Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 130 I heard that using the reverse order can improve the force

Many words, different occasions, different atmospheres, unspeakable effects and afterthoughts are completely different.

At the bonfire party, everyone laughed and laughed, talking about the mountains is enough, you really want to talk about business after this kind of thing is uncomfortable.

As early as in Alterac City, Carlos had found the opportunity to ask Alleria alone why she had to go northward alone.

"First, I myself came to the Hillbrad area as a volunteer to help the Alliance against the tribe. The ancient covenant is part of it, and the hunch, or political foresight, is another part. Now I am going to go. , There is no problem with reason and friendship, and I have left all my subordinates beside Thoradin’s blood to obey the dispatch?"

Alleria had her legs upright at the time, her exquisite handicraft-like hands were playing with her hair in two strands, and her face was always on the high ground of morality, speaking and doing things.

"Second, I can smell the conspiracy. It was in the year your humans formed the alliance that Silvermoon City organized a large-scale surrender operation. The Farstrider Army, the Magister Army, and even the Blood Knight Guard It's dispatched. Trolls should not and cannot hide so much power under our Quel'dorei elves' eyelids."

"Blood Knight Guard? Blood Knight?" Carlos's attention was all attracted by these three words, and a sense of time and space lingering lingering. How come a blood knight came out of this age?

"Speaking of the blood knights, it is your Alterac's credit. The horses used by the blood knight guards are all bred from the alpine horse breeds purchased from your Alterac kingdom. Although the Quel'dorei elves are most commonly used outside The means of transportation is the chocobo, but you would not expect the soldiers outside to ride the chocobo and charge against your kingdom knights, do you?"

After Alleria finished speaking, Carlos couldn't help but imagine that the picture was so beautiful that His Majesty did not dare to look at it.

"As the only heavy cavalry unit in Quel'Thalas, although the Blood Knight Guard is not large in size, its combat effectiveness is not to be underestimated. At least, your Majesty Carlos is not as good as the National Knights of the Royal Order. His Majesty Rian’s Blood Knight Guard."

"Thank you for answering my questions. We are far away. Please continue to analyze the doubts you found."

Carlos was filled up for Alleria, and then continued to listen to the analysis of intelligence from the high elf ranger lord, belonging to the legendary hero Alleria Windrunner.

"After His Majesty Das'rema Sunstrider went to sleep forever, His Majesty Anastrian Sunstrider was challenged from the Silvermoon City Council. For the prosperity, peace and stability of Quel'Thalas, Anastasia His Majesty Rian made a compromise and served as the chairman of the Silvermoon City Council as a king. His Majesty Anastrian’s kingship was secured, but the status of the Sunstrider Dynasty had actually been shaken. In the Silvermoon City Council, except His Majesty Anastrian also has seven high-ranking councillors, and no decision by Quel'Thalas can circumvent these seven people."

"Wait, there are seven high-ranking councillors, plus the Sun King, not eight? How do you vote?"

Carlos felt that he was still able to use the addition and subtraction methods below ten, and he was keenly aware of the problem.

"His Majesty Anastrian's decision counts as two votes. And for some so-called trivial matters, seven high councilors can make decisions even if they are not notified to His Majesty Anastrian. Perfect democracy, isn't it?"

Alleria explained that the irony and disdain in her tone showed no signs of concealment.

"It's me instead, definitely looking for a chance to hang these so-called high-level congressmen on the tree for a reason."

"You violent-kun!"

"Isn't I talking to you? Why do you become violent again-Kun!"


"Co-author, is it wrong to follow your meaning?"

"Stupid, backward, barbaric."

"Go ahead and ignore my vulgar language."

In this kind of private occasion, Carlos's kingship does not seem to work well.

"What I am attacking is not the seven high-level members, but the bureaucracy caused by the struggle between the parliamentary faction and the royal party. The personality and abilities of the seven high-level members are among our Quel'Dorei elves. The best choice. But in the name of democracy and freedom, the struggle between the parliamentary faction and the royal party has indeed interfered with the normal operation of the kingdom. I am also an elf who has seen the world, and I have also been to the Hinterland. , Wandering through the wetlands. Back then, I also fought trolls with the Thoradin the Great in your mouth. After seeing your human society and life, I feel more clearly that our Quel'Dorei elves are getting more and more closed. , There are many people who have lived for hundreds of years without taking half a step out of Yongsong Forest. Take another example, the Blood Knight Guard. Back then, your Alterac Kingdom had not yet established a nation, and wild horses on the mountain pastures were flocked. , His Majesty Anastrian was in charge of taming the wild horses and handed it over to the Farstriders. Although I did not participate in this work, I have seen the wild horses of that year. The horses of the Blood Knight Guard are now taller than their shoulders. His ancestors were at least ten centimeters shorter."

"Deterioration of species."

"Well, a brilliant summary. The great barrier protects our elves, and also inertizes our elves, just like the blood knight guard's horses, although in your eyes, the elven rangers are very good at archery and all of them are skilled. According to my standards back then, half of the Farstrider troops had to learn it again."

"It sounds like you are complimenting yourself."

How did Carlos discover that the private intelligence analysis secret conversation turned into a grievance meeting?

"No, I am the Lord of Rangers. All my energy is spent on the exercises of Rangers. What I said just now is also aimed at Rangers and Farstrider troops. In terms of magic, Quel'Thalas is still better than all of you humans combined. powerful."

Alleria raised her head high when she said this, her face full of pride and pride, setting off her good face with twelve-point brilliance.

"But this is not your main purpose of looking for me?"

Carlos drank a lot of drinks, his stomach was a little bloated, and he was embarrassed to tell Alleria that you would wait a while, I want to go to the toilet, so I had to go back to the topic as much as possible.

"Yes, my main purpose of looking for you today is to urge you to send troops."

Alleria stated her purpose without rhetoric.

"Uh, is it really good for you to say that?"

"We should be sincere and frank with friends. I think we should already be friends."

"Yes, yes, we are friends."

"Then I must remind you that under the banner of democracy and freedom, Quel'Thalas is now slow as an old giant. If you still want help, you'd better send troops as soon as possible."


Carlos felt that his brain was not enough, Alleria's words were not logically related, or even contradictory.

"because I!"

Alleria clenched a fist with her right hand and stretched out her thumb to press her chest.

"Well, oh, big enough." Carlos stared at some place for several times.

"If you have an official position, it should be high enough. If the trolls did not cause more damage, I can summon two thousand rangers to fight in the name of Alleria Windrunner. But if Silvermoon City The council feels that the Eversong Forest or the periphery of the Great Enchantment is no longer safe, and if you choose to shrink the defense, I can't guarantee it." Alleria told the inside story of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

"Well, I understand, I will seriously consider it."

Carlos nodded, indicating that he understood, and then ended the follow-up courtesy as quickly as possible, and ran to the free and vast world to release himself.

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