Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 148 Elf is not a demon, sexy is not a show

After returning to the Northland Fortress with the tooth-inner among the three hundred and thirty-seven trolls, Carlos felt that this trip to Stratholme could almost draw the end.

The reputation of Stratholme area has also been brushed, money has been earned, trolls have been fought, war fortune has also been made, and the benefits that should be accounted for have basically stood.

At the final military summary meeting, the subordinates raised a question: What if the trolls turn against the water?

This question awakened the triumphant Carlos. Sure enough, one person was short-sighted, and everyone was highly intelligent. He took it for granted. What if the Prime Minister is overthrown by a coup?

Carlos, who was awakened by a word, stood up from the conference table, walked to the wall map, and pondered carefully.

"Carlos, you see, we built a fortress in the Northland at this location, blocking the access of the trolls to Stratholme and the surrounding area."

Turalyon also stood up and marked the location of the Northland Fortress on the map.

"So, as long as we build the Southland Fortress here, stop the trolls from walking in the mountains to invade the roads of Darron County, and then suggest that the masters of Stratholme should arrange a 500-man patrol cavalry to cover the Corin junction, There is nothing wrong with it. The number of trolls that are harassing on the mountain road is less and the five hundred patrol cavalry are enough to wipe out, and the number of patrol cavalry is large enough. "

Turalyon pointed out his ideal location for the Southland Fortress on the map.

A Troll Raiders made me feel a little ecstatic!

Carlos wakes up, he actually has a kind of Laozi is the protagonist, the mentality of destiny belongs to me, this is a big taboo! Generally, people with this kind of thinking are walking on the road of destruction, that is, if God wants to destroy people, he must first make people crazy.

He shook his head slightly, focused his attention on the map, and calculated it in his heart, and couldn't help but sigh that Turalyon was really a natural commander. The location of this location was horrible and terrifying.

At the time, Carlos made a decision on the address of the Northland Fortress after consulting Saidan Dathohan and investigating the site for several days. Turalyon chose the location of the Southland Fortress only through observations and observations during his journey. Map research and judgment made a judgment.

The result of the judgment is almost the same as the location of the southern sentry in Carlos's memory.

I underestimated the heroes of this world. Fortunately, I have good friends around me, and I didn't inflate myself.

Carlos was very grateful that he had discovered it early, so he accepted everyone's proposal with kindness.

After completing the defense of Stratholme area and then retreating, the commission of Terenas will start well.

The nobles of Stratholme heard about Carlos's victory in Zumasha, and they came to work. After hearing Carlos's strategic plan, he praised the everlasting friendship between Lordaeron and Alterac.

Kind, Carlos did this thing kindly! I don’t have enough money to eat and drink for nothing. I just leave, and help the host to plug the hole in the wall before leaving. This is really kind.

So the rich and powerful of Stratholme City paid more for the army.

During the construction of the Southland Fortress, Alleria returned.

Alleria was alone when she left, and she returned with only two attendants.

"His Majesty Carlos, it's really great to meet again."

Alleria smiled brightly when she saw that those who greeted her were old faces.

"Carlos, I need help."

In the small meeting room where no other people were left alone, Alleria made her request concisely and concisely."What happened? Alleria, speak up!"

In front of the goddess in his mind, Turalyon is always unable to show his due demeanor, and it seems as if he is stunned. Carlos is completely unable to talk about Turalyon at this time and the picture at the military meeting. Layan regarded as a person.

"Alleria, I don't know in what capacity you are talking to me now, friend, or Quel'Thalas' messenger?" Carlos had come from the province two days ago, and he is now in a very righteous posture.


Alleria replied.

"Then say it."

Carlos nodded.

So Alleria talked about the unfortunate experience that she and her family had encountered. Under her melodious voice and deep, hot but restrained emotions, Carlos felt like he had listened to the top musical. .

"I'm sorry, Alleria, please be sorry." Turalyon made a gesture of blessing on his chest and said to Alleria.

"After that, I used my personal reputation and relationship to form a 500-member volunteer army in a very short period of time, and it gradually grew stronger in the battle. Now there are more than a thousand people. But..." Alleria's His countenance turned hideous, "Silvermoon City Council idiots actually thought that providing me with weapons and equipment is supporting me. I have only a thousand people, and the enemy is ten times as large as mine. I cannot save those compatriots who are suffering, just like me. Powerless to save Lilas, my poor brother."

Alleria said to her sadness and sobbed quietly.

"Carlos, how can we help our mutual friends?"

Turalyon's question was completely out of Carlos's accident, and it made Carlos believe that this friend is worthy of entrusting his life. Even if the goddess is crying, Turalyon can clearly recognize his status and situation, without any overwhelming, no overwhelming, but very respect for the actual coach Carlos.

"Alleria, first of all, Quel'Thalas did not join the Alliance. It is a big political issue for us humans to enter your Quel'Thalas. Secondly, how do you need our help? I can't take the lives of thousands of soldiers. Just kidding, if I fail, or if I, Turalyon, our army fails, Stratholme will be greeted with a bloody massacre, you know."

Carlos said calmly.

With the memories of the previous life, Carlos certainly knows the fate of Alleria and the tragic experience of her brother Lilas.

But what does this have to do with Carlos?

It's not cold-blooded, but a very real question. What is our relationship, whether you are worthy of my exposing all kinds of flaws, what kind of unreasonable and unexplainable weirdness to help you. Lilas Windrunner’s life and death has half a dime relationship with Carlos Barov?

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if Carlos Barov is a bad guy, he can't see the dead, especially his friends, the beautiful female friend has a dead person at home, and he sent troops to save Lilas Windrunner.

How do you face Quel'Thalas' question, what are your human forces doing in my Quel'Thalas site?

How do you face the Alliance’s questioning? Terenas asked you to come to Stratholme to help you when you spend money on favors. You ran to the high elves to be a good guy. What do you make your fellow humans who are fellow in the Alliance think?

Therefore, without Quel'Thalas' formal request, Carlos would not step into the territory of the high elves. All good deeds were regarded as stupid things, and Carlos would not do it.

Moreover, Quel'Thalas joining the Alliance to declare war on the Horde is also an important turning point in the Second Orc War. If Carlos becomes a bad guy, it will save Quel'Thalas, the Sun King and the big leaders of the Silvermoon City Council. The guy feels that the world is peaceful and that the alliance of humans can fight so well. Let us elves continue to eat and sleep and fight peas.

That would be funny!

Moral correctness does not mean political correctness. Carlos, as a king, has no reason and no position to remind Alleria and all the high elves of what may happen, because the man named Carlos Barov is Otter. The king of Rank is the king of mankind.

"I hope you can lead the army north, and I will cooperate with you to destroy the trolls."

Alleria expressed her expectations.

"Wait, cooperate with me? I'm going to kill the troll? Alleria, do you need to take a break and have a drink?"

Carlos stretched out his hand to stop Turalyon who wanted to talk. Alleria's words were too artistic, and the subject relationship was completely reversed, okay?

"Carlos, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be careful with you, but you are the only innocent compatriots who can help me now. Standing at the height of a leader, I understand His Majesty Anastrian's Decided, but as a warrior, I cannot let go of the immediate suffering. You have helped us now, and our Quel'Dorei elves will repay it."

Alleria found that the emotional card was not easy to use, so she started to make sense.

"It makes sense, but not enough. I am here with a mission. You are also a general, you know."

Carlos refused coldly.

"The trolls are not terrible. The terrible thing is the tribe and the orc warlocks standing behind them. Your fortress cannot withstand the impact of this army. Helping me is helping yourself."

Alleria did not make a mistake, she was using the truth to deceive people. Carlos knew clearly that Anastrian Sunstrider, King of Quel'Thalas, would not let the trolls wreak havoc. After investigating Gul'dan's little action of stealing runestones, the Sunstrider Dynasty had enough strength. And the Zuaman troll who destroyed Zujin in the background. After all, the Northland Fortress was first built, and without supporting facilities, it is impossible to survive the impact of the trolls regardless of the cost. But with this northern fortress, humans can block the trolls for at least three months, which is enough.

"Alleria, you have asked me more than a friend can give. What you want is not a rare thing or a sum of money, but 6,000 lives."

Carlos has only one meaning in his words, what's the price? What is the price.

"If the Alliance can help me eliminate these trolls, I will launch another two thousand volunteers to join the Alliance after the war is over."

Alleria gritted her teeth and let out cruel words.

"Alleria, you need to rest, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Carlos stood up, ready to leave.

"Turalyon, can you leave temporarily, I have something to say to His Majesty Carlos alone."

Alleria focused on the word "Your Majesty", Turalyon frowned, nodded and left, and closed the door.

"What do you want to say?"

Seeing this, Carlos sat down again.

"What do you hope to get, your Majesty Carlos."

Alleria said bluntly, but in her beautiful voice, the angry questioning was also unique.

"Alleria, it's not what I hope to achieve, but you have crossed the boundaries of friends."

Carlos was not angry when faced with the gratuitous questioning, and still replied calmly.

"So, how can you help me."

Alleria pulled up the chair and sat next to Carlos.

"What can I do for you? Revenge?"

Carlos knew Alleria's inner thoughts, and his words hit Alleria's blood like a bullet.

"Alleria, your heart is disturbed. Now you are not the windrunner who was as free and easy as the bright moon in the mountains and the breeze in the forest. From the standpoint of a friend, I don't want you to be like this."

Seeing Alleria remained silent, Carlos exhorted.

"Do you want me to give up my hatred?"Alleria's voice was trembling.

"No, of course not, revenge is sacred, revenge is beautiful, revenge is justice, but revenge without a bottom line is meaningless. I think based on your experience, I should be able to understand what I am talking about."

"I understand, I understand, but I can't do it, those compatriots who died tragically in front of me, and my poor brother Lilas, the scum named Tyrone Gorefiend even played with his corpse..."

After Alleria finished speaking, tears fell silently.

Carlos struggled for a long time, still wiped Alleria's tears with his fingers, and comforted: "Don't be like this, it's not like you."

Carlos suddenly hated him for not having a habit of wearing a handkerchief.

"Carlos, at this time and this place, really only you can help me, help those innocent suffering people, help us, help me."

Alleria interceded for the last time.

"Then I ask you, Alleria, to help you, besides your friendship and gratitude, what can I get, what can the Alterac Kingdom get, what can the Alliance get? If I'm not a king, I can immediately mention it. Go up the axe to help you slash the trolls. But I am a king. I have 6,000 soldiers under my hand. Well, there are more than 5,000 other than Turalyon. I can’t make them pay for my friendship. Aurelie Ya, I think you are a friend, so I tell you these things that you shouldn't have said straightforwardly."

Carlos scratched his head, feeling that a woman in an irrational state is so difficult to communicate.

"Although I have resigned, there is no new ranger general in Silvermoon City. Carlos, the Windrunner family is not a small family. If you help me this time, you will gain the friendship of the Windrunner family. Magic knowledge, martial arts mystery , Wealth, political solidarity, what do you want?"

Carlos' words reminded Alleria and began to talk about the benefits and set the conditions.

"I want Quel'Thalas to join the Alliance and fight against the Horde together. I want to gain a greater voice in the Alliance through your support from Quel'Thalas."

In this small room with only Alleria Windrunner and him, Carlos spoke his own words.

"You will get what you want. Alleria in Hillblad is just a ranger lord, Alleria in Quel'Thalas is a hero of the country!"

Alleria gave a confident smile.

"Alleria, I need a valuable collateral. You are about to convince me, but it's still a little bit. This agreement makes me insecure."

Carlos frowned and said, this feeling of turning a friend into a trading partner is not good.

Alleria was silent for a while, and said: "I need to prepare, you will get a valuable collateral."

After the meeting, Turalyon walked in.

"Carlos, what are you going to do?"

Turalyon asked.

"What do you want me to do?"

Carlos asked rhetorically.

"I'm in a dilemma."

Turalyon replied.

"I'm very entangled."

Carlos sighed.

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