Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 106 The King's Disqualification (⑤⑤⑤)

(The brain-burning kingdom chapter is finally about to usher in the final climax, the person is finally healed, the elders are also discharged from the hospital, and the double watch will resume from tomorrow! Probably...)

Alex saw clearly how Aiden delegated power to himself.

On the one hand, Aiden's body is aging very quickly, and his energy is weaker than before, and he needs someone to help him deal with government affairs.

On the other hand, Aiden, who holds the military power tightly, allows Alex to handle government affairs, which is not a means of detention.

Alex now regrets sending a secret letter to his son.

Aiden's death-deception methods were so clever that he deceived himself. Until Aiden appeared publicly, all the feedback information convinced Alex that there was something wrong with Aiden.

Although I don't know why Aiden terminated the original plan, it made Alex even more vigilant - in this Alterac city, his control is not as high as he imagined.

When the personal butler, Lucen Sackhoff, pushed the dining car to Alex's office room, the Grand Duke waved his hand, and the crowd waited and bowed and retreated to the side to leave the private space for the Duke to eat.

"Master, today's venison is fresh. Luo Yan used traps to replenish goods yesterday, and they killed them this morning." The butler arranged the tableware while explaining.

"Really? Go down and tell them, I understand the kindness, and don't have to spend much time in these aspects." Alex replied lightly.

"It was the command of the young master and wife. You have been overworked recently. They hope you eat better and are just ordinary deer." After Lusen Sackhoff finished speaking, he stepped aside.

Hearing this, Alex Barov's hand twitched unnaturally, then put down the knife and fork along the way, and concealed his gaffe with the large movements when pouring the wine.

"In that case, I'll eat more." Alex said.

After entering the palace, although he has gained the initiative in the situation, he has lost the secretiveness of his actions. From the moment he stepped into the palace, Alex was under surveillance all the time—the cleaning maid, the attendant on guard, the guard on duty at night. Kings, nobles, military, foreign spies, everyone who cares about the situation in the Alterac kingdom will stare at the Grand Duke of Barov’s house.

There are advantages and disadvantages, Alex puts himself on the bright side, and his subordinates have more room to act.

Lu Sen is a good steward, but he is definitely not a good intelligence officer. The remarks just now didn't have much hidden meaning in themselves.

But the orders of Luo Yan, the ordinary deer, and the young master, these three secret words together, it is a remarkable signal.

A few months ago, his son, who was a general in the Alliance, secretly transferred his forces back to Alterac and handed him over. It wasn't until then that Alex realized that he had wanted to be the eldest son Carlos of the king since he was a child.

From the moment the alliance was formed, Carlos was digging Aiden's corner. For more than a year, all kinds of demanding cards, all kinds of stealing spoils, all kinds of buying people's hearts, and forming private parties. The alliance named Carlos, Rear Admiral, secretly developed a private army of more than 500 people lurking in Alterac. city.

He was shocked by his son's frenzied actions, and Alex, who was accustomed to using political means to solve problems, acquiesced in all this after hesitating again and again.

Whether it was the friendship of childhood or the friendship of his officials for decades, Alex had no intention of harming Aiden. Even if things get to this point, Alex still hopes to resolve everything peacefully and satisfactorily.

Because Alex thinks he has a winning ticket-the Minister of Finance supports the Barov family, the palace garrison supports the Barov family, the Mayor of Stormblade supports the Barov family, the Highland Mountain Council Support the Barov family, even the queen's father also expressed support for the Barov family. The general trend is irresistible.

And from all the signs, it was speculated that Aiden's child had a problem, either a girl or unable to support it, so the royal family did not even hear the slightest noise. The defiance of the Queen's family made Alex even more convinced of his own judgment.

All in all, Alex felt that as long as he waited, he would be able to exchange a crown for the Barov family.

But the message from the Archmage Brick made Alex feel a little uneasy.

The prophecy, which is worth 3,000 gold coins and two-year lifespan of square bricks, foresees a bright future with blood.

For the power of magic, Alex was in awe, and it was also the prophecy of the square bricks, so Alex chose to silently observe the dishonorable actions of his eldest son Carlos under his nose.

Putting together the three key words of the wild goose, the ordinary deer, and the young master's command, Alex reminded Alex of a story that Carlos told when he chatted with his elder son.

Qin lost his deer, and the whole world chased it.

Although he knew that this story was made up by his son, Alex, who was familiar with historical documents, knew that no matter whether humans or trolls, there is no "Qin" country or big tribe. But for his son's opinion, Alex is still satisfied, so he can't let his son's rebel thinking be ignored. Anyway, the patriarch of the Barov family is himself, and Carlos has not yet turned the capital.

So the "ordinary deer" became a short story that only the father and son knew.

After lunch, Grand Duke Alex decided to continue to deal with the affairs of the kingdom, and everything will be decided after Aiden presides over the court meeting tomorrow.

Being watched by countless people, the patriarch of the Barov family actually didn't have many methods to use.

In the political game in the past few years, Alex has tried his best to gain a great advantage for Carlos. By now, the Grand Duke did not have much room and leeway to play.

"Lu Sen, go make arrangements, and tell the royal palace supervisor that I want to have dinner with His Majesty the King." After instructing the butler, Grand Duke Alex signaled that the officials waiting on the side could come forward and continue discussing government affairs.

After leaving the secret den in the civilian area of ​​Alterac City from the tunnel, Dandema followed Carlos to a dozen seemingly unrelated locations.

Because at this point in time, the night elves are still rare creatures in the Eastern Kingdoms, so Dandema is dressed in a heavy gray cloth cloak, and Carlos is also very sturdy. With Carlos leading the way, everything is going well.

"You're playing dice a bit idle along the way, is there any special meaning?" Dan Dema asked.

"This is a twenty-sided die." Carlos replied.

"And then." Dan Dema still didn't understand the meaning of throwing dice.

"These are five twenty-sided dice." Carlos continued to answer.

"Forget it, I won't ask, you just be happy." Dan Dema must do what he said. In the secluded alley, there is only the sound of footsteps and Carlos playing dice.

"I'm trying to cast a hundred points." Carlos finished speaking, and did not get a response from Dan Dema, so he continued: "This is an achievement worth one hundred points!"

"Aren't you confident? Hope you get psychological comfort in this form?" Dan Dema didn't understand Carlos's thinking logic, and couldn't help but speak again.

"Where is there a way to turn back, I'm just increasing my bargaining chips."

Arrived at the destination, Carlos spread his palms, ninety-five o'clock.

Putting away the dice and sighing secretly, Carlos knocked on the door of the last resident at the end of the alley.

"Who?" Before the door was opened, a low male voice came.

"Kingcovergroundtiger." Carlos replied.

"Pagodatownrivermonster." The other party responded.

"SkyKingcovergroundtiger." Carlos responded to the secret code again.

The other party didn't respond for a long time, and after a while, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Pricetowershockrivermonster." After the other party finished answering, the door finally opened.

"Your Excellency the Great Knight Commander, Aslan Pray, I would like to help you."

After the young knight welcomed Carlos into the door, he knelt on one knee and kissed the back of Carlos's hand.

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