Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 129 Gul'dan, the prince of the country, has extraordinary wisdom and plans, and he is i

"Orc, I can smell greed and cunning in you. If it weren't for Orgrimmar's recommendation, I would even like to make a hole in the back of your head." Zujin's first impression of Gul'dan was extremely bad.

"On the contrary, my first impression of you is very good, Lord Zujin, should I call you the patriarch? Chief? Or His Majesty the King?" Gul'dan lowered his posture and spoke gently, fully demonstrating his friendliness to the trolls. manner.

"Zu Aman does not have a king, and Amani trolls are all brothers. Zul'jin is Zul'jin, nothing else." Even if Zul'jin waits to see Gul'dan again, it is difficult for him to over-accuse his allies, not to mention the other side's attitude. Sincerely.

"Okay, Lord Zujin, then what do you need Gul'dan to do for the great Amani troll?" Gul'dan has naturally not experienced salesperson training, but his professional smile makes Zujin inexplicable My heart trembled.

Zujin left the simple camp built by the trolls and walked to the edge of the platform where the trolls were stationed. He stretched out his thick fingers, pointed at the Eversong Forest in the distance, and said to Gul'dan who was following him. "Did you see it? The forest over there."

"At this time, the trees are still so luxuriant, it's a good place." Gul'dan sniffed the air that seemed to emit maple syrup, and exclaimed.

"A long time ago, this was the holy place of our Amani trolls. It was the ugly elves who occupied our holy land and slaughtered the people of Amani. Now they actually slander us as ugly slayers and shameless executioners. !"

Zujin's words caused the trolls to resent the same enemy.

"So, as a member of the tribe, as an ally of the orcs, what kind of help does Lord Zujin need orc Gul'dan for you?"

Gul'dan opened his arms, as if embracing the great friendship between the orc and the troll.

"Magic, enchantment. Orgrim said that you are the best warlock among the orcs. He sent his most trusted and capable magic adviser to the trolls. I need you to help Zuaman’s witch doctor and shaman. Crack the barrier of the elves with the enchanters. Just the scattered elves outside the barrier can't calm the troll's anger against the sky."

After hearing Zujin's words, Gul'dan couldn't help but shiver, the most trusted and capable magic consultant... Is Orgrim talking about me?

Gul'dan had a thought that lingered in his heart for a long time: Orgrim, Orgrim, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes like you is not a good thing!

"Of course, Lord Zujin, we have a common enemy. Helping Amani’s troll ally is helping us orcs ourselves. The most loyal and reliable friend of Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer, although I cannot praise myself He is the best warlock in the tribe, but he is not a fool who does not understand magic. Master Zujin, please give me some time and let me study the magic of the elves."

Gul'dan resisted the twisted smile and followed the words of Orgrim and Zujin.

"Of course, I will give you time to prove yourself. If you are as good as Orgrim said, that is the warlock, you will get Zujin's friendship." Zujin gave a promise of friendship.

"Get the friendship of Lord Zujin, you will get the friendship of the entire Zuaman troll, cherish and seize this opportunity, Orc." There was a troll on the side, and other trolls nodded their approval.

"Zu Aman and Silvermoon City have fought for thousands of years. We are not ignorant of the tricks of the elves. Ask our troll casters. They will help you, Warlock." Zujin added. One sentence.

"Why? Lord Zujin, praise the great Yamato Zujin of the trolls for your generosity."

After the interview with Gul'dan, the troll and the orc separated.

"Master Zujin, I don't like that orc warlock."

"I don’t like it either. It smells like voodoo, but it’s even more disgusting, contrived, and disgusting. Ambition and sex distorted his soul. He deserves to be just an errand, and my friend Ogg Rim is the warchief."

"Zu Jin is always right!"

While the troll Zul'jin and his men were talking about Gul'dan, Gul'dan was also talking with his men.

"Master Gul'dan, can these stupid and arrogant trolls really help you get what you want?" Tyrone Gorefiend asked.

"Ner'zhul calls this world Azeroth, and Azeroth is not Draenor. The difference in the laws of space and the terrible affinity of the power of shadow make me unable to build a stable portal. But this The army of four hundred people has consumed too much of my spell-casting materials. In this war, we at least pass by, the trolls are the main force, and helping them is to help yourself. Until the goal is achieved, don’t reveal anything to Zujin dissatisfied."

This sentence, Gul'dan not only said to Tyrone Gorefiend, but also said that some people under his opponent said.

"The troll is weak and arrogant. Without Orgrim's assistance, I can lead two thousand orc warriors and I can beat them, but Zujin does not seem to be credible." Tyrone Gorefiend commented.

"Simple getting along, it is not difficult for us to find that Zujin is engaging in personality cult. But what does this have to do with us? Orgrim did not really tell them... Chief Orgrim warned me sincerely, The troll is the most reliable partner of the orcs in the world. The orcs and the trolls are a community of common interests, and they are all-round strategic partners that share weal and woe. The friendship between the orcs and the trolls is unbreakable, and the entire tribe is unbreakable. You must We must do our best to fulfill the warchief’s entrustment and help our troll allies win the war, understand?"

Although he didn't understand why Gul'dan suddenly changed his words, his subordinates still cried three times to understand.

When he walked some distance away, Gul'dan took a sip.

"Crappy temptation, terrible spell attainment, deserves to be oppressed by elves for thousands of years."

Gul'dan commented on Dao's giant magic.

"Master, what happened just now?" Tyrone Gorefiend asked puzzledly.

"Mixed the elemental power of shamanism and the weird power with shadow aura, an ugly frog." Because the questioner was Tyrone Gorefiend, his reliable subordinate, Gul'dan explained it in front of him.

In this way, the orcs and the trolls began to cooperate under the banner of the tribe under the circumstance of distrusting each other, in order to fight against the elves.

After that, under Gul'dan's research, the secrets of the runestone gradually surfaced.

"Master Zujin, I think we should launch a feint, without obtaining the real thing, we will not be able to crack the mystery of the elf enchantment after all." Gul'dan said.

"What you said makes sense. Humans have already been punished. Let them linger under the fear of the troll army for the time being. After the troops going south are gathered, I will arrange an attack on the elves, and then you will find a way to do it yourself. A broken stone of the spirit." Zujin was very satisfied with Gul'dan's research results.

The main function of the great enchantment of high elves is to shield the overflow of magical power, and the outer part of the enchantment also has a deceptive effect. Superstitious trolls often circle a large circle and return to the original point after invading the large enchantment. If they are lucky they escaped from the enchantment area under fear, regaining their sense of direction. The elves' patrol shoots and kills. Over time, the Great Enchantment was demonized by the trolls.

And such tricks can't deal with Gul'dan. Making small compasses is not a complicated technique, and it has nothing to do with magic.

"The arrogant elf actually fooled the troll for thousands of years with this little trick, ha ha ha ha." Gul'dan laughed happily.

At this time, Carlos's army had just left Anjador, and Carlos was beating his two younger brothers who were trying to get into the army.

"Big brother, when you were so old, you already married the Hinterland to fight trolls, why can't I?" Alex said with his teeth and claws in the air with one hand in the air by Carlos.

"Yes, yes." Wilton was too fat, escaped, and helped.

"Todd, send these two rascals back to Guy Erdalon and tell your mother what happened."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Alex shouted unwillingly for his eldest brother Carlos stifling his military journey.

"Did you see it?" Carlos put down Alex and asked his two younger brothers.


"what did you see?"

The two younger brothers followed the direction of Carlos's fingers and looked confused.

"My stupid brother, you stand only 500 meters away from Andorhal, what should I say?"

Carlos sighed deeply, moved past the bodies of Alex and Wilton, and kicked one of them on the buttocks, giving them the last message before parting: "Get out."

If you can mix into the team and wait until you are found in Stratholme, it's not impossible to bring you mixed military exploits.

Thinking of this, Carlos decided not to pay attention to the two stupid brothers and left directly.

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