Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 141 The most terrible enemy is not to be born or killed, but to turn you into him

Ambushing is a skill, and chasing soldiers is an art.

Don't read the novel that the enemy is in the middle of the battle, with heavy losses, fire and arrows, and kill the enemy without injury. fake.

Don't look at the story of the enemy's collapse and hurried flight. Our army chased and killed, but did not return for a few days, and there was no record of beheading the enemy. Imaginary.

For an army that is easy to ambush, you can almost destroy him head-on; for an army that is not so easy to ambush, if you want to reduce casualties and win a perfect victory, you need to do a lot of intelligence work to lure the enemy to deceive the enemy; A powerful opponent that can’t be defeated in an ambush can only be used for reasons such as natural danger to defend the enemy’s confession or attack the enemy to save it. The reason for playing GG is nothing more.

As for chasing soldiers, that is even more elaborate. Watch less of the anti-Japanese drama, chasing after the chasing troops are more ambushed. The commanding generals are all boring babes who help Tieshi's heart, and staying in the reserve team is even more familiar to the generals with a bit of quality. When you are chasing and fleeing the enemy, your own army is also in an embarrassing situation of disorganized organization. What? Organized chase? If others run away, you are chasing after you organized, catching up?

Take advantage of the blindness and carelessness of the local area in the pursuit, and organize anti-siege, anti-ambush, and anti-annihilation battles.

Therefore, the old sayings of not entering every forest and not chasing the poor are especially scientifically based. It is not a situation where a veteran general who has experienced many battles or bought the other's high-level insiders. Who dares to pursue a large-scale pursuit?

Unless it is terrain superiority or absolute superiority in military strength, pursuit is a military action that tests the commander's ability more than ambushes. Give up the idea that the cavalry is invincible. A dense bush and underwood can give you the kinetic energy advantage of the cavalry. Of course, without the speed and impact of the cavalry, a group of farmers can deal with it with a dung fork. Not to mention the fact that the horse lost its foot in actual combat. In the gravel and potholes, the horse can play with itself and the knight on its back.

Carlos spent two days in random thoughts, and finally held a military meeting in the early morning of the third day after the troll priestess of the evil moss clan in Zumashar, and the human assassination troops who followed her left.

"Carlos, according to the troll, Zumasha is more than four days away from our current Northland Fortress. We are just starting to catch up now, is it too late?" Turalyon asked with some worry.

"Well, conventionally speaking, it's a bit late." Carlos actually admitted that Turalyon made sense.

"Then you don't want to sell it, okay, I don't believe that the guy who fought with the army at the age of fourteen will make such a mistake, just say it, don't sell it." Turalyon said the voice of the other generals present.

"According to common sense, we will definitely not be on the schedule of the troll priestess Ilshawens. But the priestess Ilshawens will definitely not trust us, and it is certain to take our squad around in circles. "

Carlos hadn't finished speaking, but when he stopped midway, Henry Shet, the Grand Knight Commander of the Alterac Knights, interrupted his majesty when he saw the machine.

"But Your Majesty, we are not familiar with this land. Even if we are natives of Stratholme, we don't know how to go through the mountains and forests to deal with trolls."

Carlos placed his elbows on the table, his fingers crossed under his nose, in a classic style, and asked in a low and slightly hoarse voice: "What do you think of magic?"


"Awesome thing...thing?"

"very useful……"

Everyone has their own views on magic.

Fear, envy, yearning, admiration, or both.

But no one can describe this complex sense in language very well.

"You are not curious why I left my magic adviser in Alterac, this time without a wizard with me in the north?" Carlos asked rhetorically.

Everyone was speechless. His Majesty Carlos, what is the point of selling this juncture? We know that you are wise and martial, but you continue to talk about it.

"This is a secret."

Carlos answered quickly.

"Carlos, a hundred of the Warriors of the Alliance are in danger for your plan, please don't make such a joke." Turalyon was a little uncomfortable.

"I'm not joking, but I hope you swear to keep it secret."

I swear.

I swear.

I swear.


After everyone present pledged to not leak Carlos's next words, the king of Alterac uttered words that moved everyone.

"From the beginning, my goal was Zumashaer."

"Wait, at the beginning, when is it, Carlos, please clarify." Turalyon felt a little frightened.

"From the moment you decide to send troops."

There was silence in the conference room.

"You don’t think that I accepted Lordaeron’s request to come to Stratholme to behave? You don’t think that the high elves of Quel'Thalas will let us enter their territory to fight trolls. Isn’t it? Or did you never think about how long we will stay here after the army was dispatched, or what we have to fight to finish? Generals, warriors, my friends, Hillblad Hills, our compatriots I'm fighting a bloody battle with the tribe, and soldiers shed blood and sacrifice every moment. Do you think I am building a fortress here for vacation?"

Carlos's voice rose high.

"Fix the fortress and beat up the active trolls in Stratholme. The trolls of Zuaman annoy the enemies of Zuaman. My mind is never on the trolls, orcs! The Horde! Don't defeat the strong standing in front of the Alliance. Enemy, when will this war be over!"

"Your Majesty..." Alterac's generals looked at their King Carlos, and were so shocked by the sudden majesty that they could not speak.

"Do you know why I want to enlist myself? It's not because I can't trust you, and it's not because of the merits that are useless. I am the king, and I am already the king. I don't need those flashy deeds. I'm here, just for the fastest time. End the mess here in Stratholme, and then use your identity to overwhelm others, so that you can all go back, Hillbride, only Hillbride said that the soldiers should bleed, and Tarren Mill is us. Alterac’s homeland!"

Although Turalyon is still a rookie in politics, he is already a qualified commander under Lothar's guidance with his awe-inspiring talent.

"Yes, use the Northland fortress to block the trolls' access to the south, so that only a small number of mobile units and fortress guards can defend the entire Stratholme area. As long as Stratholme City uses the Northland fortress as a base pillar to repair more In the sentry tower, the trolls don’t think about cholera Stratholme. As for the main force of the trolls, let the high elves deal with it.” Although Turalyon likes Alleria, he has a sense of love and intimacy with the high elves. The adjutant of the supreme commander of the alliance, Turalyon's butt can no longer be straightened, taking the interests of the alliance as the starting point is a basic consideration.

"So, the arrival of the priestess and Mr. Dufang was a surprise. As early as half a month ago, I had secretly dispatched troops close to Zumasha. You guys did not realize that even if you did not consider me to send Didn’t you find that there were close to six hundred people missing from the twenty centuries that went out to pay the trolls?” Carlos said this, and asked, “Is it true that I didn’t find it or did I dare not say it? Are you stupid or am I so terrible that you dare not ask?"

Carlos took a small bag from his waist and threw it on the table.

"There is a magic pointer made by the master of bricks, which will always point to the position of Zumashar."

After speaking, Carlos stood up.

"I said, it's okay to treat me as a fool, I'll be a fool to show everyone. When I'm a fool, I'll have the final say on the rest! Ymir, you lead the cavalry force within two hundred miles of the fortress. Excited and vigilant, Henry Shett, I will leave you with a thousand people to defend against the fortress for emergencies."

After Carlos finished speaking, he turned to face Turalyon.

"Turalyon, leave five hundred people to help defend the fortress, and take the rest with me."

"Yes!" Turalyon happily agreed.

"Come on, Generals of Alterant, follow in the footsteps of your king. Guys of the Royal National Knights, it's time for your debut!" Carlos issued a declaration of war.

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