Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 115 You Have Zhang Liangji, I Have A Wall Ladder

(Someone asked the question about double hair in Chapter 115, dear ones, the answer is very simple, I'm a bit convulsed, I clicked more. The truth is so unbearable...)

When the Horde concentrated on using heavy ogres and death knights, the Alliance really felt the horror from Draenor.

Even if the Paladins of the Silver Hand tried their best, even if the Alliance soldiers left their lives forgotten, it would only delay the tribe's offensive. The front line of defense of the alliance is retreating step by step.

Anduin Lothar found that he had entered a vicious circle—surrounding the tribe, which would disperse the alliance’s positive forces, while concentrating on blocking the tribe, everything he did before would become useless, and all the sacrifices he had made before It will be in vain.

This was a dilemma, Lothar had to admit that, in terms of strategic objectives, the Alliance had already failed in the second battle.

"Turalyon, what's the matter?" Lothar, who was paying attention to the battle map, could hear that the person was his adjutant just by relying on the sound of footsteps.

Brisk but steady footsteps, full of rhythm, as energetic as I am.

"Marshal, there is news from Alterac Kingdom." Turalyon reported directly.

"You robbed the sentry, oh, I have a foreboding that it is not good news." Lothar sighed for a long time, and finally looked away from the battle map.

"I'm sorry, yes, Marshal. Three days ago, the king of Alterac, His Majesty Aiden Perenold was assassinated by an orc assassin and was unfortunately killed. Baron Carlos Barov has returned to his country to inherit the king's throne. ."

"Ayden is dead? How did he die? Carlos? Carlos... Carlos! The boy from the Barov family returned home? He inherited the king? What about South Blue Town? Damn it! Tell me what's going on in South Blue Town now. Sample!"

Lothar chewed on the information, and suddenly became excited.

"The specific circumstances of the murder of His Majesty Aiden are not stated, but South Blue Town is safe and sound. In fact, there is an incredible situation here."

Turalyon's answer calmed Lothar.

"Tell me."

"Only seven days ago, Carlos Rear Admiral personally led the death squad to destroy the orc warlock's conspiracy to destroy South Blue town. Three days ago, Baron Carlos Barov returned to Alterac and crowned as king. If there is not enough evidence to prove it. These two pieces of information are true, and I will suggest that Marshal you change to an intelligence director."

"Well, that's not the point. What's the situation in South Blue Town now? Tell me the specifics."

Lothar paced slowly at the command table, thinking about it.

"The siege of South Blue has not been lifted, and we cannot obtain more accurate information. The currently known information shows that Master Kel'Thuzad in Dalaran and the orc spellcaster engaged in a shocking magical battle, South The town of Blue is still in the hands of the Alliance. But it is clear that Carlos Rear Admiral did not take away his troops."

"Who will command the soldiers in South Blue now?" Lothar asked.

"The Mayor of South Blue Town, Heni Mareb Lieutenant Junior Grade." Turalyon glanced at the material in his hand and gave an affirmative answer.

"A mayor? A Lieutenant Junior Grade?" Lothar, the commander of the alliance, somewhat suspected that he had auditory hallucinations.

"Yes, it seems that in the command sequence set by Carlos Rear Admiral, the mayor Lieutenant Junior Grade ranks below him." Turalyon thought for a while and added. "By the way, Carlos Rear Admiral...The first decree of His Majesty Carlos is that the Alterac Kingdom enters a state of total war."

"..." Marshal Lothar was silent suddenly.

"Do two things for me, Turalyon." After a while, Lothar had a decision.

"Marshal, please give orders," Turalyon replied.

"First, express condolences for the murder of His Majesty Aiden in the name of the Alliance, and congratulate Carlos Barov on his enthronement in my own name."

Turalyon took out a pen and paper to record the main points, and nodded to Lothar after finishing.

"Second, in the name of the alliance, promote Hennie..."

"Heni Mareb."

"Promoted Herni Marreb to major. At the same time, we sent people to speed up and inform Uther that he no longer needs to go to South Blue Town to support, and let him transfer the manpower."

"Understood, is there anything else to order? Marshal." Turalyon asked.

"That's it for the time being, let's go down." Lothar put his hands on the table and changed to a lighter posture.

"Yes, sir." Turalyon collected the notebook and left as a gift.

Lothar felt that this was the best news he had heard in the past few days.

The state of total war, what a wonderful vocabulary.

Although the Alliance fought very hard with the tribe in the Hillbrad Hills, more than 50,000 soldiers have been asleep here in less than a year. But for the entire mankind, this war is as scary as a wolf coming, but it is invisible.

If the Kingdom of Lordaeron or the Kingdom of Gilneas also enters a state of full-scale war, Lothar is sure to send the orc tribe into the sea for three months.

It's a pity that life has no ifs.

In fact, it wasn't that Lothar couldn't mobilize some more troops on Stromgarde's side. But Lothar is not only a qualified soldier, but also an excellent politician. In the most difficult moment, the alliance's general marshal Anduin Lothar seemed to have forgotten the reinforcements of Stromgarde.

"Let's take a look, take a look."

Don't know whether it's right or right, and don't know whether it's right to yourself or to whom, Anduin Lothar said this.

At almost the same moment, Orgrim was in the commanding tent.

"Your Excellency, when will the plan be launched? Zujin's patience is almost exhausted, and the troll's revenge is imperative." The Amani troll envoy from the troll city of Zuaman was in front of Orgrim, The tone is very unfriendly.

However, Orgrim ignored the other orcs' glaring at the troll and responded very gently.

"My friend, don’t worry, let Damn it’s alliance continue to indulge in dreams and fantasy. Humans think that they surround us, but they don’t know that this is a trap. Humans think that the wolf cavalry annihilated our orcs, but they don’t. Understand that in the Burning Plains, the children of Howling are endless."

"That's good, but you evaded the question of the great Zujin. When do you plan to launch it. If the Chief Chief can't give a clear answer, we Amani will do it alone. This is the original words of Master Zujin." The troll allies were bewildered by Orgrim's empty and beautiful description, and faithfully performed the mission assigned by the patriarch.

"Ten days, ten days later, let us drink the enemy's blood together!" Orgrim took off the Doomhammer from his waist and shouted.

"For Amani, for Zujin!" The troll responded excitedly, and then calmed down like a face change. "Remember your promise, Lord Warchief of the Horde."

After speaking, the troll swayed away from the camp.

"Great Doomhammer, why do you tolerate these dirty, ugly, rude, arrogant guys?" Some orcs raised such a question.

"Why can't you tolerate it?" Orgrim asked rhetorically.

"The Horde has been trapped in this hilly land for too long. Although we can verbally insult the Alliance and spiritually we can despise human beings, but in battle, we have to admit that those things are respectable and terrifying opponents. "

After hearing Orgrim's words, the orcs present behaved differently.

There are disdainful people, dignified people, contemplative people, and enthusiastic people.

"Since the battle across the sea, more than 30,000 warriors have been buried in the deep sea, or buried in the woods and mountains. Enough is enough. With the help of our troll allies, victory is already beckoning us. Friends who bring you victory, please be forgiving." Orgrim said.

"Your Excellency Warchief, really a wonderful speech. But I have a little question, what is the plan?" Gul'dan raised his own question after speaking in Orgrim.

"Great warlock, incompetent warlord, our Lord Gul'dan, you will understand in ten days." Orgrim was very dissatisfied with Gul'dan's violent threats against the commander, so he spoke with no mercy.

In the ridicule of others, Gul'dan didn't care.

"Then, I'll wait and see." Guldan gave a salute and left calmly.

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