors. "

"Here, you will be able to make small talk with virtual streamers, listen to them sing, and even play games with them. "

"I hope that in the future, you can get along with them happily. "

As soon as Fangzheng's voice fell, fans were talking again.

"Wow, Company A has finally made the live broadcast section resident, and finally I don't have to watch this kind of temporary live broadcast every time. "

"However, I still don't understand too much, how does a virtual anchor do virtual methods?"

"Hmm... I guess, it's probably all characters like His Highness Tianyi?"

"No matter what they are, they must be high-quality products, and virtual anchors will definitely not let us down. "

Fang Zheng saw the doubts of fans, and began to answer them.

"A virtual anchor is a person who uses a virtual identity to broadcast live. "

"And the virtual anchors we selected this time are all employees of the voice actor department of our A company. "

"Here, you'll see voice actors such as Estes, Hitomi Akai, Mio Akiyama, and Akiyui using their respective voices to stream for you. "

"Here, you will actually experience communication with the red pupils and the dumb ones. "

I see.

"Got it, got it. "

"Is it the old brother upstairs?"

"Does that mean I will be able to hear my wife's answer to me?"

"Looks like yes, I'm looking forward to it!"

PS: Kneel down and ask for a lot of support from the big guys, please!!

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