(Still two in one)

Whether the occupying army is good or not depends entirely on whether the leaders are willing to make trouble.

Under the forced coordination of Ilshawens, Carlos's army drove into Zumasha smoothly.

Then the human army blocked several exits of Zumashar.

Although there are trolls who questioned the collusion of priestesses with humans, and suspected that human beings as feuds would exterminate the moss trolls, Carlos's retreat policy gave Ilshawens a chance.

"His Majesty Carlos is a noble king, and the credibility of the king is higher than life, and hasn't humans not entered the city?" Ilshawens sophistry.

But trolls are nothing, even the trolls who support Ilshawens doubt human motives.

Regarding this question, Carlos set out his own terms. Based on the weight of the troll priestess Ilshawens, humans should request twenty Ilshawens precious metals and jewels.

Greedy humans!

Although the troll was in pain, he still paid the fee, and then Carlos wandered around Zumasha and retreated happily.

Even Ilshawens did not expect Carlos to actually retreat like this.

"Carlos, retreat! What are you thinking, we sacrificed more than three hundred good guys before we rushed forward, and we just left? This time we encountered the troll civil turmoil. It was so easy. How could we miss a better opportunity? ?" Turalyon didn't understand Carlos's withdrawal order.

"The opportunity will come soon. Fortunately, Ilshawens looks so strong and doesn't weigh too much." Carlos grinned and weighed the first reward from the troll. It didn't matter to Tula. Yang said.

"You want gold and silver treasures, get rid of the evil moss trolls, we copied Zumasha, nothing! Carlos, give me a reason, why retreat!" Turalyon yelled angrily.

"To take a small step back today is to take a big step forward tomorrow. Turalyon, we have more than 1,200 people. You are going to ask for a meal for more than half a month, the soldiers and the soldiers who stayed up all night and rushed over and joined the giants. Will the warriors who have fought with the devil blood fight the trolls in the city again? There are more than four thousand trolls in the city of Zumasha. , You want us to fight against the desperadoes if you want to do something outside?" Although Carlos smiled at the corner of his mouth, his tone became stern.

"Sorry, Carlos, I'm so sorry, I understand what you said, but such a huge achievement is in front of me, my mind is confused." Turalyon clenched his fist twice on his head, and sighed deeply.

"Fame and fortune, who is not tempted, you are upset because your heart is not big enough." Carlos stood up and gave the order, "Go to Mr. Dufang, let him come to see me, and then see ours. Did the warriors wake up? General Turalyon and I will reward these warriors on behalf of the Alliance."

Trolls are not fools either. After sending two Ilshawens' heavy treasures, they ask the humans to retreat and then pay for the rest. Carlos insisted on receiving five Ilshawens’ treasures before retreating, but secretly ordered Mr. Dufang to inform Ilshawens that his patience and sincerity are limited, so don’t irritate everyone. Two scattered.

Mr. Dufang accepted Carlos's secret order and left the human camp and returned to the troll for communication and negotiation.

While the trolls were raising treasure, Carlos took time to meet with the survivors of the assassination squad.

"Garrison Lieutenant Junior Grade, because of your outstanding performance, I have promoted you to major on behalf of the league, and all commando members have been promoted to one level."

Although the alliance unified the military ranks, the kings of the various kingdoms are fully promoted to their subordinates. The process of the alliance is only to make this military rank high in gold. After all, Alterac's major and the league's major are completely different. So Carlos asked Turalyon to preside over the promotion ceremony.

"In this life, be loyal to the king and serve the alliance!"

Commando Commander Garrison Lieutenant Junior Grade, no, at this moment Major Garrison burst into tears, and took over the rank certificate and epaulettes handed over by Alliance Adjutant Turalyon.

Through his own efforts, a farmer’s child finally climbed to the position of a major officer before the age of thirty. This made Major Garrison forget that his credit was earned in exchange for his life. He forgot that only three of the hundred brothers survived until the end. Thirteen, forgot the desperate fight on the high platform of the altar, forgot the scars when the heavy encirclement was highlighted, only the joy of victory and the sweetness of success were remembered.

As early as when he signed up for the assassination assault team, Garrison of Ensign wanted to understand that in this chaotic world, the people are worthless. If you evaluate merits step by step, you might be lucky to become a major at the age of forty. Just a captain. If you want to be prosperous and wealthy, you have to change your life!

"Very well, General Turalyon has given you honor and status. Then, I, the king, will give you something real."

Carlos finished speaking, snapped his fingers, and a large box was carried in by eight guards.

Carlos walked out from behind the table, walked to the big box, and kicked the heavy box, sprinkling silver ingots, dog head gold, and gems of various colors all over the floor."Brothers who died in the war, I have another sympathy, these are rewards for you, warriors, share the joy of victory!"

Carlos's bandit-like pie stimulated everyone present, and follow the king to eat meat!

However, although the soldiers of the commando team breathed heavily, no one stepped forward to fight for the scattered treasures.

"Cough cough." Turalyon coughed twice with unknown meaning.

"Your Majesty..." Major Garrison was also embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Why not take your reward? My warriors." Carlos put away his arrogance and asked calmly.

"Because we hope to receive your majesty's reward with our own hands." Garrison replied immediately because he was also quick-witted.

"Slippy, I want to listen to the truth." Carlos asked step by step.

"It's too much, so much that I'm scared." Garrison held back for a long time, unexpectedly squeezing out such a sentence, which surprised Carlos.

"Hahahahaha, good, good, you are good." Carlos said with a gloomy expression after laughing wildly. My knights went to perform this mission that seemed to be sent to death. In the end, I didn’t expect so many people to sign up. Later, I checked the roster, and it turned out that my father, the Grand Duke of Alterac, pardoned the prisoners. Prisoners, sent you all to serve as soldiers."

Carlos went around the place two times and continued: "Thieves, robbers, murderers, gangsters, all kinds of scum, I never thought that there are so many talents in my army. Garrison, you too It's not a good thing, assaulting superiors, disobeying orders, your punishment record is 26."

"But." Carlos took a deep breath, "You have passed the test of going, passed the test of the Holy Light, no matter what crimes you have committed before, at this moment, as the king of Alterac, I declare that you are Hero of the Alliance!"

Carlos opened his arms and used the power of the holy light. The commandos who knelt on one knee were pierced with tears by the emerald light, but the physical pain quickly eased.

"I will keep your organization. From today, you are the Garrison Death Squad. You will directly follow my special combat team, scum, and enjoy your identity as a hero, warriors, to prove to everyone that you are not a scum!"

Carlos retracted the holy light, clapped his hands, and immediately someone sent thirty-three brand-new military uniforms.

"Hey, did you modify the uniform of the Alliance?" Turalyon saw that the style of the uniform had changed at a glance.

"Of course, special troops naturally have special costumes. I always think there is a problem with Sir Lothar's aesthetics." Carlos answered naturally.

"Uh, I can't speak ill of the Marshal." Turalyon looked tangled.

The members of the Garrison Expendables who changed into new clothes in the camp are all different in their spirits.

Sure enough, what the Führer said is reasonable. Beautiful military uniforms can greatly improve morale and loyalty!

"Now, irrelevant personnel are all going out." Carlos finished speaking, and the generals and guards who had not received special orders left the camp.

"My warriors, listen up. The Garrison Death Squad will always only perform the most dangerous missions, and at the same time, it will also receive the most generous rewards. Now, those who are afraid take off their military uniforms and take the treasure that you can handle. leave here."

No one left.

"Very well, when you accept this task, then this reward is not much."

After Carlos finished speaking, after arranging a new mission for Garrison's death squad, all the death squad members showed fierce faces and grinned at the corners of their mouths.

"Go, when you complete this task, you are eligible for this reward."

It wasn't until the guards gathered and carried away the scattered treasures that Turalyon said, "Carlos, you are such an out-and-out villain. I apologize to you for my innocence."

"Humans need more villains like me." Carlos replied with inaudible words.

The next day, when the trolls sent the rewards as promised, the human army retreated, and they retreated simply and decisively, without a trace of sluggishness.

When the humans are gone, the trolls start fighting.

The patriarch’s participating cronies accused the priestess Ilshawens of colluding with humans, and the followers of the priestess accused the main battle faction of destroying the entire evil moss clan.

Anti-humanists say that mankind is untrustworthy and that world feuds cannot be changed. Peaceists say that trolls have shed enough blood. Now there are human kings who are willing to keep peace with trolls, and we must cherish it.

Mr. Dufang said, little ones, keep your hands and feet clean.

Then, that night, the backbone of the three priests was assassinated, and the internal contradictions of the Troll Zumasha suddenly became sharp.

The next night, without Mr. Dusk mixing up the water, the assassination spread throughout Zumasha.

On the third day, Ilshawens accepted the suggestions of his subordinates and launched an iron-blooded suppression of the opposition, and Zumasha's internal disturbances.

On the fourth day, Carlos' messenger came to urge the Moss Troll to pay the remaining reward. Before entering the city, the troll's spear pierced his left shoulder, and the messenger fled in a hurry.

On the fifth day, Zumashar caught fire and the trolls fought. Ilshawens defeated, but Zumashar’s food was burned.

"I come, I see, I conquer."

Carlos stepped into Zumashar for the second time after he was forced to play, and behind him was the three thousand army that was rested and radiant.

"Internal friction is really terrible. At least two thousand troops are required to besiege the troll city for half a year. Because of internal friction, we have breached it twice in a few days." Turalyon said with emotion.

"So we should keep women away from politics." Carlos arranged irresponsibly.

"You are sexist." Turalyon retorted disdainfully.

"Ha, if you are a woman, I will take you as my queen, and let you Tenten sleep in the toilet." Carlos was in a good mood and harmed Turalyon without any barriers.

"Enough of you, the king's dignity has been chopped up by you and used to feed the dog."

Turalyon's words aroused the displeasure of other Alterac generals. Carlos waved his hand dismissively and said: "The king's majesty is only used when the king needs to show his majesty, such as now."

"Priest Ilshawens, we meet again."

"Human, trusting you is my biggest mistake! People of Zumasha, forgive me, I am guilty!"

"Who made you treat the priestess like this? Untie!"

Carlos motioned for the guards to touch Ilshawens and the restraints of her men.

"You despicable villain, you have lost the face of the king, a traitor who says nothing."

"I'm sorry, I don't agree with your accusation. I have not violated any treaty between us."

"The King of Alterac is a liar!"

"Zumasha's sacrifice is a fool."

"Executioner! Do you want to build another skeleton pyramid in your capital with the head of the moss troll?"

"It depends on you, honorable priestess."

When Ilshawens heard this, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Although you reached an agreement with me for the purpose of exploitation, I did come with the purpose of peace."

Carlos walked up to Ilshawens, touched his knees with his hands, lowered his height, and kept his eyes level with the priestess.

"State your purpose."

Although Ilshawens is prone to emotional extremes, he still has a basic political vision.

"Look, I just blocked Zumasha's way out, but neither went into the city to slaughter the trolls, nor did I have any intention to destroy the city."Carlos said calmly.

"You are just afraid that the fish will die and the net will break."

"No, you know my kind of arrow that explodes. You are fish, and my army and I are not nets."

"Then what do you want?"


"Peace? Hahahaha, do you need peace around your neck?"

Carlos stood up straight and said condescendingly: "Are you going for a proud war or a peace that I give to you, it doesn't matter."

"You are a threat!" Ilshawens bit her lip with her teeth, and the blood slid down the corner of her mouth to her chin, dripping dust.

Carlos turned and walked to the side of the mount, took out a small bag of wheat from the saddle bag and threw it in front of Ilshawens. A handful of wheat grains jumped out of the loose rope and fell into the ground.

"This is the threat."

"what do you want……"

Ilshawens succumbed. There is no food and only hunting. Zumasha will starve to death at least half of his people by the time the summer grain is harvested next year.

"Except for you and your peace-loving people, all militants must die."

Carlos made the first condition.


Ilshawens readily agreed.

"You and your people shot my messenger, and at the same time you owe me fifteen Ilshawens' treasures. I want you to pay twice."

"I hate this unit... good."

"I can sell you food and buy it with treasure."


Ilshawens' voice was already trembling.

"So, you are still a noble priestess. You saved Zumasha, and you also saved the fragile trust between the trolls and humans."

"I hope your words count."

Ilshawens flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

"Carlos, we have enough troops now, and the trolls are short of food. As long as they are hungry for a week, they will not have any effort to kill. Why are you..." Although doubtful, Turalyon did not directly question Carlos's decision.

"Kill a hundred, don't kill, then it will be endless." Carlos finished, he laughed, and then left on his own.

"General Turalyon, do you understand what your Majesty means?"

Seeing that his colleagues had the final say, Aslan Qi'an didn't care about the look, or looked blank, or frowned thoughtfully, so he walked to Turalyon and wanted to find out.

"Hahahaha, I learned another trick." Turalyon burst out laughing.

"Uh, General Turalyon, what do you mean?"

"Kill them, we are one hundred, don't kill them, all the trolls are endless, your king is really a villain, hahaha!" Turalyon also smiled and left, leaving Aslan with an inexplicable face. Qi'an stays in place.

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