Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 147 Warning: A large wave of Alleria is approaching

Carlos Barov’s father was the great politician Alex Barov. The Grand Duke Alex taught Carlos many things and how to be a qualified king.

The father of the previous life was just an ordinary worker. This ordinary father only taught Carlos one thing - how to be a personal person. And this ordinary father even his appearance has been forgotten by Carlos, but the only teaching he left for his son, Carlos still deeply remembers: Don't do what you are not good at, don't listen to the silly things around you, do The thing is the shadow of the person. When the shadow is crooked, the person will be on the right track.

In the previous life, Carlos once snorted this sentence and felt that his father was too conservative. If young people don't even have the energy to rush and rush, what is the difference between being alive and salted fish.

But in this life, the life of the rich, the life of Carlos Barov, the new King of Alterac deeply agreed with this sentence.

It turned out that it was not my father's words that were wrong, but my understanding was wrong.

In the age of laughing poor but not laughing prostitution, matter dominates too much everything, and some things that should not be represented by matter are also forcibly represented, so the amount of potential matter that a person can control becomes a measure of a person’s potential. The main criterion of value.

But in the world of Azeroth, Carlos realized the honor brought by fame and prestige, experienced the value of prestige firsthand, and became a beneficiary of morality.

In the world of Azeroth, it is not established for the despicable to give birth to the lofty and to die. The entire human society has powers, conspiracies, conspiracies, and conspiracies, but all human beings collectively reject people or things that are dishonorable. Conversely speaking, great or noble people will receive corresponding treatment in this society.

Therefore, the glorious His Majesty Carlos made the human soldiers who were hostile to the trolls obey the king's orders by merely using words.

Even if it is reluctant, the king's order must be obeyed.

Under the first retreat of mankind, the Zumashar troll group, which was already in a weak position, had to retreat.

You take a step back, I take a step back, and there is room for communication.

Although as determined as Zumasha's new prime minister Broken Tooth. Xiuma, under Carlos's proposal, trolls willing to abandon the old habits bought tooth rings made by humans to inlay their big teeth.

The tooth-broken and the tooth-inserted appeared among the trolls whose natural teeth were beautiful.

Carlos forced Turalyon to present a set of royal honors and luxury items to the new queen Ilshawens on behalf of the alliance, and asked the new queen Ilshawens of the trolls to show the majesty that the king should have.

Ilshawens, who lost communication with the spirit of the prophet he believed in, was lonely and panicked, and accepted the advice of humans, began to live according to the recommended lifestyle of humans, and transformed the troll of Zumasha according to the suggestions given by humans. Social Structure.

"Carlos, does this work? Everything now is based on the pressure of our army. Once we leave, I am afraid everything will be restored to the original state. The trolls will use everything we gave them to turn around to deal with us. Carlos , I am really afraid that everything we do is raising tigers.” Turalyon, as one of the witnesses of history, is both novel and full of worries.

"Your doubts are normal and reasonable. Our transformation has not been completed and two steps are still missing before our plan is considered successful." Carlos comforted Turalyon with confidence.

"Which two steps?"

"Common language and blood of the same kind."

Carlos said so, and did so.

Forcing trolls to learn the lingua franca of humans is a thankless task and can easily arouse racial opposition.

However, the troll temptation took the initiative to learn the common language of humans, and made a gesture that I was not willing to hand you over without a command. Everything was much simpler.

Under the operation of Carlos, a large part of the property handed over by the trolls was distributed to the soldiers. Carlos and Turalyon jointly issued an order to require officers at the squadron command level to supervise the soldiers' use of the property. Yu buys supplies, any supplies from the trolls of Zumasha.

At the same time, on the official level, the Alliance Adjutant Turalyon rejected the proposal of Queen Ilshavens and his Prime Minister Mr. Broken Tooth, rejected the request for loans and gratuitous assistance, insisting that food can only be purchased through the use of treasures. Provided to the Moss Troll.

On the other hand, Carlos sang the white face while Turalyon sang the red face, allowing the trolls to privately buy their rations from the soldiers.It took so much effort and so many twists to force the trolls to take the initiative to learn the common language of humans.

Comparing is the commonality of all intelligent creatures. Under the leadership of the cronies cultivated by Mr. Broken Tooth, the trolls find that they can’t speak linguistically. A piece of gold with the size of a fist can only be exchanged for the same size of wheat, and can communicate with humans. The troll can trade half the size of gold for five bags of wheat.

This is not fair! This is bullying! No, bully the troll!

So the ordinary trolls began to complain with the chieftain, and the chiefs began to complain with their new prime minister, Mr. Broken Tooth. After Mr. Broken Tooth and the queen intoxicated in alcohol asked for instructions and report, they immediately dispatched the Instructor, which had been prepared, to teach the common language of the trolls.

Don't feel that language is difficult to learn. Under the threat of starvation and the stimulus of pink eyes, trolls will soon be able to communicate with humans in a superficial way.

Once communication begins to spread, hatred will begin to fade.

After another ten days, Carlos felt that the time was almost up, so Turalyon let him go, and the Alliance agreed to assist the troll of Zumasha. But according to regulations, trolls who want to receive relief food must fill out a written application.

Yes, fill out a written application in human common language.

Those in the troll tribe who know their own words are all high-level people like noble priests. After hearing this news, ordinary trolls generally have an expression like "Are you kidding me?" So Mr. Broken Tooth’s nursery started to act again, saying: "Is it possible to sit and wait for food to fall from the sky? Writing that thing is the price of food."

When the trolls heard it, it made sense. It was too difficult to spend this winter by hunting. However, there were still two months to start planting. Without human relief, Zumasha would starve at least half of the trolls to death.

Under the pressure of reality, the trolls simply gave in.

It's nothing more than rote memorization, can it be more difficult than single-handling an adult bucktooth bear?

Carlos doesn’t mind, whether you understand, use or memorize things like culture, after you start Shikai, it will affect you silently. It’s not a question of whether you want to stop it or not. .

After half a month of stirring up the wind and rain, at least a thousand trolls have been able to lick their faces looking for rest, and the human soldiers have asked for something to change.

Speaking with a half-literal troll accent, the soldiers who were ordered by Carlos and Turalyon began to get close to the teeth breaker, the tooth implanter, and the young trolls. Tobacco, alcohol, candy and all kinds of novel gadgets, as long as you can say "hello", "good to meet you", "I am a new troll", everyone can smoke a cigarette and have a couple of mouthfuls.

And some clever and purposeful trolls have been able to ask the human soldiers some stories about human society.

In the mouths of human soldiers, high-ranking military officials such as Carlos and Turalyan have become supermen with three heads and six arms, and Lothar, the leader of the alliance, is a monster with a height of five meters. Who knows that small villages in the country have become too. A paradise on earth like Dalaran.

To sum it up in one sentence, human society is good. Whether you trolls believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

From the Northland Fortress to Zumashar, all the way to the mountainous woodland, the road is difficult to walk, and it takes four days to walk one way, and the transportation of materials can only rely on people carrying horses.

In order to show sincerity and to transport more material, Carlos' three thousand army was divided into two parts, alternately going back and forth between the two places.

What the trolls say is that yours has shown initial sincerity, and we generally show sincerity when we withdraw our troops.

Trolls eat this, human beings talk about credit, and we also talk about it! More dental implanters appeared.

Then the plan can go further. Humans began to teach publicly, selling numbered ironware and items previously listed as prohibited items, as well as a large number of luxury goods.

"Your Majesty, if you do this again, the soldiers will not have the mind to fight, and all of them will soon become merchants." Aslan Qi'an complained to Carlos.

"Everything is worth it. But your concerns should also be taken seriously. Starting today, let the logistics officer send additional staff to stare at the material warehouse. At the same time, the training volume of the soldiers doubled."

Carlos didn't say a word, using the attenuation of the combat power of three thousand human soldiers in exchange for the humanization of three thousand trolls, this transaction is a steady profit. Carlos had thought about the consequences, but he thought it was worth it.

"Yes, my majesty, I will train those boys well. The soldiers brought by General Turalyon..."

"Transfer my order to Turalyon, he knows what to do."


Because of Aslan Qi'an's reminder, Carlos came up with an idea.

In order to deepen his understanding, Carlos proposed to Ilshawens for a competitive competition.

The troll queen, who didn't care about anything because of a crisis of faith, agreed without a care at all.

Therefore, Zumashar spontaneously selected three hundred warriors to deal with the challenges from mankind.

Sports competition, you humans are still far away!

All trolls hold such thoughts and sense of superiority.

"People can die without losing their face, understand?"

Under the remarks of Carlos and Turalyon, the morale of the human soldiers selected among the three hundred excellent soldiers was like a rainbow.

However, the reality is cruel. In non-lethal competitions, the physical advantage of trolls is too huge. Forty-six competitions, humans only won 17 wins, which is a little bit more than one-third.

The pride of the troll burst instantly.

But in the last team competition, two hundred people played a simulated battle against two hundred people. Almost all humans and trolls watched the highlight. Even with wooden weapon shields, humans still crushed the trolls with zero casualties. The troll can't understand and accept it.

Why are weak humans able to defeat powerful trolls, why are they so thousands of years ago, and are still so, why?

Some trolls cannot understand such a scene. It is not a tragic victory, not a small victory, a big victory, and zero casualties. In the pile of fallen trolls, humans stand proudly, and no one gets down. This fact strikes. Shattered the last pride of the troll.

What is going on in this world?

"It's impossible!" The drunk Ilshawens also woke up from the hangover and shouted from the stands.

"There are two hundred paladins, all of them are battle-tested veterans. Everyone is at least the Lieutenant Junior Grade rank. This is all lost. I will tear them down and rebuild them." Carlos smiled. Turalyon said.

"But zero casualties is unexpected. But your Aslan Qi'an is really shameless. A knight-level general changed his clothes and ended up." Turalyon nodded and agreed with Carlos. According to the statement, those two hundred people are all elites in the alliance, and if there are problems with the trolls, then the alliance should be over.

"Cut, there are a lot of people with high ranks among the people you brought, where are all those people?" Carlos retorted.

The competition is bringing 90% of the happy time to the trolls and the darkest and most dismal ending.

Taking this opportunity, Mr. Broken Tooth threw out his "New Troll Civilization Project."

Reality is more convincing than language. Human beings have proved that the power of civilization is enough to crush the ignorant barbarism. The trolls of Zumasha finally started to face the power contained in the two words of civilization from the bottom of their hearts.

"Everyone, our plan has been more than half successful. Only the last step, we can go home." That night, at a banquet celebrating the two hundred warriors, Carlos said to all the generals.

The final step of the plan is divided into two plans, namely the "Headhunter Project" and the "Mercenary Project"

The warriors of the Garrison squad burned down the troll's food for half a year. In this cold winter, hunting was simply not enough to support the survival of the entire tribe. And the little food provided by Carlos and Turalyon's relief can only be used to hang humans, not to mention the more edible trolls. When Zumasha's treasures accumulated over hundreds of years were exhausted, Mr. Broken Tooth threw out the "Headhunter Project."

The so-called headhunter plan is that Zumasha's new trolls obtain property through the clearance of other troll clans in exchange for survival materials with humans, and at the same time take over food from other clans.

Had Carlos and his army stationed at Zumashar, the Moss clan would have done it a long time ago. It's not a troll of a clan, it's just food.But the new troll who took over the tooth setting ceremony has vowed to abandon the bad habits and no longer cannibals, so Carlos gave a compensation agreement.

As long as the fangers bring back the heads of other ogre trolls, the Alliance will compensate the trolls with gold coins. And give headhunters limited trading rights and tax exemption rights.

Although Carlos cannot represent the alliance, Carlos has absolute confidence to persuade Stratholme's nobles and Terenas to persevere with this agreement.

After all, the profits are too lucrative.

With an uneasy mood, the first group of headhunters set off with a weapon and armor sponsored by human friendship. After fourteen days, the tooth-mounted headhunters returned to Zumasha with a small amount of things and a large amount of treasure to reveal and many young captives.

"His Majesty Carlos, your plan has basically succeeded, look at those headhunters who laugh so happily. The moss troll has changed, and Zumasha will return to the embrace of civilization" said Brofang Xiuma.

"Mr. Tooth, this is the last time I call you Mr. Tooth. If I remember correctly, in the evil tooth clan, only the patriarch can break his teeth, right, you cunning fellow." Carlos did not answer. The words of the Prime Minister of Broken Tooth.

"Yes, this is my little determination and ambition. One day, I will let the stupid and savage guys in Hinterland know that I am the right one. Adhering to tradition cannot bypass the trolls and have a better life. Tomorrow!" The Prime Minister Broken Tooth said in an excited and expectant tone.

"Friendship is so fragile in front of power and ***. I have many friends, but few real friends. Sometimes I regret it a bit. I turned my only true friend in the troll into a Prime Minister."

Carlos's words from the heart made the once-tooth-evil-tooth, and now the broken-tooth. Xiuma also silent.

"Master, my Master Carlos, thank you for treating me as a friend. I think that as long as our original intention remains the same, the promotion of status will only strengthen our friendship, not change it."

"Hopefully, when the mercenary plan is successfully implemented, I will take someone to leave. This Zuma Shaar belongs to you. Do you need me to help you solve Queen Ilshawens' troubles?"

"No, Ilshawens is still useful"

After a brief conversation, the two quickly separated, and the changes in their positions made it inconvenient for the two to talk more in public.

The so-called mercenary plan is not that Carlos needs Zumasha to provide troops for the alliance. It was Carlos who wanted to give the chosen trolls the benefits of falling from the sky.

Zumasha will stand in the south of Zumaman, the population is too small, so the so-called mercenaries will not be too many, up to three hundred to five hundred people, and they must be dental implanters.

This group of mercenaries acted as political mascots. Carlos will always be taken by his side, carefully protected, and will be released back to Zumashar after the Second Orc War is over.

After the friendship nurtured by war, these lucky trolls will have a kind of closeness to humans and alliances... at least the Alterac Kingdom will have a kind of closeness. And after seeing the prosperity of the world, these lucky guys can't stand the poor life of Zu Aman or Zu Jin's Amani.

From frugal to extravagant easy, from extravagant to simple, this group of mercenaries will stand on the identity of the people who came to teach other trolls China-Japan friendship, no, the importance of friendship between humans and demons.

These trolls who returned to Zumasha with a large amount of war rewards will become the staunch pillars of the bridge of friendship between humans and trolls. As long as these trolls live for twenty years, the overall situation of humans and trolls on the continent of Lordaeron will be rewritten.

With the banner of Zumasha, human intervention in the internal affairs of the troll race has the name of justice.

As long as the whole plan is successful, mankind will be liberated from the shadow dominated by rising trolls.

"Carlos, what do you think that troll hero Zul'jin will make in Alleria's hometown?"

It's been a long time since the goddess left, Turalyon began to miss Alleria when the strategy of Zumashar came to an end.

"Zu Jin will not succeed, but the troll fails. Only we are invincible."

"Say what I can understand."

"Turalyon, listen up, we have created a whole new future."

A sense of refreshment filled Carlos's whole body.

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