Dufang. Evilfang brought the priestess of the Moss-Rotting clan and her guard Hamill.

For the female troll named Ilshawens, Carlos feels normal, and does not think the female troll is cute. Out of courtesy, she shook hands with the priestess Ilshawens.

But for this Hamill, Carlos felt deep admiration. Although I admire Hamill more than ten years later.

In the memory of the previous life, Carlos clearly remembered the Black Dragon Princess mission line and the flow of love and family, and because of his heartfelt touch, he chose the alliance as his belonging.

Compared with the alliance’s epic and tragic mission storyline, the tribe’s missions are more of the same blood as the heroes of the Western cowboy-like theme of the Great American Country, with less weight and precipitation. Only in the Eastern Plaguelands, only the infiltrator Hamill's scroll series missions, let players see the tribe, or the lofty of the trolls, or the glory of humanity.

The Moss Clan, which the Alliance calls the Moss Clan, is a troll clan that lives in the mountains east and south of Stratholme.

In the history of the last life in memory, the moss-rotting troll is a branch of the Amani Empire that split after the Troll War and gave up Lordaeron. Even so, humans still can't live with them. The moss rotten troll lost most of its territory before the second orc war. Like other forest trolls, the moss rotten trolls formed an alliance with the Horde during the Second War. When the Horde was undoubtedly defeated, Zul'jin disappeared, and the forest trolls abandoned their allies. Because of the shameful failure of the tribe, the moss troll decided not to have any relationship with this reckless weak. These trolls concentrated their efforts to drive humans out of Lordaeron. When the plague of the undead began to spread on this continent, the moss-rotting troll soon tasted the sweetness of the source of chaos that bloomed everywhere. Because the plague was set to only infect humans, human defenses quickly collapsed, and the moss-rotting trolls planned to regain their hometown bit by bit. The plague quickly swept across the continent. The once verdant home of the Moss Rot Troll is now the northeast corner of the Eastern Plaguelands. The undead plants and animals are struggling to wither in disease. Although the environment is like a nightmare, the trolls refuse to abandon their newly restored homeland. A group of troll hunters left the base camp some time ago, looking for healthy food that can be brought back to their people, because most of the animals have been infected by the plague. In the end they found some animals that did not seem to be sick. They slaughtered these animals and brought them back to the camp for a feast. The trolls are very unfortunate, because those beasts have long been moved by a powerful lich, and all living creatures that eat these creatures will become undead. Soon the lich controlled the immortal trolls. Under the order of the lich, most of the undead trolls set up camps in the southeast corner of the Eastern Plaguelands.

These immortal trolls heard in their minds that their new owner had issued a terrifying task to them: to return to the gathering place of moss-rotting trolls, Zumasha, to infect other remaining compatriots.

Troll Hamill is one of them.

When the other trolls gave up resistance, Hamia wrote a scribbled note with his remaining willpower:

kill me. Otherwise it will be too late.

I am Hamill. My brothers and I ate some broken meat while traveling through Zumasha. We have changed, we have been infected.

Now I can feel the words of the Lich, and he asked me to go to Zumasha and infect my fellow citizens. I couldn't resist his orders. Before I lost everything that belonged to me, I wrote this scroll.

I buried a box behind this crypt, in the mound next to the truck. But only my key can open it, and the key is on my body. If you want my treasure, come find me.

Kill me, otherwise it's too late!

Carlos did this task for the first time in his last life, just picking up the task at will, killing monsters, opening the box, and leaving, without reading Hamill's scrolls seriously. It wasn't until later that I played the trumpet that I started to study these as a plot party. So Hamill's scroll mission shocked Carlos and the Alliance dog.

"Kill me, otherwise it's too late."

When you calm down and experience this sentence, you will feel a deep shock.

A person who can request death for the life and death of others is worthy of the word noble!

I have lost the ability to commit suicide. I don't want to kill my people. Anyone is fine. Take my treasure! Everyone is good, please kill me!

In this Eastern Plagueland, where no creatures can escape the shadow of natural disasters and undead plagues, in this land full of the madness of the Scarlet Crusade and the cold and solemn killings of the Scourge, Hamill’s tragic and tragic invitation to die is exceptionally commanding. People moved.

For humans, trolls are villains. But the wicked also have their heroes.

All it takes is to calm down, read the scribbled note carefully, and a noble soul will be on the paper.

Because of these things that haven't happened yet, during the talks, Carlos' eyes always swept towards Hamill intentionally or unintentionally.

"King of Alterac, what caused you to be upset? Why do you always look at my attendants?" Ilshawens said in a troll language.

"Priestess, you see, here, there is no difference between multiple guards and one guard. Since you trust Mr. Dufang, why are you obsessed with one guard? Let him go down and rest, and we will treat him well. Yes." Carlos said with a reason.

After a moment of thinking, Ilshawens agreed with Carlos's statement.

"What you said is very reasonable, Hamill, you go down and rest first." After Ilshawens arranged for the attendant to leave, Hamill followed Carlos's entourage and left the meeting room, but he was unwilling to go to the rest room to enjoy the food. He was stubborn and stood outside the closed door, doing his duty as a guard.

"Your Excellency, what do you need and what you want from me, just say it straightforwardly, don't waste each other's time."

Because Carlos is also able to use the troll language to talk proficiently, Mr. Dufang temporarily acts as an interpreter for other people present, the lingua franca interpreter...

"The king of Alterac, I do not approve of the evil moss clan outside joining the tribe, but Zujin and his ancestor Aman are too powerful. They forcefully represent Amani. The patriarch has succumbed. Interests go to fight, and our moss people are starving." Ilshawens said.

"Priestess, speak your request." Carlos pointed the table with his fingers, and the rhythmic clatter gave Ilshawens more mental pressure.

"A coup." Ilshawens said.

"Oh!" When Carlos heard this, his spirits came in an instant.

"The patriarch sent all the compatriots in the mountain to Zuaman. This is not enough. He also wants the compatriots of Zumasha to die for Zujin's ambition. Among the three priests of Zumasha, I and Malika They don’t agree to participate too much in the battle between the Alliance and the Horde, but the Warlord Morandor and the Mihaid priests agree with the Moss Clan to join the Horde. So the patriarch will come to Zumasha to unify their opinions in a few days."

"What do you want us to do?"

"An accident. The Tooth of the Eviltooth clan is a trustworthy person, and he recommended you to me. Humans, if you can send a special force that has been elite to help us assassinate the patriarch, the Evilmoss clan will announce its withdrawal from the tribe."

Ilshawens made a guarantee.

"sure no problem!"

Carlos stood up and shook hands with the priestess again.

When the priestess and his attendant Hamill left, the human meeting officially began.

"Carlos, I don't see any benefit for us in this transaction." Turalyon expressed his opinion straightforwardly.

"Yeah, I don't see any good for us either." Carlos shrugged.

"Your Majesty, then why do you agree to that troll woman's request?" Aslan Qi'an asked puzzlingly.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, ahhahahahaha." In front of many of his subordinates, Carlos laughed arrogantly and presumptuously.

"They treat me as a fool, and I will be a fool. When I am a fool, they will have the final say on the rest!"

"Carlos, you won't be..."

Turalyon seemed to understand something.

"There will be a coup, especially a small team, there will be, the army of the alliance, there will also be." Carlos smiled to everyone present with a gentle expression like a big brother next door.

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