(Two-in-one outfit forced a big chapter)

Without giving Zumasha's troll too much time to think about it, Carlos ordered the soldiers to start singing military songs.

"Alterac don't cry for me"

"When the Alliance Calls"

"My Home in Hillblad"


"Holy Light Bless Mankind"

After singing the five songs, the army's heart is like a fire, and the momentum is like a mountain.

"Send an ultimatum to the trolls and give them time for another song."

Carlos made a decision.

"Then what are you going to sing?"

Turalyon did not expect that Alterac had so many military anthems. Under Lothar, it seemed that the main force of the Alliance would just kneel on one knee to pray or pat each other on the shoulders. How could there be so many tricks.

But looking at the hot fighting spirit of the soldiers around him, Turalyon felt that he had learned something again.

"Since we have given the other side time to sing, let's take it longer. Aslan, prepare for "THEMASS"." Carlos showed the kindness of his crocodile tears to the troll.

Change and change

Damn it's life

Intertwining suffering and happiness

Intertwining happiness and suffering

The wheel of fortune no matter the poor or the rich

Holy holy holy order

Divine blessing

Divine blessing

Holy holy holy blessing

Divine blessing

My health and virtue are ruined by fate

Tired with will always be exhausted

Don't delay letting the strings strum at this moment

Holy holy holy order

Divine blessing divine blessing

Holy holy holy blessing

Divine blessing

Holy holy holy blessing

Divine blessing

My health and virtue are ruined by fate

My will is exhausted

Don't delay letting the strings strum at this moment

Holy holy holy order

Divine blessing

Divine blessingHoly holy holy blessing

Divine blessing

Don't delay letting the strings strum at this moment

Because fate has also been crushed by fate, we must eliminate all the pain.

Carlos became king in only a few months, and the battle ahead was tight, and he couldn't come up with a lot of material rewards to buy the military spirit, so he could only start from the spiritual level.

A large number of magnificent or passionate military songs are sung in the Alterac kingdom under Carlos's prestige.

The people are emotional, and many people may still have the impression of Carlos on the son of Grand Duke Alex Barov, the lucky kid who was the king. But under the influence of singing, everyone has a feeling-this is a king fighting for the people, this is a hero!

Although I don't know what kind of heroic Majesty Carlos is, but this song sounds like a hero!

Even ordinary citizens have this understanding, not to mention the soldiers who have a good impression of Carlos.

After a military song like a hymn was sung, the troll's envoy had just returned to Mihaid.


Carlos issued a military order.

"..." Turalyon was completely speechless. How could this be an argument? The purpose of singing is to buy time for setting up troops, right? You wanted to fight from the beginning, right?

Although the mountain road was difficult to navigate, under the bombardment of the bursting arrows, the trolls did not even have the need to push the rolling stone wood. Because the bursting arrow fell to the ground with a rumble, blowing out a rolling stone.

Carlos did not bring much inventory, only more than 400 bursting arrows. Although the power is not as powerful as a heavy artillery over eight pounds, the advantage lies in the intensive rate of fire. Ordinary artillery does not have four hundred shots in a minute. The power of.

With the support of the Burst Arrow, the members of the National Knights of the Kingdom completed the first round of assault and occupied the first corner platform of the zigzag mountain road.


Carlos gave the order, and the army began to advance.

"Carlos, let me go!"

Turalyon watched with enthusiasm and took the initiative to ask for orders.

"The second platform is for you."

Carlos agreed to Turalyon's battle and arranged for the archers to suppress the troll archers and spearers on the third highest platform.

Turalyon was born with a leadership temperament, and when he was in Hillblad Hills, he often led an inferior number of alliance troops to attack the dominant number of orc troops, and used interspersed to divide and beat the orcs by surprise.

Turalyon’s keen intuition and fearless determination can often dominate the battlefield in small-scale battles. On the second platform, a hundred-man battlefield, this man with open arms directly broke through the resistance and sand barriers with his indomitable momentum. The obstruction, as if opening Wushuang, inserted into the defending formation.

When the troll tried to besie him with a spear, Turalyon used the Wings of Holy Light from the Master just recently, leaping high and falling heavily, and the divine light blinded all enemies within two hundred yards.

"As expected of my son, the blind light has realized it..." Carlos muttered quietly.

"Your Majesty, the troll pitcher on the third high platform has been suppressed by us, what should we do now?" Aslan Qi'an asked.

"Offensive, the second high platform is no longer suspenseful, go up in one go." Carlos gave an accurate reply.

The originally rugged mountain road is a nightmare for all attackers. But Carlos exhausted his tactics, all his cards were out, and his shameless bullying tactics rushed to the second highest stage in one breath.

And beyond the third high platform, it was Zumasha. The trolls did not arrange any fortifications on the periphery of the city at all. Once the third high platform was lost, the Moss Troll was declared dead.

"Despicable human!"

Mikhaid did not expect that the human offensive was so fierce that he completely caught himself by surprise.

After all, Mikhaid was just a priest. Although he also hated Warlord Morandor, he couldn't deny that Morandor was very good at fighting, and now he was helpless.

"Hold it!"

Mikhaid finished speaking these two words and began to cast the spell.

Although there is no bonus from the ancestor altar, Mikhaid, who is in power, has obtained the ancestor's staff and the sacrificial vessel of the dead priest Marika, plus his own sacrificial vessel, it is enough to make a god warrior.

"Listen to the voice of the gods! The ancestors are calling you, warriors, fight for Zumashar!"

During the prayer process, Mikhaid felt that it was a mistake that he did not kill the little bitch Ilshawens first. If the three sacred objects of death are complete, and with the ancestor's scepter, he can summon a complete form of the god weapon. At that time, I didn't care about the human being in front of me.

Called by the troll priest Mihaid, the ancestor's staff emitted strong energy fluctuations, which were absorbed by the surrounding trolls.

"Carlos, there seems to be a big movement above!" Turalyon, who had completed the strategy of the second high platform, returned to Carlos and said breathlessly.

"It doesn't matter, the war is over when the third tower is captured." Carlos certainly felt the strong fluctuations from the top of his head, but Carlos, as the king, had a different thinking circuit than Carlos as a soldier.

If you want to completely crush you, you must crush you in your strongest state. After the death of your strongest, you will be stepped directly from arrogance to despair, and all your hopes will be wiped out.

This is what a conqueror should do.

Because Mihaid's energy was put on the surrender ceremony, the trolls of the third high platform were quickly slaughtered.

When the pioneers of mankind had dashed across the mountain and came outside Zumasha, Mikhaid's laughter was heard.

"Stupid humans, welcome your doomsday!"

Forty-seven five-meter-tall upgraded trolls uttered anguish, and stood up straight from the prostrate posture, the gloomy light in their eyes exuding madness and despair.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"I don't know, but for being so big, agility shouldn't work, right?"

"I don't know how the recovery ability is, the key is the head or the chest."

The National Knights of the King’s Church is an organization that Carlos has high hopes for. Under his guidance, these non-human assassins perfectly responded to the king’s expectations. Faced with the abnormal monsters, there was no timidity, and they were discussing what is going on. Kill the enemy.

Fear is contagious, as can courage.

When Carlos rode his war horse step by step onto Zumasha, what he saw was the attitude of the human warriors fighting against the monsters bravely and fearlessly.

"It's useless, the god warrior is immortal! Give up, humble human!"

Mikhaid yelled arrogantly.

If you don't learn the blood spear, you are embarrassed to be called a god warrior?

"This idiot, when we don't mobilize the army to attack us, we rely on these monsters to defeat us, don't we have a bad brain?" Carlos couldn't understand it, and turned to ask Turalyon.

"But these monsters are so capable of recovering, and the soldiers can't stand it anymore." Turalyon was not as optimistic as Carlos.

"Then let me move. The soldiers obey orders. Now the command of the army is temporarily ordered by General Turalyon, do you understand?"


"Can you do it?" Turalyon asked.

"How can a man say he can't!"

Carlos dropped this sentence, rolled over and dismounted, clenched his Arcanite axe, moved from a small step to a high-speed charge, jumped and cut into the battlefield.

What should I do with monsters of the undead type and recovery type?

Cut, cut to the dead, once you recover, I cut once, cut into pieces and crushed into dregs.

Where does immortality come from!

Although the strengthened trolls are known as gods warriors, they are larger and more resilient. Carlos, who has rich theoretical experience, read countless monsters, and quickly discovered the weaknesses of these gods warriors-penetration injuries and slashing injuries. The recovery speed is very fast, but the regeneration speed of the severed limb is much slower, and the volume will be reduced after the severed limb is regenerated.

"Cut them all into adult sticks!"

In the face of the more and more frenzied Royal National Knights, even the gods and warriors will only end in destruction.

As the gods and warriors got smaller and smaller, the first alienated troll that added wounds and couldn't keep up with the speed of regeneration was cut into pieces by humans.

"Isn't one of these trolls going to fight? With these monsters in battle, we just need to rush up to more than 500 trolls, and we will feel uncomfortable. They actually let Carlos have fun fighting monsters. Others and us Just look at it like this..." Turalyon couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but ridicule.

"This is impossible! The god warrior is invincible!" Mihaid also found that his biggest hole card seemed not so easy to use. "The people of Zumashar, rush forward and destroy the enemy!"

"Master Turalyon, can you stop chatting on the battlefield, the troll has dispatched troops." Aslan Qi'an gave Turalyon a speechless white.

"Ahahaha, this is an accident, don't care, send the order, and four hundred people will copy it from the left and right sides." Turalyon gave the order.

"Your Majesty..."

"Excuting an order."


Carlos, your subordinates still owe training.

Turalyon sighed, the frontal battlefield was crowded with more than five hundred human fighters, all of which were high-level combat power. They were already suspected of wasting manpower, and increased their troops? Can it be set?

War is not a game. The painless type of battle has different requirements for individual combat space. Fighting with monsters like the spirit warrior head-on, the larger the movement space, the better. If there are more people, the spirit warrior will kill seven with one punch?

Seeing that more and more gods and warriors fell, the troll priest Mihaid panicked, and the ordinary trolls who rushed into the battlefield were far from human soldiers in terms of training and equipment, and could not turn the tide of the battle.

And the riots that came in the city of Zumasha gave Mihaid a bad premonition."I am Ilshawens. Mikhaid murdered the patriarch, the warlord, and the Marika priest. People, don't trust this traitor anymore!" The priestess was surrounded by a group of trolls with white cloth strips tied to their left arms. Appeared behind Mikhaid.

"You smashed a female watch who takes refuge in humans!" Mihaid roared fiercely.

"Nonsense! It's not that you kidnapped humans, and Zumasha will not be attacked by humans!" After Ilshawens regained the advantage, the IQ was also online, and he opened his mouth after a bite.

"Stupid, hahahaha." Mikhaid suddenly discovered something in his favor.

That is, Ilshawens was too close to him, as far as the ancestor's staff could sense the call of the Three Holy Artifacts.

"Power and status are all appendages of power. Why don't you understand!"

Mihaid raised the ancestor's sacrificial staff high, and then used the sharp point of the staff to insert his heart fiercely.

"Do not!"

Ilshawens, who noticed that the power was quickly passing by, wailed, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Mihaid, who had absorbed all the power of the Three Holy Artifacts of Death, gradually grew bigger, then slowly shrunk, and finally became a strong troll with a height of three meters and an explosive deterrent from his muscles.

"King of mankind, die!" Mihaid said viciously, and then swept away all obstacles that blocked him. Whether trolls or humans.

"Where are you confident!"

Carlos spotted Mihairo rushing over, speaking disdainful words, but he didn't dare to be half careless in his hands. The wings of the holy light behind him were twisted and entangled and gradually merged into one.

"Eula Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler"

Accompanied by the appearance of the holy light giant who didn't know how to make a sound, Carlos used the strongest holy light Technique in Azeroth for the second time.

"What is this!" Turalyon was completely stunned. The Holy Light can still be used like this!

"Go to hell!" Mihaid threw out his fists heavily, but was steadily caught by the Holy Light Giant.


The sonic boom of the double fists silenced the entire battlefield. The trolls and human soldiers who were still fighting at the last moment focused their attention on Carlos and Mihaid.

Finding that the deified Mikhaid did not have an overwhelming advantage in power, Carlos knew that this forced him to pretend to be stable.

"Little god in the mortal world, you did your best."

After Carlos finished speaking, he deliberately put on a pose in slow motion.

Mikhaid found out that the power of the light group monster that caught his fists was not under him, and it was extremely difficult for him to withdraw his fists.

And Carlos, who was sandwiched between the Holy Light Giant and Mihaid, posed for a long time, accumulating energy for a long time, and did not think of any more handsome lines, anxiously angered, such a good opportunity to pretend to be missed?

"May you be born in a place full of sacred light in your next life, EIMEN!"

After Carlos had finished speaking, the Arcanite axe ruthlessly slashed, splitting Mihaid from his left shoulder all the way to his abdomen.

The Holy Light released his fists and stood quietly behind Carlos.

"Hahahaha, the god warrior is immortal!" Mihaid said these words weakly, but the injury was too serious, and it took time to heal his physical wounds.

"Say harsh words when you have the advantage."

Carlos slammed the Arcanite axe into the ground, and the giant of light floated behind Mihaid.

Carlos and the Light Giant pose at the same time.


"Eula Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler

"Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eura Eula Eula Oula Eula Oula

Smashing Mihaid with a fist containing the power of the holy light, Euler Euler for a full minute did not give the god warrior Mihaid, who integrated the Three Hallows of Death, a chance to act handsome.

"No, it's useless, as long as you can't completely destroy and destroy my body, I will eventually be resurrected." Mikhaid, who was angry and squirming, was still talking cruelly.

"I finally determined one thing." Carlos looked at Mikhaid's puzzled eyes and said to himself, "You don't know how to fight at all, and you are not even a qualified fighter."

Stepped back and retrieved his Arcanite axe, Carlos raised his weapon high and shouted: "Alterac!"

The holy light giant rushed into the sky and turned into a hot and dazzling holy light axe and fell, and he turned to ashes at the scream of Vice Admiral by Mihaid.

"Not handsome, I still have to prepare a big sword." Carlos whispered, then looked around the battlefield and uttered a sky-shaking roar in a troll language.

"Who else!"

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