As a hero who became famous in Quel'Thalas during the Troll War a few years ago, Alleria naturally has her own ethics and beliefs. However, the long life span and easy life made Alleria, who advocated bravery and fighting spirit, gradually became dissatisfied. For thousands of years, the Windrunner family has been a member of the Silvermoon Council and a frequent visitor to the Royal Court of the Sun. But what about this? As a witness and participant of family history, Alleria is tired of endless political disputes. Family is family, I am me! In addition to caring about her three younger siblings, Alleria is gradually playing down her influence in the family. How much fame and achievement I have in Alleria is not the reason why you can lie on my merit book and climb up.

One person can get the way, the ascension of chickens and dogs may be a political necessity in the human world, but in Alleria's view, her family's doing this is a kind of depravity, and this behavior is so ugly that she is disgusting. So Alleria Windrunner hasn't met her father and uncles for more than a hundred years.

At home, the two sisters are in a rebellious period, so don't mention it. Only his youngest brother Lilas, the simple and kind-hearted Lilas, can always arouse his inner love.

Named younger brother, in fact, the young Lilas can be said to be the one who brought up Alleria.

After giving birth to Lilas Windrunner, the common mother of the four Windrunner siblings unfortunately passed away after childbirth. Apart from breastfeeding, Alleria took care of all the errands of taking care of her younger brother.

Because the mother's death may have a bad influence on the younger brother's life, the three sisters shared Lilas' needs for maternal love in childhood and childhood. However, when Lilas entered the youth, Sylvanas and Vereesa gradually became bored of this errand, gradually tired of the status of "mother", and began to return to the status of "sister" for Lilas. And Alleria cared for the younger brother like an elder from beginning to end. Because while Lilas was growing up, Alleria paid attention and placed too many expectations. To some extent, in Alleria's eyes, Lilas is another idealized, male self.

So even if the war was urgent, Alleria returned to Quel'Thalas, and decided to go back to her hometown to visit her brother.

However, when Alleria went all the way north, the first thing she felt was the disorder of magic in the Great Enchantment. It didn't take long before the ruins of towns near the east were discovered, as well as the remains of the clansmen and trolls.

"You two act separately and go to Silvermoon City and Quillslin to report the situation."

Although there were only five rangers around, Alleria still divided the troops decisively.

The first thing Alleria felt was doubt, why did the trolls go so far inside the Great Enchantment, and what did the patrol guards do?

Immediately afterwards, there was a kind of anger mixed with pleasure. Alleria had long discussed to the royal family and the Silvermoon City Council, blindly believing that the Great Enchantment is a dangerous behavior, and the high elves should build a second set of defense early warning mechanisms in the territory.

Alleria once suggested that the Sun King should at least learn from humans, or set up simple beacon towers. However, His Majesty Sun King Anastrian hadn't spoken yet, the people of the Royal Mage School jumped out to oppose, saying that Quel'Thalas' magic defense system is inexorable.

Alleria endured and endured, and finally gave up her advice.

The cost of building one hundred proposed beacon towers is not as expensive as your gang of wizards playing an arcane puppet. Such a big reaction is noisy, afraid that the frontal method will be easy to use. Your Majesty Anastrian will cut your research funding. NS?

And so far, Quel'Thalas has been invaded, but the investigative force and the defense corps are not seen, which fully proves that the magical defense system of Quel'Thalas boasted by the magicians is not as infallible as the rumors.

But satirizing the magicians is not helpful for improving the situation facing her now. An ominous premonition emerged in Alleria's heart, and anxiety and anxiety began to breed in her heart.

The physiological structure of the dragon eagle determines that this magical creature is not suitable for long-distance flight. It is also a reasonable choice to change the mount to the village where his brother is located. Alleria gave such an order.

Before dark, the ranger lord Alleria came to the place she had remembered, and saw that there was indeed only a scene of ruined walls and dried up Bloodline.

Ignoring the exclamation of the subordinates around him, Alleria jumped directly from the dragon eagle's saddle in mid-air. After landing, she rolled two laps to relieve her strength, and ran to the ruins to investigate the situation.

Judging from the burnt-out wreckage of the wooden building and the extent to which the Bloodline dried up, the fighting took place at least three days ago.

There are not too many corpses. Considering the number of people in the village and the habits of trolls and ogres, either the village retreats or the troll army oppresses the territory. Neither is good news.

Alleria swiftly walked through the ruined walls, relying on the route in memory to quickly get to the residence of the Windrunner family in this village.

After arriving, the scorched walls and damaged doors dispelled Alleria's last fluke.

"Lilas!" Alleria shouted and rushed into the ruins of the house, but apart from the Bloodline and the burning black, there were no survivors or corpses.

Calm down, you must calm down! Alleria warned herself that there was hope if she didn't find her body!

After the other three rangers controlled the dragon eagle to hover and land, their subordinates found Alleria who was investigating the scene.

"Master Alleria, please stop making such dangerous moves. What if there are still lurking enemy troops in the village?"

Alleria, who had adjusted her mood, ignored her subordinates' persuasion and directly issued the order.

"Start search and rescue work immediately to see if there are any survivors."

Soon after, the survivors in the village came to the door by themselves before the rangers could bring back the news.

"Master Alleria! Did the Sun King send you to save his people?"

The representatives of the survivors had tears in their eyes and could not cry.

"Please stay calm and tell me what happened?"

Alleria's heart thumped and thumped, but as the Ranger Lord, she still put Quel'Thalas first.

"It's a troll, a lot of trolls, orcs, and a human like the dead."

After a while, Alleria finally sorted out the whole incident from the survivors.

The runestone was stolen, the troll and the orcs raided the village, and the death knight participated in the massacre of the high elves.

"His Majesty Anastrian will not let his people go. You will be properly rescued and settled soon." After Alleria calmed the survivors, she finally asked what she wanted to know. "Lilas, how is Lilas?"


Facing the silence of the survivors, Alleria felt that her heart was about to break.

"Please tell me the whereabouts of Lilas Windrunner." Alleria called out loudly.


Still no one answered Alleria's question.

"As his relatives, please tell me, please tell me."

Alleria's voice is getting lower and lower, and her heart is getting colder and colder.

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