Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 146 New Troll Completion Plan

How many humans are in the world of Azeroth?

Lordaeron’s taxpayer population is 2 million, Alterac’s kingdom is less than 200,000, Gilneas is over a million, Dalaran and Kul Tiras suddenly feel the supply, and the southern kingdom of Stormwind can be counted as 200. Ten thousand, plus the mountain people who evade taxes are also savages.

Before the orcs invaded, it would have been more than seven million.

The first orc war smashed the Kingdom of Stormwind. One-third of the population died in the war, and the ensuing orc suppression and famine took away at least one-third of the population.

The second orc invasion has hit so far. Hillblad hills, the original rich land, has also been beaten to a piece of white ground. The number of soldiers killed in the Alliance of Lordaeron is almost 70,000, and it is not considered disabled and The bandits and famine who were seriously injured, lost order at the same time, don't know how many human lives will be taken away.

Based on rough statistics, human beings now look like less than six million people.

Where's the troll?

How many trolls are there?

Even in the ancient times, the two empires of Amani and Gurubashi were beaten on the ground by the newly-emerged Kaldorei empire. The skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and the ethnic background of the overlord that once ruled the entire ancient Kalimdor Continent still remains.

Under the great explosion of the Well of Eternity, the new order was recast, humans rose in the eastern kingdom, and the elves shrank in the north-central part of Kalimdor. And trolls are everywhere in the world.

Northrend, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Pandaria, plus the Broken Isles overseas, there are almost all traces of trolls wherever you want.

Don't look at the trolls that seem to be doing poorly right now, but they are terrified when they think about it, what a terrible force this is.

Not to mention the distance, the disc clicked the troll forces of the Eastern Kingdom.

In the northern continent of Lordaeron, the remnants of the Amani trolls were beaten by the renamed old enemies and emerging humans in ancient times, and the social order collapsed. From then on, Lordaeron’s The trolls have lost their civilization and heritage, split into countless clan societies, scattered in the deep mountains and forests of Lordaeron, using beast tartar tools, living like a wild man.

It is impossible to count how many trolls there are in Lordaeron, but the total population of trolls with basic civilizations in the cities of Zuaman, Sinsalor, Shadraro, and Zumasal is quintuple. of.

In this way, a conservative estimate is also more than 500,000.

This is the Lordaeron troll who has been beaten by fat for hundreds of years.

In Stranglethorn Vale in the south, the Gurubashi trolls have regrouped, replenishing their energy in the giant city of Zurg Laboon, intending to restore their former glory.

In Zurg Laboon's sphere of influence, the Million Troll is by no means a slogan.

The overseas archipelago, the mysterious Zandalar tribe, has become a mystery.

There are countless wild trolls whose lost civilizations have become higher beasts.

To make a rough statistics, there are about two million trolls that still maintain a social structure in the Eastern Kingdom, and wild trolls are probably more than two million.

After Carlos became king, the channels for obtaining information were more diversified and the accuracy was improved. After inquiring a lot of information, I finally got a roughly reliable data. But after finishing the statistics, the king of Alterac shed a cold sweat.

What a terrible amount this is. If the trolls unite, can the night elves who have given up magic turn the tide again? If the trolls of the Eastern Kingdom unite, can humans and high elves really defeat these terrifying monsters again? If the trolls of Lordaeron unite, does the league have such a chance of winning?

Fortunately, the battle two thousand years ago completely destroyed the social structure of the trolls, and fragmented clan tribes could not fight against kingdomized humans.

Although human beings are inferior to trolls in terms of size, physical strength, and physique, the fire of civilization burns down the barbaric body, and the trolls who are stronger than humans live a life that is worse than a pet dog.

However, who can guarantee that this situation will last forever?

Carlos, who has more memories than the aboriginals of Azeroth, is deeply worthy of retrieving the trolls of civilization. How terrible it is, whether it is the Gurubashi troll of Zurg Laboon or the giant led by the Zandalar clan. Demon, the two counterattacks of the trolls almost subverted the whole world.

It is impossible to tell what is going on in the world, but Carlos can feel it, touch it, and experience it with his heart, then the world is real to him.

In the real world, Carlos dare not bet that a group of explorers can smash the terrifying frenzy set off by the trolls.Trolls will rise sooner or later.

The huge ethnic base of the troll and the Zandalar surviving species from ancient times determine that the troll will rise sooner or later.

Since the rise of trolls is unavoidable, and human beings do not have the power to kill all trolls, what should we do?

Perhaps this question will make countless philosophers and thinkers despair to commit suicide.

But Carlos, who is a soldier, has his own thinking mode: the troll will eventually find his own civilization, which is unavoidable. Then, let the trolls rise according to my wishes and civilization according to the human model.

This plan was listed as top secret by Carlos, and was called "New Troll Project" or "Troll Completion Project" by those insiders.

The general steps of the plan are divided into five steps.

The first step is to license a group of trolls threatened by both humans and compatriots by means of white terror.

The second step is to give them cruel hope and realistic despair.

The third step is to guide such a troll to accept human civilization.

The fourth step is to use these humanized trolls to assimilate and fight more trolls.

The fifth step is to create and intensify the conflict between the old and new trolls, and transform the hatred between humans and trolls into the incompatibility between the new-thinking trolls and the conservative groups.

At this point, human society will be freed from the shadow of the entire Azeroth tens of thousands of trolls.

When Alex Barros heard about the plan from his son at first, he felt it was a fantasy. However, based on detailed data and reliable reasoning, the Grand Duke of Alterac did not find that the manuscripts of the scrolls were all destroyed. I crushed it myself.

After persuading the Grand Duke, and led by Alex Barov, Carlos received assistance from the survivors of the Tirisfal Council.

When he heard his father mention the Council of Tirisfal, Carlos was stunned.

After Alex finished the explanation and combined with his own memory, Carlos realized that Medivh destroyed the headquarters of the Tirisfal Council and killed all the mages in the secret base, and there were a few people who went out on business. Survived.

"If the council still exists, where can the orcs be so rampant?"

As one of the fund providers behind the Tirisfal Council, the Barov family is particularly saddened by the destruction of the Tirisfal Council. The family's investment for hundreds of years, regardless of cost, has all been in vain.

And Carlos felt like listening to a fairy tale in the clouds and mist, he felt that the world was so strange, and the shady behind the world was terrible.

After thinking about it, I felt a kind of visceral fear for Sargeras.

It is not the fear of the power of the fallen Titans, but the calculation of the people's hearts by the Fear Burning Legion.

Sargeras, step by step, step by step, step by step, has already overcome the current dilemma of mankind.

Is this a coincidence or is it part of the plan?

When Carlos fell into the endless loop of thinking, a name pulled him out.

"Among the survivors of Tirisfal, the former guardian Magna Aegwynn is now living in seclusion near Dabire Farm in the Arathi Highlands. Your report is terrible. I must submit it to Your Excellency Archmage Aegwynn knows." That's what Alex Barov said.

As a result, Carlos saw the legendary mage, Magna Aegwynn, who walked through the portal.

It is impossible to describe the appearance of this former guardian in words, because Magna Aegwynn has fixed a high-level designated oblivion technique for herself: appearance. Carlos only remembered the long hair that shone like gold.

While other archmages were still studying elemental magic, Magna Aegwynn's magical attainments had already reached the peak of Azeroth. Even though Carlos had added four experiences on the Path of the Holy Light, he still felt that the beautiful and indescribable archmage in front of him was full of mana, as deep as the sea, with no depth at all.

Didn’t it mean that Magna Aegwynn passed most of the Guardian’s power to her son Medivh? Why is Magna Aegwynn in a vanity state so fierce? How did Lothar beat Medivh in Karazhan?

When Carlos was distracted, Magna Aegwynn had finished reading Carlos's report.

"Very well, do it with confidence, and I will give you the necessary support."

After Magna Aegwynn finished speaking, she didn't make too many spellcasting gestures and spells. With a snap of her fingers, she opened a portal and left wherever she came, leaving only Barov and his son in the secret room.

"Father, Azeroth is too dangerous, I want to return to Earth."

"Carlos, what are you talking about?"

"I said let us perfect the whole plan."

"Yes, the interests of mankind and Alterac, as well as the interests of our Barov family, must be integrated."

King Terenas of Lordaeron's request for help caused Barov and his son to revise the plan. At the same time, it also made Carlos's eyes shine and found a new breakthrough ---Zumashar.

When the army besieged Zumashar, the trolls succumbed under threats and temptations, and used the precious metals, jewels and mysterious materials used for hundreds of years to enshrine the ancestors in exchange for the substances necessary for human survival.

But this is only the beginning.

Habit is a terrible power. As long as you withdraw from the first step, there will be a second and a third step, until there is a huge cliff behind you, which is irreversible.

For Zumasha's troll priestess Ilshawens, she thought Carlos and his army returning the ancestor's staff and the Three Hallows of Death was stupid.

The ancestors will bless the trolls!

Although Ilshawens is not as radical and extreme as Mikhaid, he is still a troll racist.

Humans can use it, but they can't believe it. Ilshawens is convinced of this, what she did seems to be conflicting, but one thing has not changed, and that is to keep Zumashar away from the flames of war.

For the evil moss troll of Zumasha, Ilshawens is still the benevolent sacrificial and caring master of the people.

When Carlos sent the first batch of high-priced food for trading with the evil moss trolls to Zumachar, Ilshawens communicated with the spirit of the prophet on the high platform of the altar, hoping to get enlightenment, but the priestess was horrified to find out I can't contact any gods.

The anxious and desperate priestess blew the cold wind all night on the high platform of the altar but found nothing.

What Ilshawens didn’t know was that the evil moss troll enshrined the spirit of the ancestors for nearly a thousand years. It was almost a dessert in front of the once demigod Magna Aegwynn, and she used it. The ancestor's sacrificial staff and the three holy instruments of death that had moved their hands and feet communicated with the spirit of the ancestors, and they completely murdered the weak spirits.

"King of Alterac, I have fulfilled my responsibility, and I will leave the rest to you."

It was just a direct message from the bottom of my heart, proving that Magna Aegwynn had done it, and there was no clue that the archmage had appeared in Zumasha.

"The troll doesn't need a god." Carlos whispered to himself, "then we can start the follow-up plan."

Immediately afterwards, Carlos made a request to Ilshawens, the Alliance did not believe in other trolls, and asked Ilshawens to determine his position in the moss trolls, and formally sign documents to consolidate the covenant.

After losing the blessing of the gods, Ilshawens woke up like an electric shock and was incredibly unbelievable. Human beings were actually ready to keep their promises!

Ten days, enough time for the troll of Zumasha to give birth to a new leadership. Under Ilshawens, big and small chiefs and little chiefs have initially determined their authority.

Under the pressure of Mr. Tooth and the pressure of the human army, the former priests bloodyly suppressed the opposition, and sent the tangled-looking Ilshawens to the throne of the patriarch of the evil moss clan.

However, Carlos, or the Alliance did not recognize the status of this patriarch, Ilshawens.

"Either it is Ilshawens, the city lord of Zumashar, or Ilshawens, the queen of the moss troll, what is the patriarch? Didn't you just die?"

Carlos's face-to-face words and secret instigation made Zumashar fall into the fourth chaos.

It's a pity that the opposition, even destiny, weapons and equipment did not have food. Ilshawens wanted to oppose, but was held back by his subordinates and sent to the throne.

"Carlos, is this useful?" Turalyon admired the sudden changes in the past few days as if watching a drama, feeling the ups and downs of the plot, the twists and turns, and it was extremely enjoyable, but he was not sure how effective it would be.

"The climax is coming soon." Carlos stretched his waist and replied Turalyon.At the queen's enthronement ceremony, the Prime Minister of Zumasha, Mr. Evil Tooth, gave a breathtaking speech that touched the mind of the Evil Moss troll.

"I know that some people are dissatisfied and think this is a trap. Sooner or later humans will kill us! The hatred between trolls and humans has continued from ancient times to the present, and the contradictions between the two are irreconcilable. Humans have taken our land and We have left our civilization and destroyed the impeccable Amani troll empire into ruins, and turned the once ruler of the continent into a poor man without clothes and food. Mankind is hateful!"

Mr. Dufang's reversal attracted the attention of all the moss trolls. Are you not a running dog of humans?

"But have you ever thought about a problem? The hatred between trolls and humans is really indelible and cannot be eliminated. Do you know the direct end? Is this true? Who said it, and who did you listen to? "

Mr. Dufang used a long series of rhetorical questions to make the moss trolls puzzled.

"It was said by the elders of the clan, and it was your parents who said when you were young, that humans are coming! Humans are coming! You can make up for your sleep and humans are coming to eat you! Right!"

Mr. Dufang asked God-tier.

"But I want to tell you a truth, a truth that no one thought about before. We trolls, take your hero Zujin as an example. He eats well, sleeps well and is warmly dressed. He has already lived six hundred. How old! And some old guys can live to a thousand years! We trolls can live a thousand years as long as they don’t go hungry! But what about humans? Eating and drinking is one hundred years of life. When it was hundreds of years ago The old guy said to the tens of years old human beings, invaders, you have to pay for the crimes of your grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's crimes, what do you think of you?"

"Most humans nowadays have forgotten the war of that year, the war that knocked us trolls off the dust and muddy faces. Mankind has forgotten the hatred of the year, but we still remember it."

Mr. Dufang finished speaking and walked a few steps on the spot.

"Let me tell you one thing, one thing that you have been deceived for hundreds of years, thousands of years."

Mr. Tooth took a deep breath.

"Humans don't eat trolls! Listen well, humans don't eat trolls! You are deceived! Because it is very important, I repeat, trolls eat humans, but humans don't eat trolls!"

Mr. Tooth roared with a nearly roaring voice: "You are resenting humans for taking away the glory of our troll ancestors, but humans hate trolls only because you cannibals. Yes, you, not us, not me, me, One tooth from the evil tooth clan, I don’t eat people, so I became friends with humans and the king of humans, and you are fighting with humans. I have tasted Lordaeron’s unsaved and ate Otto Rank’s cheese, I want to use the wine made by the elves on the opposite continent, Damn it than humans, wearing silk clothes and weapons forged with magic! Why? Because I don’t eat people!"

Mr. Dufang said that he threw the same thing, and he didn't know how he put things on his body.

"We trolls were defeated in ancient times, but it is not humans who defeated us, but ourselves! We gave up our dignity as intelligent creatures and became like beasts. We can eat humans and treat humans as domestic animals. How can humans? May not hate us? It is our troll who closed the door to peace, and it is our troll who regards himself as a beast!"

Mr. Tooth hoarse, knelt on the ground and let out a cry.

"Now, the dawn of peace has appeared again. Human beings have expressed their sincerity with food and materials. They have 5,000 strong men, fully armed, brawny with steel swords and iron armor. And we count all the old and weak women and children. They are crowded, but they did not kill us. They are credible. Peaceful and within reach, all that is needed is that we abandon some bad habits, such as cannibalism."

Mr. Tooth stood up and straightened the troll's spine, which seemed to be forever curved.

"The new troll, the new atmosphere, start with me, I have a single tooth. I have a bad tooth. I have never eaten anyone before, and I will never eat it!"

After that, Mr. Dufang, the prime minister of the Kingdom of Zumashar, broke his only big tooth with both hands.

"The glory of the ancestors is not starving, and the glory of trolls is not barbaric and ignorance. From today, everyone can call me Broken Tooth. Xiuma. In the language of trolls, Xiuma means perseverance. For the queen, For all the trolls of Zumasha, I will use all my strength to maintain friendship with humans and create a life where everyone can eat and warm. If I break my vow, I will end up just like this tooth."

Mr. Tooth, no, the Prime Minister of Broken Tooth smashed the broken tooth to the ground fiercely.

Seeing that the time had come, the childcare of the Broken Tooth Prime Minister began to shout, and the human soldiers shouted slogans in the troll language with weird accents.

In the end, all the voices express the same meaning.

"Long live Her Majesty Queen Ilshawens."

"Long live the new troll."

"Long live peace and friendship."

Under the deafening sound, Turalyon looked at Carlos and leaned to his ear.

"You instigated a city troll?"

Carlos also put his head close to Turalyon's ear.

"This is just the beginning."

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