Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 150-I'm Sorry

After dealing with the troll's camping issues and the distribution of logistics supplies, Carlos pulled up Turalyon and brought seven or eight guards to the wind reception dinner.

"Don't be stingy, just use a wave of human boldness to stun these unprecedented trolls."

Under the instructions and private sponsorship of King Carlos, a luxurious dinner worth five hundred gold coins satisfies the appetites of the trolls.

"Your Majesty, can humans eat such food?"

The troll couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible? Those who are capable are qualified to eat good things, but eat white bread if they don't have the ability."

As soon as Carlos stretched out his hand to grab the guard who was about to blow, this kind of lie that can be broken by just one jab was unspeakable!

"Can they get enough of the white bread?"

"Yes. On our human side, those who are willing to work do not starve to death."

Carlos used the correct posture to expand the strategic level of flicker.

"It's a wonderful world."

"You can do it too. What is the greatest significance of being worthy of peace?"

Carlos felt that the heat was almost over, and began to teach brainwashing.

"do not know."

The troll answered honestly.

"The meaning is to create value."

Leave time for the troll to think, Carlos continued.

"Peace allows you to use meaningless gold to buy meaningful food, and allows you to use the prey you have spent an afternoon hunting in exchange for the tobacco leaves that the tobacco farmers spend a year to plant, so that you can use your extra money. In exchange for what you can’t produce. This is the huge meaning of trolls to maintain peace with mankind. The world is so big that it can accommodate the two races of humans and trolls."

"But Your Majesty, you ransacked Zumasha'er."

The troll's words made the scene chill instantly.

"I brought food."

"Your Majesty, we are not fools. You brought Zumasha's chaos."

"I brought you out."

"So we didn't kill you right away."

Turalyon's troll's words were so-so, but combined with the atmosphere of the scene, there was something wrong.

"What do you think about the description of the new troll?"

Carlos knew that he was playing a big game. He just thought about being surrounded by an army. More than three hundred trolls could not achieve any climate. One or two trolls could not hurt him. Only when he went to the meeting alone did he appear proud and sincere, but he did not consider if this troll. What to do if the mercenaries are shaken as a whole. So Carlos hurriedly turned off the topic and gave himself time to think. Now it is obviously the rhythm of going all-in-the-arms when talking about it.

"It's beautiful, it's far away."

The troll shook his head helplessly, and took the time to grab a piece of cheese into his mouth.

The troll is not firm!

Carlos watched the movements of the trolls, adding a bit of confidence.

"Carlos, need..." Turalyon leaned over and said in a low voice, interrupted by Carlos.

"Sit and stay well, how to eat and how to eat."

Carlos answered the troll's words, the troll stopped talking, and the banquet continued amidst the sound of chewing.

"Your Majesty, we are also very divided internally. After all, Zumasha's relatives are waiting for us to feed, but some lonely guys think this is a good opportunity for revenge."

"Then let those lonely guys bear it first, and don't disturb everyone's interest in eating."

Carlos hasn't figured out how to deal with it yet, and forcefully pretends to be in the middle.

As a result, the trolls ate this set.

The chef and the waiter came in with the guards twice to add dishes. Turalyon wanted to suggest something, but had no chance, so he sat anxiously next to Carlos.

In the end, the night darkened, and only a mess was left at the banquet.

Carlos, who was full and drunk, stood up.

"The world is so big, don't you want to go out and see? Zumashar is so small, do you like to live there forever? My life is here, are you so impatient? I don't want to say more. I don't want to stand up alive, I will fulfill him!"

After Carlos shouted these words in a troll language, seven or eight unbearable trolls immediately rioted, but they were pressed to the ground by other trolls.

"Are you full? Have you had enough? I forgive you for your disrespect tonight, but you will practice normally tomorrow morning. Whoever is late will be decapitated, understand?"



"No problem, I guarantee it's okay."

Seeing the troll's softness, Carlos yelled: "Answer the sir to use---yes!"





Taking Turalyon and the guards out of the troll's camp, Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

"Carlos, you are so courageous, my clothes are all sweaty."

Turalyon wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said.

"Your mind is upset. Observe you more and you won't be like this."

Carlos "cut" Turalyon.

"Uh, what do you say?"

Turalyon didn't quite understand.

"At that time, this group of mercenaries was selected, and those with children in the family were the first choice."


"Some of the trolls want to kill us."


"Most still have scruples."

"That's it."

"So, the troll's inferior blackmail almost broke the trick."

"Wait, acting? You mean?"

"Yes, these trolls just want to show their loyalty and raise their value. Those dumbfounded blues were sold by their own people. Not surprisingly, we will receive the heads from the trolls tomorrow morning."

"You mean..."

Turalyon looked incredulous.

"Yes, those Dead Brain Sutras have nothing to say, almost made me think that the trolls are going to die with us."

"How did you find out?"

Turalyon asked with a look of admiration.

"Ha ha."

Carlos pretended to be profound and left.

Is there any restaurant that hides food in the pocket at the Hongmen Banquet when the fish is dead and the net is broken?

When Carlos found that at least half of the trolls were hiding things in his clothes, he found out that he wanted something wrong. The trolls were not threatening him, but showing loyalty in disguise.

So, bad math is a small loss at the most, and bad Chinese is to death!

Knowledge changes fate, and it deserves these trolls not to read when they were young.

Ignoring Turalyon’s invitation to take a shower in a nearby cascade, Carlos returned to the bedroom and ordered the guards to go down and take a good rest.

However, when Carlos pushed open the door, Carlos sneezed with an unpleasant smell.

By the light of the torch in the aisle, Carlos lit the lantern.

"I go!"

Excited for a while, Carlos even came out of Chinese.

After quickly catching the hurricane lamp that was almost broken on the ground, Carlos couldn't help complaining: "Sister, what are you doing? The black lamp hides in my room? Scary people, scary people, terrifying elves are terrible!"

"I thought you were not coming back."

Alleria sat with her back to Carlos and said quietly.

"Uh, what do you want to say in the middle of the night?"

Carlos thought and thought, and closed the door.

"Didn't I promise you to reply to you at night?"

Alleria stood up and turned around.

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