Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 134: With a dead arrow, heaven and man will never see each other

Dating back three days ago, a leisurely winter afternoon, Lilas Windrunner was practicing his musical instrument in a small enclosed valley in the north of the village.

"Lilas, let's play another song, your piano music is really nice!"

"That's it, change the flute, I want to hear you play the flute!"

"Liuxian is true love, so how can these superficial women who only pay attention to appearance understand the beauty of music! Lilas, I am the one who understands your music!"

Seeing a bunch of small watches smashing and tearing, Lilas Windrunner scratched his head helplessly. He didn't understand why he was inexplicably popular?

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the bell on the tower of the village hall reached the long ears of all the elves.

Three shorts and two longs are a signal for evacuation!

"Something happened, everyone, go!"

After Lilas finished speaking, he didn't even need the violin, and turned the door back to the village.

"Ladies, what are you doing with me?" Lilas stopped after a few steps.

"Don't you want to take refuge?"

Lilas found that he was silly, and the big girls and little girls in front of him were not his three sisters.

"You just stay here, don't say anything, I'll see the situation, if I don't come back, you will come out at least tomorrow noon, understand?"

Lilas finished giving orders and quickly left this quiet and pleasant place where he could practice his musical instruments.

"so hot!"

"As expected of His Royal Highness Alleria's younger brother, what a girl would be!"

"Get out of the way, you Lily girl, who is so heroic and passionate, your Royal Highness Lilas, how can you be a woman!"

The remaining girls have no real sense of refuge at all, and are still arguing and arguing, and it is fortunate that Alleria took Lilas to find such a quiet and secret place back then.

As Quel'Thalas’ magical civilization became more and more developed, and the technology of arcane puppets became more and more perfect, the Sunwell’s transformation of the physique of the high elves of Quel'Dorei became more and more deep, and the magicians of the high elves were more and more. The more, the number of rangers who are proficient in martial arts is declining year by year.

Although thanks to the long years and long life span, the number of high elves rangers is still astonishing, but the overall number is showing a downward trend. The well-known figures in the Farstrider troops are mostly the leading figures that emerged at the end of the Troll War. For a hundred years, there have been very few famous names.

Of course, this has the effect of the rare number of wars in peacetime, but compared with the famous wizards, the high elves advocate a comfortable life, and more young people choose arcane magic as their future trend has become more obvious.

Originally, the upper elves were the group of elves with the best magical talents in the Kaldorei Empire. After being exiled to the Eastern Kingdoms, they built Quel'Thalas, renamed Quel'dorei, and claimed to be the high elves. The most gifted group of magic in the world of Azeroth, with the gift of the Sunwell, it is not surprising that magical civilization prospered.

But the easy life brought about by the prosperity of the magical civilization has also corrupted the living habits of the high elves.

The first one hundred years of enjoyment, the middle one hundred years of depravity, there are countless examples of the prodigal son turning back one hundred years. Anyway, the three hundred years is just a youth for the Quel'dorei, so why bother.

Like Lilas Windrunner, the new generation of five-good youths who can bear hardships, endure tiredness, and pull a strong bow to run the road are particularly eye-catching, especially he has a good family background and handsome appearance.

When Lilas returned to the village, the killing was underway.

All the elves over two hundred years old are not weak relative to human beings. The village chief and the militiamen in the village wear the armor they have treasured for many years, wield the properly maintained swords, and fight with the trolls.

But in addition to the trolls, there are also green-skinned races that Lilas has never seen before. These tall green-skinned and red-eyed monsters are the incarnations of demons. The gorgeous sword skills of the old village chief are the terrifying power of these green-skinned monsters. There is no effect in front of it.

"Oh, there is a fresh and delicious little guy here, run away, uncle will give you one minute, maybe this minute, maybe the next minute, hahahaha"

The guy who called himself Tyrone Gorefiend spotted Lilas and teased him.

"Human! Why did you break the covenant and help these monsters invade the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas!" Lilas asked angrily.

"Human? Human...Yes, isn't my body now human? But it's a little bit, I'm the one with the monster in your mouth, what do you want to do?"

The almost necrotic vocal cords of the Gorefiend of Tyrone relied on the power of shadow and blood to maintain operation, and the voice he made was hoarse and dry, indescribably evil.

"That's it, you are not a human, you are just a monster!" Lilas breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

"Lilas, run!" The village chief found Lilas and made the final sound of his life, and then was thrust into the ground by two orcs and three trolls with weapons in their hands.

"Give me a weapon, I want to challenge you this monster!"

Lilas made an incredible request, but Tyrone Gorefiend actually agreed.

Use the blade to catch the long sword used by the high elven village chief who was thrown by the orc soldier, and circled twice in the air. The long sword flew out and plunged into the soil accurately. The Gorefiend turned his handle to Lilas.

This fancy movement showed the superb sword skills of the original owner of the body of Tyrone Gorefiend, and the death knight was extremely satisfied with his performance.

"So little guy, please report your name and let Uncle play with you."

Lilas drew out the exquisitely crafted long sword, looked at the blade, and found that the blade had cracked. From this, it could be judged that the opponent's strength was definitely higher than that of ordinary high elves.

"Village Chief, I'm sorry, I can't escape!"

After Lilas finished speaking, he took the initiative to attack and shouted, hoping to attract more orcs and trolls' attention, so that other elves could have more and better opportunities to escape. The opponent is too strong, and it is impossible to repel the enemy with the manpower in the village.

"Listen! I'm Lilas, the Lilas of the Windrunner family, the wind of rage, the electricity of running, monsters, die!"

Lilas rushed up fearlessly, full of momentum but very cautious, carefully fighting with Tyron Gorefiend.

"That's right, that's it, that's it, relax your left hand a little bit, step back on your right foot, exert your shoulders, don't be superstitious about waist strength, it depends on the situation."

It was Tyrone that made Lilas feel angry. The Gorefiend actually guided his sword skills like a reserve, but what he said was all right.

"It's really a green apple, it can make progress in battle, ah, I really want to kill you now!" Tyron Gorefiend's eyes showed a fascinating look.

"Sorry, I've had enough." Seeing that the militiamen in the village had escorted the women and children out of the village, Lilas chose to leave the battle group in the opposite direction and prepare to break through.

"Don't leave after school!"

Tyron Gorefiend looked at Lilas who was tumbling and escaping, and used Gul'dan's newly developed shadow spell: Death's Grip.

"Strange, I seem to have said something just now, no matter what, let's take a look at Wang Mang's little apple!" Tyron Gorefiend was a little puzzled. His current body gave him a lot of complicated memories. The former owner seemed to be a A great gentleman.

Lilas, who was pulled back by the Grip of Death, was not desperate, and the thug that stretched out to his neck against Tyronn Gorefiend was a sword.

Swiping the distance between the two, Lilas activated the incidental magic on the village chief’s sword, used three consecutive short-distance teleports, and completely left the encirclement of the orcs and the trolls.

As the magical power disappeared, the scarred and overwhelmed blade finally shattered.

Lilas remembered that when he was a child, the village chief and a bunch of little kids in the village brag about how heroes he was back then, how magical his swords were, and were criticized by the children without getting angry.

It wasn't until he held the village chief's sword that Lilas discovered that what the village chief said was true. If the village chief wanted to leave, no one could stop him, he was fighting to die for the village.

Taking a deep breath, Lilas turned around and ran. He can't die here, he must avenge the dead villagers!

"Ah, Little Apple ran away." Tyron Gorefiend shook his head regretfully, preparing to catch up.

However, at this time, an arrow of chaos passed over the woods, over the village, over the top of Tyron Gorefiend, and caught up with Lilas who was fleeing desperately, and threw him to the ground.

"Idiot! Catch up with those elves that run away, and kill them! It will take time for us to remove the runestones! Time! Understand!"

In Gul'dan's roar, Tyron Gorefiend rallied and put away the cynicism from his body's instinct.

"Yes, Master, I will kill every elves I see."

After Tyronn Gorefiend agreed to Gul'dan's order, he ordered an orc to say: "Go and take away that corpse. Don't let the troll eat it. That's my trophy."

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