Zumashar, the moss troll was arguing fiercely, while the patriarch sat in a high position, watching his people arguing and verbalizing, but was unmoved.

Because Warlord Morandor and Priest Mihaid agreed to join Zumashar to support Zul'jin, and Priest Ilshawens and Priest Marika opposed the evil moss clan being involved in a fight that was not beneficial to them, and the two factions were fierce. Disputes.

In the face of such evenly matched disputes, as the patriarch, he could stop the quarrel as long as he expressed his position, but he chose to watch the excitement on the sidelines. What a nasty guy, this guy is not worthy to be the patriarch!

As Ilshawens expounded his point of view, he kept looking at the patriarch's reaction, and what he saw was an indifferent face.

Sure enough, replacing him is the right choice! Ilshawens said this to herself in her heart.

Whether humans or trolls, when they find excuses or reasons for themselves, when they cross the hurdle in their hearts, or when their positions change, they are always used to stand on the moral high ground to attack their opponents or enemies.

I want to assassinate you because you will kill everyone.

I want to assassinate you because you don't deserve to be the patriarch.

I will benefit from assassinating all of you.

I did not assassinate you for personal gain.

Everyone will benefit when you die.

All problems will be solved when you die.

So you go to die.

After finding a reason for herself, Ilshawens' heart became as hard as steel and as hard as a rock.

Her supporter, Priest Marika, was arguing fiercely with Priest Mikhaid, while Warlord Morando and the patriarch were drinking and watching a play. This scene gave Ilshawens a feeling that even if the patriarch did not come, Warlord Morando might launch a military reform to abolish his rights and Marika's rights, and forcibly tie Zumasha to Zujin's chariot.

Sure enough, Dufang. Evil Tooth was right. Noble character can only be used to intoxicate oneself. If you want to save sentient beings and save peace, you need iron and blood, and what you need is fire and killing.

Really full of irony and painful comprehension.

"Master Patriarch, it's already dinner time, let's stop arguing and fill up our stomachs." Seeing Malika's signs that he couldn't say Mihaid, Ilshawens interrupted decisively.

"Well, the meat should be cooked, let's eat first." The patriarch stood up from his seat and left first.

When everyone left the altar square where the meeting was held, Marika walked to Ilshawens and asked, "Priest Ilshawens, why did you not say a word during the argument?"

"Because it's useless." Ilshawens replied.

"Should we let the patriarch who only knows to eat, fight, sleep and his wife and daughter take everyone to death?" Marika said angrily.

"Your Excellency Marika, haven't we all made the final preparations, why are we still so angry." Ilshawens said softly in Marika's ear.

"I still want to fight again, after all, you know, once... you can't look back." Marika said in a secretive tone.

"There has never been a second way. Why do you think that stupid patriarch didn't speak and let us argue? He just wanted to stay in Zumasha for the night. Our dispute seemed to him to be a happy farce." Ershawens attacked his patriarch with the greatest malice.

"Then how do we deal with it?" A few days after Marika discovered that she had left secretly, Ilshawens seemed to have become another person, and she could no longer find the shadow of the weak priestess before she spoke and acted.

"Keep on arguing. The patriarch wants to see us arguing, so we will show him the quarrel and postpone the meeting until tomorrow." Ilshawens replied.

"what do you mean……"

"The change is tonight."

"Okay, but your Excellency Priest Ilshawens, then we pray that the foreign aid you have found will perform well." Marika sighed.

The fierce and useless argument continued until the sky was completely darkened.

"Since none of you can convince anyone, let's take a break today, and we will continue the discussion tomorrow." The patriarch yawned and signaled that today's meeting is over.

"How did the guy who is in estrus at any time become your patriarch? The future of the Evil Moss clan is bleak" When Ilshawens returned to the residence and closed the door, Mr. Tooth appeared from the shadows.

"Because he lived long enough." Ilshawens simply dealt with the one-tooth. Evil-tooth, and then went straight to the subject, "Are humans ready?"

"I do errands, don't worry, with your map, that male dog is dead." Mr. Dufang replied.

"That's good." Ilshawens faintly dealt with it, looking not very interested.

"Ilshawens, look into my eyes, and then answer me, what do you want to do with my human friends, how do you do with me." Mr. Dudent asked this suddenly.

"Except for the army of Warlord Morandor, the remaining trolls are all obedient to me and Malika, letting go of human beings, which is also one of the reasons to criticize Morandor. Don't worry, I will keep my promise." Shawens knew that Mr. Tooth was worried about crossing the bridge and tearing down the river, so he spoke to reassure him.

"I hope so. Priestess, please find a reason to open the door, I should leave." Mr. Tooth felt that the time was almost up, so he stopped talking to the priestess Ilshawens and was ready to act.

"By the way, let your person tie a white strip of cloth on his left arm to avoid accidental injury."

Ilshawens, who opened the door, felt that someone was blowing into his ears, and when he looked back, Mr. Dufang was gone.

In a large cave less than ten kilometers southeast of Zumashar, a hundred elite humans are waiting for the signal to act.

"My friends, it's time to act. The one with a white strip of cloth tied to the left arm is the friendly army, and other trolls who resist can kill it."

When Mr. Dufang appeared in the cave, the choppy sound of drawing a knife became a piece of music.

"What a sweet voice." Instead of being scared, Mr. Dufang enjoyed the voice very much.

"Mr. Dufang, should we act?" the human commander of this squad asked.

"Yes, for your king, our mutual friend, His Majesty Carlos wants the head of the moss troll patriarch." Mr. Dufang was very proficient in common language, and said such an aria like singing a poem.

"Then, lead the way, Mr. Troll, the king will get everything he wants, including the head you mentioned." The commander was full of confidence, not worried about his own safety at all, and treated the army as nothing. Style.

"Then follow me, don't get lost, it's dark tonight." Mr. Dufang finished speaking and turned to leave.

And the patriarch of the moss troll who was stared at his head is having an open meeting with his Zumashar Warlord Morandor.

"Morando, how is the situation? Humph..."

"My father, if you are in control, those priests can't turn up the sky, roar~~~~"

"To be specific, hum ha ha..."

"At least six hundred people have fallen to my side. The stupid woman thought she was still in control of the situation.

"Very well, let's showdown tomorrow. It's boring to sit and have a meeting, ah da da da."

"Okay, my father, tomorrow I will find a chance to talk to the rest of the people, and I'd better let the idiot Hamill fall to us, wow da da da da da da."

"Your one looks great."

"Then we change? Father?"

"Well, change."

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