Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 143 I, Carlos, have today too!

The coup d'état of Zumasal took place in the second half of the night.

A small group of humans rushed into Zumashar, murdered and set fire in the residential area of ​​the troll dignitaries, and beheaded the naked Moss Chief and Warlord Morandor in the chaos.

If according to the plan, it is already a big success.

Well, according to the script of the plan, it was indeed a big success.

However, the plan never changes fast.

"Priest Ilshawens colluded with mankind and murdered the patriarch and the Grand Warlord, surrounded them, don't let the traitor away!"

When the priest Mikhaid appeared in the chaotic scene with Malika's head, Ilshawens felt the deep malice from the god of fate.

"Retreat to the high platform of the altar!" Mr. Dufang looked at the stunned priestess, took her by the hand, dragged her away like a dog, and fought back with the human commandos, and retreated to the sacrifice. high tower.

"Hahahahaha, happy, sure enough, joining your majesty's special forces team will never be lonely!" The commander of the human squad said with emotion after repelling the first menacing attack of the troll.

"Are all the commanders of the alliance a monster? I can't laugh it out" Mr. Dufang gasped.

Less than two hundred of the followers of Ilshawens and the remaining human soldiers were trapped in a solitary place on the high platform of the altar.

"Priest, what shall we do now?" asked Hamill, the loyal guard of Ilshawens, and the other trolls looked at their priestess.

"I have no idea……"

The sudden change caused the priestess Ilshawens to completely lose her square inch.

"You must know that everyone gathers together because of you, say something, promise something, you are the priestess, the current ruler of Zumasha." Mr. Dufang persuaded.

"Are you taunting me! taunting my innocence! taunting my incompetence!"

Ilshawens' feelings suddenly got out of control, and everyone felt unexpectedly caught off guard.

"The disgusting and disgusting patriarch who was in estrus all year round died. His illegitimate son Morando is dead. Victory is in sight. Malika is also dead. I never look at Mikhaid. Jedi comeback, hahaha, I can't help it, no, are you happy?" Ilshawens yelled out of self-defetion.

"Hey, Dude Dude, what is this troll lady doing?" The human commander couldn't understand the troll language, and asked curiously.

"The concubine is dead." Mr. Dufang felt that Ilshawens' emotional breakdown was inexplicable, and he casually dealt with the human commander.

"Oh, the emotional world of trolls is really complicated."

After the human commander finished speaking, all the human soldiers laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Hamill asked in confusion and angrily.

"In your opinion, the coup failed and Mikhaid became the final victor. You are desperate and you are lost. But in the eyes of mankind, we succeeded." Mr. Dufang explained.

"Success? This place is just such a road. We are trapped to death and we don't need to attack. As long as we block the way out, we will be thirst and starve to death. Success?" Ilshawens sarcastically said in a vicious tone.

"The human man who reached the agreement with you Carlos Barov is dying of thirst." Dufang said calmly.

"That troll executioner?"

The trolls on the high platform of the altar became agitated when they heard the name.

"It's a sad thing to be his enemy. But to be his friend is a lucky thing. Just wait, not to despair. Michal, you take care of the priestess and rest, Ilsa Your Excellency Wens is tired." After Mr. Dufang finished speaking, he whispered in Hamill's ear, "Don't let her do stupid things."

"Women, whether humans or trolls are so troublesome, there is a chance to find an elf to try." The human commanders watched the excitement and spoke unscrupulously.

Overnight, Mikhaid integrated Zumasha's forces, and after dawn, he began to attack the altar high platform.

Faced with Mikhaid's request to talk to Ilshawens, Mr. Tooth and Hamill reacted exactly the same, waiting with flying knives and stones.

"What are you doing? This is a chance for reconciliation!" Ilshawens shouted.

"Woman, don't be silly, where is the chance of reconciliation."

"Priest, now we can only believe that human beings will not abandon their compatriots."

Although Mr. Dufang and Hamill had different starting points, they made the same judgment.

In the morning, Mikhaid's forces launched six attacks, defeating the human troll coalition who retreated to the sacrificial platform and suffered more than half of the casualties.

"You taste this." The human commander handed Mr. Duya a cigarette. "The high-end products grown in Arathi Highlands are good for relieving the energy when tired and nervous."

"I'm not nervous." Mr. Dufang replied.

"But you are tired," the human commander said.

I understand that this human being wants to talk to each other, although Mr. Dufang doesn't like cigarettes, he still clicks obediently, and then...

"Cough cough cough cough."

"If you haven't smoked, slow down the first time."

"What do you want to say, go ahead." Mr. Dufang still doesn't quite understand the human culture of making friends with alcohol and tobacco.

"How many trolls do you think there are down there?"

"The entire Zumasha's troll is between 3,000 and 4,000. Counting the subordinates brought by the dead patriarch and the one who died in the civil chaos last night, there are still around 4,000."

Mr. Dufang estimated and gave the answer.

"Then how many people does your Majesty need to bring to save us."

Unable to answer, Dufang. Evil tooth couldn't answer this question, so he had to remain silent.

"I also asked, if you choose to be a soldier, you don't think of yourself long ago, don't mind. Asking for solace with a troll, I am also a fool." The human commander laughed mockingly.

"It will come. The Carlos Barov I know is a person who values ​​credibility more than life, and a person who values ​​his subordinates' lives more than himself. He can send his hands to carry out his life for the victory of the war. Mission, but will never send his hand to death." Mr. Dufang said firmly.

"Hahaha, to serve such a majesty who has been praised by the trolls who have been enemies for generations, the life of the Sajia family is without regrets!" said the human commander.

In a desperate situation, to praise His Majesty Carlos is to flatter himself, and the human commander does not feel blush at all.

"There is movement outside!" Mihal shouted suddenly.

Hearing Hamill's yelling, even Ilshawens stood up.

As the highest point of Zumashar, the sacrificial high platform has a wide natural view. People trapped on it found that the trolls of Zumashar began to gather outside the city.

"Your Majesty! This battle is your Majesty!"

The humans began to cheer.

"Being up, Mikhaid may also use us as a bargaining chip. Our crisis has not passed yet." Mr. Dufang said to others in common language and troll language respectively.

On the mountain road outside Zumasha, Carlos looked gloomy, and his unreliable magic communication and positioning made him spend an entire day gathering his men. He was afraid that it was too late. But Starry Night, only a few elites can keep up. If you don't accept the lurking soldiers first, Carlos will not have enough power in his hands.

When the scattered soldiers returned to the organization, with the King's National Knights as the backbone, a large army soon took shape.

An army of one thousand six hundred people blocked the road south of Zumasha, and more than two thousand troops would arrive within two days, and Carlos was unwilling to wait any longer.

Mikhaid sent envoys to ask the mankind's intent and why Chen Bingzu Masha was required.

"I only talk to Priest Ilshawens." Carlos said to the messenger.

"The priest Ilshawens has rebelled. As a prisoner, he cannot meet with you." The troll messenger replied.

Bluff me! The treason between the trolls only ends with the death penalty, and the prisoners are returned. There is a drama!

Carlos was suddenly reluctant to talk.

"Tell you what Mikhaid priest, there is a group of Union soldiers who are missing near Zumasha, and we are asking to go into the city to search for the missing human soldiers!"

Carlos didn't know why, so naturally he chose such an excuse.

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