Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 140 The wicked also need their own savior

Dufang. Evil Tooth joined Ravenholdt Manor by chance.

Single tooth. Evil tooth has seen a wider world under the occasion of karma.

One tooth. Evil tooth has a great disgust towards the stupid race of trolls.

Duya. Eya suffered a huge failure when persuading his people to try a more civilized way of life.

Lone Tooth. Evil Tooth began to think about life.

One Tooth Evil Tooth met a boy named Carlos Barov.

Du Fang. Evil Fang understood the meaning of leading the way.

Dufang. Evilfang felt the potential of human warfare, and was even more disappointed with the backward and conservative trolls.

Lone Tooth. Evil Tooth decided to live for himself.

Dufang. Evil Fang exchanged the lives of more than three thousand trolls for a lot of wealth.

Dufang. Evil Tooth felt the magic of money.

Single tooth. Evil tooth has a crooked mind.

Tooth. Evil Tooth finds that there is no difference between gold and pebbles that cannot be traded.

Dufang. Badfang began to study human society more deeply.

Du Fang. Evil Fang heard that his old human friends are doing well.

Du Fang. Evil Fang traveled to the human world.

One Tooth. Evil Tooth obtained the qualification to read human books.

Single tooth. Evil tooth was brainwashed.

It turned out that it was not me who was wrong! The wrong thing is the world!

As the child of a troll blacksmith and fisherman, Dufang from a small village on the coast of the Hinterland. After reading human books and documents on the state, politics, philosophy and power, he felt that he had discovered a new world.

Rulers should be rational and wise. They should base their authority on the support of the people. They should work hard for the prosperity and continuation of the race. They should use wisdom and laws to govern the country, rather than relying on whose teeth are bigger and who is better able to fight. !

As a small clan, the evil tooth clan does not have much of the civilization of the ancient troll empire. Mr. Dufang who was born in the evil tooth clan is also more of the ancient Amani troll empire without much realism. After traveling through human society, there is only one reference object for Dufang. Evilfang, human beings. There are many comparison targets, such as dead wood, evil branches, rotten moss, and evil fire. In the end, everything that Dufang Evilfang experienced made this troll who was troubled by thinking come to a conclusion-since the troll can't defeat humans, then let the trolls join the humans.

When Dufang Evil Fang returned to the Evil Fang clan to talk to the elders of the clan and express their opinions, they were mercilessly ridiculed and ridiculed. The elders in the troll told Du Fang. Evil Fang, giant The hatred between demons and humans has lasted from the ancient times to the present, and it can no longer be eliminated, cannot be eased, and only one party can end with extinction.

But when the Evilfang clan and the dwarves of Eagle's Nest clashed, Onefang Evilfang got in touch with the Wildhammer dwarves through his human friends in the Hinterlands. When Dufang Evilfang communicated with the Wildhammer dwarves in pure common language, the dwarves were stunned, a troll who could speak human words.

Through communication and exchanges, the conflict was eased, and the dwarves released the captives of the evil tooth clan, Dufang. The evil tooth promised to restrain the evil tooth troll from harassing the dwarves.

In front of the rescued tribe, Duya Eya suddenly felt worship and accomplishment.

It is not only the blade that can solve the problem, not only the destruction of the enemy can kill the hatred, there is room for coexistence between trolls and other races!

Dufang. Evil Tooth suddenly had an understanding of his thoughts, and he couldn't help himself.

But when Duya Eya returned to the clan settlement with the rescued tribe, he encountered doubtful and distrustful eyes.

When the patriarch of Broken Tooth summoned Dufang evil tooth and the people he brought back together for a large interrogation, Dufang evil tooth was stunned.

Just because I brought the people back to the people intact, because I didn't fight the dwarves, because I could speak the human language, this became evidence of betraying the people?

My lone tooth. Evil tooth was expelled by the evil tooth clan?

Well, Dufang. Evil tooth is angry, but he recognizes such a decision. Isn't it prepared before acting?

However, even the compatriots rescued by Dufang Evil Tooth were expelled from the clan, the reason is ridiculous because they could not prove their innocence.

Dufang. Evil Tooth was angry, so angry that his face was full of smiles, and his tears could not stop streaming.

Such a clan, such a clan, how do I want to love, what do I want to love!

Dufang. Evil Fang untied his equipment one by one, took off his clothes, leaving them all to his relatives and friends in the Evil Fang clan, and told his brothers where he had stored supplies in the wild, naked. One Tooth tightly held the dagger given to him by the man named Carlos Barov, and left the evil tooth clan alone.

This is not the life I want, this is not the life a troll should live.

Today, I cleaned out, and another day, I will change the color of this world!

The people who were exiled together did not know where to go. Most people knelt on the ground and begged the patriarch of Broken Tooth, but there were also three brave men who decisively followed Dufang and Evil Tooth to leave.

Without clothing, look for bears, look for wolves for fur, stop the blood of the compatriots, and evil teeth told his three followers: follow me, abandon those bad habits, I will take you to see New World!

With just a dagger, Evil Teeth and his three compatriots went all the way north, bypassing the warring alliances and tribes, evading the endless conflict, and finally arrived in Alterac City and saw the king who became the king. Carlos.

Out of worries about the future, Carlos entertained Du Fang. Bad Tooth and his three compatriots, hoping Du Fang. Bad Tooth could go north to explore Zujin's actions.

Lone Tooth. Evil Tooth generously grants life, I still have the value of being used, and I still have a chance!

Before the king of Alterac, Carlos Barov, went to the north for an expedition, Dufang Evilfang took a step towards the Zuaman area.

Because of the imminent war, the xenophobic trolls recruited a large number of tribesmen, which gave Dufang Evil Fang the opportunity to infiltrate. By coincidence, Zumasha's plight was seen by Dufang Evil Fang.

With superb martial arts and exquisite words, as well as the disguised identity of the ambassador of the evil tooth clan, Dufang evil tooth quickly gained the trust of the priestess of the evil moss clan in the Zumashar area, Ilshawens and her companions.

Under the rhetoric and matchmaking of the Evil Teeth, the priestess Ilshawens completed the meeting with Carlos Barov, the king of Alterac.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with my meeting ceremony?" Dufang Eya asked when meeting Carlos privately.

"Of course I am satisfied, Mr. Tooth. You have seen my generosity. At that time, I was just a little baron. Now, I am a king! Live well, I don’t have many friends among the trolls. Just you, wait patiently, I want to benefit you, you can't refuse!"

After the speech of the King Carlos Barov Haki of Alterac Kingdom, Dufang Evil Tooth gave out a knowing smile with a smile that was very disgusting and awkward in the eyes of humans.

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