Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 107 The King's Disqualification (The Second Power)

The sun has risen, but Alex Barov's heart is still as gloomy as the ice that never melts on the snow-capped mountains.

The long talks throughout the night, King Aiden's heart-to-heart, left the Grand Duke at a loss as if he were falling from a high altitude.

The conspiracy is still sincere, and the trick is redemption, Alex can't tell.

A candlelight dinner of two old men, no servants, no maids.

Alex and Aiden seem to have gone back thirty years ago, back to the age when they were both local and evil.

You help me get the chili sauce, I will help you hand over the pepper, a rare and harmonious meal.

After about eight points full, Aiden began to talk, telling Alex all his plans.

Terenas Menethil II and Gene Greymane are using the alliance to fight dissidents.

The seemingly just alliance and the seemingly just strategy hide the conspiracy under the sun-food.

As the first area that humans arrived in the north, the Hillbrad hilly area is highly developed and full of materials. It is the foundation of the Alterac Kingdom. However, in this war, the Hillblad area was the main theater and the area with the greatest loss.

Aiden told Alex that the invisible undercurrent had already swept the Alterac kingdom. Nobles are unreliable, merchants are unreliable, farmers are even more unreliable, and the only reliable soldiers and knights suffered heavy casualties.

Terenas and Gene seemed to mobilize a large number of troops to join the alliance and unified command, but they were all farmers and civilians, while Alterac dispatched professional soldiers.

This means that after the war, the Kingdom of Lordaeron and Gilneas will harvest a large number of soldiers who have been baptized in blood and flames. As for the Alterac Kingdom, it will be pain that cannot be smoothed out of two generations' time.

Aiden told Alex that at the beginning of the battle, Alterac's professional soldiers had been on the front line, and had saved the situation countless times. Under the attack of the orc wolf cavalry, Alterac's cavalry fought bloody, blocking the frenzy from the tribe.

And Terenas and Gene, Ka Alterac's throat is actually on the food issue.

Aiden was talking, his eyes flushed, and he told Alex a secret.

For the stability of the alliance, Anduin Lothar and Aiden reached an agreement. The secret agreement stipulates that Aiden unconditionally supports Lothar and provides assistance in the subsequent reconstruction of the Stormwind Kingdom, while Lothar provides refuge for Aiden and the Alterac Kingdom.

As a supplement to this agreement, Aiden planned a deception to prove his sincerity to the blood of Thoradin. In the plan, Aiden will falsely surrender and lure the tribe into dividing troops into the rugged mountain roads of Alterac Mountains, and then together with Lothar's ambush, destroy the orc among the lofty mountains.

This less glorious plan can bring reputation and prestige to Aiden, and Lothar, who has done bad things and benefited from it, promised to provide special care to the Alterac soldiers in the alliance and reduce their casualties.

Aiden was a little drunk, and the unspeakable things that should have been rotten in his stomach were shaken off by him.It turned out that under the tight finances, Aiden fooled Lothar and the Alliance with the second batch of conscription plans. Aiden only recruited less than 2,000 people for the original quota of 5,000 people.

"Losha brought me the message that the battle situation has changed, and the reinforcements that I said could not come. The orcs also brought me the message. They are very happy, they are coming soon. What zone do I use to block the gang? Animal of the Horde? Alex, tell me, what should I do? What should Alterac do?" Aiden looked very painful.

"In Guy Erdalon, I still have 1,000 soldiers, so that nobles from all over the world can recruit servants. Alterac can put together at least 5,000 soldiers. You have the Knights of Alterac, and you have me!" As a member of Alterac, Cox made his own guarantee.

So all night, -kunchen had a great time, as if the estrangement between the two had disappeared.

However, at the Great Court meeting the next day, Aiden, who was sitting on the Iron Throne in the Assembly Hall, which could hold 500 people, slapped Alex severely.

"Everyone, Lothar made up false news to deceive us, and the Alliance deserted us, Alterac is at stake!" Although Aiden's face was pale, his voice was full of breath, without any signs of weakness or aging.

When many aristocratic officials in the Council Chamber exclaimed abnormally at the words of His Majesty the King, Aiden stood up and walked to the wrist held by Alex.

"I talked with the Grand Duke all night, and finally made a difficult decision. For Alterac's future, for the future of everyone present, Alterac will leave the Alliance and join the Horde." After Aiden finished speaking, the scene immediately Get confused.

"Alex, one night is enough to do too many things. As long as you cooperate, I promise that both this crown and the throne will belong to Carlos. If you don't cooperate, then I can only express regret. ."

After speaking to Alex Barov in a low voice, Aiden Pirinold raised his free hand and waved it. Well-equipped guards had already poured into the hall.

The discussions and disputes of the officials and nobles quickly became quieter.

After waiting for another moment, the needle fell quietly in the spacious assembly hall.

"Everyone, I know you have questions, but put your questions aside first, and let us have envoys from the tribe."

When Aiden finished speaking, three mysterious men in gray robes walked into the hall through the side door.

When they pulled down their hoods, there was a burst of inhalation, forming a clear wave in the quiet hall.

"Everyone, I'm very glad to meet you. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I am GuosenStanda from the tribe." A strong bald orc introduced himself in a proficient common language.

"I know that many people mistakenly believe that our orcs are savage, bloodthirsty, unreasonable, and even cannibals. But I want to tell you that these are all slanders, delusions, and remnants of the Southern Kingdom. The slander of selfish desires! Today, I, an orc, Guosen Standa from the tribe, brought peace and hope to all of Alterac!" The orc envoy stated impassionedly. "The defeat of the Alliance is inevitable, but the Horde welcomes new friends."

Afterwards, the orc named Gosenstad introduced the benefits of joining the tribe to everyone present.

The most important point is that when the alliance is defeated, Alterac will lead the post-war human world as a tribe, and Alterac nobles will become world nobles.

What a wonderful promise, on the same level as the orcs, higher than other humans, the many nobles in the Alterac Kingdom here only paid for the king to follow them, and did nothing.

"Now, sign the contract and agree to the Alterac Kingdom to join the tribe one by one." Aiden winked, and immediately an attendant brought out the high table, contract and writing tools.

Under Aiden's leadership, his party members scrambled to sign their name on the contract. The Duke faction is watching their leader, Alex Barov. As for the neutrals, they frowned and were at a loss.

Gradually, one-third of the noble officials signed their names on the contract. Aiden winked, and the undercover lurking under Alex stood up and signed the contract.

The situation slowly turned to Aiden's side, the neutral faction was shaken, the herd mentality had the upper hand, more and more people signed the contract, and Alex's duke faction became a minority.

"My Lord Duke?" Someone began to ask Alex, but the Grand Duke clenched his fists in his hands and remained silent.

"My lord, you should be a wise man among human beings, join the tribe, there is a lot to do in the vast world!" Guosenstanda persuaded.

"Alex, sign it, it's all for Alterac." Aiden walked to the high school desk, picked up the pen, turned back to Alex, and put the pen into his hand.

"Master Grand Duke, what should I do?"

"Sign it!"

"Can't sign!"

"The orcs are unbelievable!"

"Master Duke, for Alterac, let's sign it!"

"Master Duke, we listen to you!"

In the noisy voice of persuasion, Alex looked uncertain.

"The price, Aiden, haven't you thought about the price of betraying the Alliance?" After a long time, Alex asked.

"I am the one who betrayed!" Aiden roared suddenly furiously.

"This is not a reason." Alex shook his head indifferently.

"Enough for me! Guards, please sign the Duke!" Aiden suddenly had no patience to play a gentle trick.

Soon, the four guards came out and walked to the stiff Grand Duke Alex.

"Your Excellency, please."

Seeing that Alex did not move, someone tried to push, but his companion pinched his wrist.


"What are you doing, carry out your majesty's order" The guard who was holding his wrist screamed his companion.

"I have said enough."

Taking off the visor, Carlos threw the guy under his control out.

"Carlos!" Alex looked at his son in astonishment, completely destined to think he would appear here.

"Your Majesty, or should you call you Uncle Aiden? As a king, you are disqualified." Carlos finished speaking, turned around, facing his father, bending over to take out the pen in Alex's hand. , Fold it in two and throw it aside. "You taught me that a man can bend for life, compromise for his family, lie for his career, but he must never forget that he is an individual for the sake of power. I am proud of you, my father."

"You shouldn't have come, we have already lost." Alex took a deep breath, smiled helplessly at his son, and turned to look at the two guards remaining behind him.

In the time when the father and son of Barov's family were talking, Aiden walked back to the Iron Throne step by step and sat down.

"Carlos, you came just right, so just sign it together, guard, prepare a new pen, make it stronger," the king ordered.

Carlos walked slowly to the higher education desk where the contract book was in full bloom, slowly rolled up the contract book, and put it away behind him.

"My dear nephew, what do you mean?" Aiden asked with interest with one hand resting his chin.

"Criminal evidence," Carlos replied.

"Oh? Who do you want to give to?" Aiden continued to ask.

"It's not you anyway. Allow me to call you one last, Your Majesty Aiden, you have been arrested." Carlos replied.

"Talk to the guards, remember to stay alive, I want to know who betrayed me."

After speaking, Aiden beckoned, and more guards rushed into the hall.

"No one betrays you, Your Majesty. It's just that they chose justice and me."

Carlos also beckoned, and the guards with white silk ropes tied to the hilt and spear head moved ahead and aimed their weapons at their former companions.

"Traitor, former baron Carlos, you will receive the harshest trial!"

Seeing that things had changed unexpectedly, Aiden couldn't help standing up from the Iron Throne and pointing his finger to Carlos.

Facing Aiden's accusation, Carlos took out a dark brown cloth belt from his waist and tied the loose hair into a high ponytail.

"You have no right to judge me, because I am righteous!"

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