Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 114 Running in the sunset is my lost youth

(The second chapter is late. Two sentences, because it is the author's first book, even if it is a fan-like novel, the author wants to give the audience who likes this book the best experience. It should be good left and right. After three chapters, before uploading, the author read them through and suddenly got a new idea. Tangled for a while, decisively tore up. The return overnight is the ideal ending of this chapter. I believe I will use it. Writing with a serious attitude and treating readers with a serious attitude will eventually pay off.)

When Aslan Qi'an took the Bonigoto Hardener's sword to Dandemar Lanyu and asked for martial arts guidance and demonstrated his newly acquired power of the Holy Light, the night elf couldn't help but sigh inwardly. : Is Carlos going to die?

In the battle to destroy Gul'dan's death and death circle, Carlos used the power of the unskilled Master to severely overdraw the power of the Holy Light.

Dan Dema was curious about the battle against the orc female swordsman during the dynasty. The paladin should have an overwhelming advantage against the assassin's agile opponents. Why does Carlos play so hard? Why not use his iconic saint. Wings of light.

Dandema wanted to understand afterwards, it was not that Carlos didn't want to use it, but that he couldn't use it at all.

In successive battles, the so-called strongest paladin in the alliance was almost exhausted.

However, after performing the baptism ceremony for the eight great knight commanders, Carlos remained unresolved and gave Aslan Qi'an a paladin transfer. It was crazy!

The Holy Light is so powerful, do you want to try it yourself?

Dan Dema couldn't help but think so.

The situation in Alterac has stabilized, and the agreement with Carlos has been completed. A series of events made the night elf's former martial artist mentally exhausted.

Anyway, my sister was also found, it's time to say goodbye. But before saying goodbye to Carlos, Dandema didn't mind giving pointers to the young man.

"Well, let's discuss it."

His thoughts have turned a thousand twists and turns, but only in an instant. Dan Dema Lan Yu accepted Aslan Qi'an's request for guidance.

Just when Dan Dema began to tentatively test the strength of Aslan Qi'an, Carlos had already left Alterac City in a special team.

"Your Majesty, your body is so burly, your features are too obvious, and the concealment effect will not be too good. Moreover, we are going out of the city with your warrant.

A little brother that Brother Bal valued very much was promoted by Carlos because of his ability to do things.

This mind-conscious young man expressed his worries.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we move fast enough." Carlos took off the Kabuto cap and face towel after leaving the city.

Including the king, a total of forty-one people rode highland horses unique to the Alterac Mountains, rushing to a place called the Valley of the Wind.

The Valley of the Wind is located to the northeast of Alterac. Due to its unique geography, this valley will make a deafening roar due to the roaring wind on the night of autumn and winter. The nearby herders also call it the Roaring Valley or It is the Valley of Giants.

After about two hours of riding, Carlos and his team rushed to the Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

The valley of the wind in the daytime looks empty and lonely.

"His Majesty."

The secret agent lurking in the dark spotted Carlos and his party and took the initiative to report.

"The target is not moving in the valley?" Carlos asked.

"Yes, after all, there is... a drag, and you can't move freely." The spy reported.

"Then let's go into the valley." Carlos gave the order.

So everyone dismounted and carefully led the horses to walk on the gravel ground in the valley.

Carlos did not hide his travels from anyone.

Alterant City, no, Alterac Kingdom, and even the entire Alliance, humans with such a burly body are rare.

When the silence fell and the opposition, hiding in a surrender posture, got the news, they couldn't bear it anymore.

The city gates could block the personnel from going out, but they could not block the outflow of news.

Soon, the unusual undercurrent in Alterac was noticed by the regent Alex Barov.

"Naughty, how can Carlos be so irrelevant!"

Although reprimanding the king before subordinates does not seem to respect the king's power, who makes the grand duke the king's father? The officials can only assume that they have not heard.

Urgently summoned the king's knights to meet the king, Alex dismissed the crowd and said that he wanted to be alone.

Standing at the window, Alex couldn't help sighing.

"Lu Sen, send someone to inform Master Dan Dema about this."

After thinking about it for a long time, Alex decided to send a housekeeper to handle this matter.

Outside the Valley of the Wind, a temporary team of more than two hundred people gathered.

These people are the last force of the opposition.

Nobles are selfish, and no one will make a desperate move if they can survive. What's more, the cleaning performed by Alex was precise and effective, and his grasp of the joints was especially sophisticated. The capture of key figures directly destroyed the last hope of the Perenold family.

The remaining opposition faction is not so much a dead party as it is an anti-Barov alliance. What they opposed has become the Barov family's decision to take the throne and turned against the Barov family itself. Instead, there were many survivors of the former royal party.

However, this team is their final strength.

The scattered desperadoes were stimulated by the high bounty of the series, and swarmed into the valley, hoping to catch the legendary fat sheep in exchange for the sky-high bounty.

However, the reality made them a big joke.

Forty people on the intelligence came to them and turned into a hundred people in a blink of an eye.

In front of the elite soldiers, the unarmored thugs armed with sharp blades are a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The ambushers were ambushed, and the perpetrators were killed.

The veterans who had fought with the orcs for nearly a year in the Hillblad Hills had no mercy when they faced a group of mobs stimulated by money.

"General, run a few, do you want to pursue it?" The team leader stubbornly called Carlos as a general.

He respects this man because of his merits and bravery; he obeys the man’s orders because he has saved his life more than once on the battlefield; the man in his eyes is just the invincible general and not Altland The king of grams.

"No, only survivors can clearly spread our overwhelming advantage. These people are more useful to live than to die. In addition, you don't need to clean the battlefield, you should evacuate first." Carlos said.

"Understood." The team leader nodded and left quickly after counting.

More than one hundred people on Carlos' side fought two hundred pairs, injured six people, and wiped out 207 people from the enemy, none of them survived. It seems that this battle should not be called a war, but a massacre.

When Lilian Jackson led the forward team to track down the trail to Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, all they saw were the corpses of the mob neatly arranged in a square array, the soldiers who were also neatly arranged in an array and sat down to rest, and dressed in a cloak. The king of China.

"I thought it would be Shang Gewenjie or Henry Shett, but I didn't expect it to be you." Carlos couldn't help sighing.

"Your Majesty, are you okay!" Seeing Carlos being okay, Lilian Jackson walked forward quickly, his face full of relief.

However, when Lilian Jackson passed Carlos's guard, the guards who sat down immediately stood up and separated Lilian Jackson and the guards he had brought.

"Your Majesty, what are you?" Lilian Jackson asked inexplicably, and slowly approached his king.

"Answer me, what is your heart vow." Carlos asked.

"Loyal." Lilian Jackson stopped five steps away from Carlos, and then answered the king's question.

"To whose loyalty" Carlos continued to ask.

"Your Majesty Aiden." Lilian Jackson understood that if he loses the power of the Paladin, even Carlos in a weak state is not an opponent, so he answers truthfully.

"Why?" Carlos frowned.

"My original name was Lee Lian Jie, an illegitimate son with an unknown father. His Majesty Aiden gave me everything. The Holy Light is on, and I don't believe that you killed His Majesty Aiden, but Oridon Pirino The Marquis de De should be the orthodox heir to the throne, you should not steal the crown!" Lilian Jackson replied.

Carlos took a deep breath, feeling that the answer was so ridiculous that he couldn't accept it. He felt that the persuasion lines he thought became useless in an instant, and finally turned into a slightly sneered question: "Where did your confidence challenge me?" "

"Because you are seriously injured and not healed." Lilian Jackson answered truthfully.

From the point of view that Carlos was prepared for a long time, Lilian Jackson knew that he had been betrayed.

Although the betrayer didn't know who the Deadpool was among the twelve great knights in the Royal Knights, he revealed the information to the new king.

Then the truth is ready to come out, the so-called last "opportunity" has become the last "trap". Whoever leaves the army and arrives first will be Aiden's last foreshadowing - Deadpool.

"Your Majesty, I have brought seventy-six people, but you only have forty people under your hand. Every one of them is the same as me. They are deeply blessed by His Majesty Aiden. They have already set aside their lives. If you don't have a chance, you can catch it with your hands. "Lilian Jackson said sincerely.

However, Carlos shook his head helplessly, raised his hand high, and waved it down heavily.In the distance, five long-prepared super-magic fire explosions whizzed out, instantly hitting the rebels whose attention was on him. The guards ready to go took advantage of the momentum.

"The mage is not just a mobile fort, but a mage who can't even be a fort is definitely a waste." Carlos didn't pay attention to the battle over there. Uncle Brick took the shot, and the ending was doomed.

"Surrender to me, loyal to me, I forgive your crimes." Carlos looked at Lilian Jackson pityingly.

"Sorry, loyalty is higher than life." Lilian Jackson drew his weapon.

However, Lilian Jackson, who was a full head shorter than Carlos, had an absolute disadvantage in strength. He just became a Paladin in the use of the power of the light is far inferior to Carlos.

Without too many fancy skills, he used his left arm guard to open the weapon and pinched the opponent's neck with his right hand. Carlos instantly shattered all the hopes of Lilian Jackson.

"!" Lilian Jackson said hard.

"Your loyalty is admirable, and your stupidity is infuriating. If there is another life, be my subordinate." Carlos finished speaking gently, and broke Lilian Jackson's throat with one hand.

Released his hand, letting the body of the man who wrote Deadpool read as the loyal to slip off, Carlos quickly untied [Samson's hairband].

Less than 20% of his health seriously affected Carlos’ health. However, his high stamina allowed Carlos to maintain his basic mobility, but the thin power of the Holy Light in his body was not even enough for Carlos to display his sage. Light arts to heal yourself.

After a violent cough, the battle was over.

"Young Master, you are dying!" Uncle Brick led three people dressed as wizards to salute Carlos.

"It was worth it, and I finally got the fruit of victory." Carlos responded with a pale smile to the person he trusted.

When Shang Gewenjie and Henry Shett led the troops to arrive, Carlos's complexion was not so pale after a short rest.

Leaving the two great knight commanders to deal with the rebellion, Carlos walked to the depths of the Valley of the Wind alone.

When Dandema quickly felt her sister’s hermitage, she found that Douglas, a human hunter who was supposed to be healed, had his face swollen again and fell to the ground like a pig’s head, and her sister sat cleverly like a different person. Aside.

"Carlos..." Dandema looked at Carlos holding the baby, not knowing what to say for a while.

"The princess, who is destined to exist like a ghost, has forgotten to ask, what is her name." Carlos teased the child and asked softly.

"I don't know, her parents didn't have time to name her." Guy Randril answered cautiously.

"Then call Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke must be by this name" Carlos finished speaking, and returned the child to Guy Randril.

"Carlos..." Dandema suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Master, take your sister and this child and leave, go back to Kalimdor, go back to your elves' homeland, and never come back again. For my humanity, please, for our friendship, please After finishing talking, Carlos took off a ring engraved on the wolf's head from his hand, put it in the baby's swaddling, took out a bag of coins and put it on the table, then turned and left.

Dan Dema is both gratified and regretful, satisfied and disappointed.

Thousands of words come together into one sentence.

"Goodbye, friend."

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