In the dead of night, there are lonely men and women, and the shadows of the lights are shaking.

Carlos stared at Alleria for a long time, then pulled a chair and sat down.

"Well, sister, what valuable mortgage can you take out?" Carlos asked boredly.

Alleria is dressed in a lean dress, with a short bow and quiver hanging around her waist, and the Short Swords on both sides of her thighs are also fixed to the armed belt, which does not mean the slightest charm.

"Is this enough?"

Alleria took out a long book with a special material and put it on the table.

Carlos picked it up and unwrapped the rope with a little doubt, but after a glance, he returned the long book to Alleria.

"Sister, don’t bring me such a harm! Silvermoon City Council’s party members list, I’m not going to mix with you Quel'Thalas! I haven’t seen this stuff, and I don’t understand the Salas language of your elves. I don't know what this thing is."

Carlos was taken aback by Alleria's actions.

Whether this list is true or false, it is not something that humans should touch.

"It seems you are not satisfied, what about this one?"

Alleria took out a flat box half the size of a palm, placed it on the table, and slowly began to rewind the roster that Carlos threw back to her.

With an uneasy mood, Carlos took the flat box and found that the box had no locks, and found that inside the metal frame, there were some large and small movable wooden blocks.

Hua Rong Dao...

"Sister, what's the trouble..."

"This puzzle shouldn't be difficult for you, His Majesty Carlos, right?"

Too lazy to say, Carlos started to play... solve Shikai puzzles.

I forgot all the steps, but Carlos couldn't help the basic trick. After more than ten minutes, as the square representing "Cao Cao" stuck into the square slot, the box unlocked with a chuckle.

Carlos opened the box, and a breath of life came to his face.

"I, said."

Carlos found that his words had never been so lacking.

"The young leaves of the mother tree Garnier, which is older than the world tree of the night elves, Nordrassil, is a secret treasure that can bring the dead back to life. Are you satisfied with this collateral?"

This is not something that people can get involved!

If it was a few years ago, it is estimated that Carlos agreed without saying a word. However, as he drifted away on the path of the Holy Light, Carlos also had his own perception of power.

The young leaves of Garnier contain the power of the Azeroth world itself, and contain the hope of life. Carlos has an intuition that as long as he absorbs this power, he can immediately hang Gul'dan up and fight. It is not a dream to fly in the daytime.

But, no!

Once it absorbs the power of the mother tree Garnier's young leaves, it will be connected with the world of Azeroth itself, and will gradually become a substitute for the will of the planet, and even replace Thrall as a world rider.

This is not the fate of my Carlos!

There was a roar deep in his heart, and Carlos tried his best to close the box.

"Take it, take it, take it quickly, the poor monks don't eat ginseng fruit!"

Carlos took Alleria's hand and returned the box to her. He hid himself to one side, and then looked at this half-slap-sized flat box reluctantly. .

"His Majesty Carlos, I can't help but look at you with admiration. There are not many short-born breeds who have such knowledge. I thought that human beings can't stand the temptation of immortality. Look, because this collateral is so. It’s precious, I only prepared the last one on top of it.

Alleria joked in a tone that was sure to win.

"Hurry up and put it away, don't let this box appear in front of me!"

Carlos hit the wall with his head in pain, the temptation of immortality is really big!

However, once there is a connection with the world of Azeroth itself, as Carlos's power grows, this connection will gradually deepen. Think about how the Black Dragon King was fooled by the ancient gods into a neurosis. Carlos shuddered. Whoever loved to go for such a glorious and great feat of becoming a surrogate for the will of the planet in Azeroth, anyway, he was insensitive to thanks.

"Do humans call the young leaves of Garnier a ginseng fruit? It has increased knowledge."

"Bodhisattva, put this stuff away quickly..."

Carlos discovered for the first time that having power is also a pain. The whole body is longing for the pure breath of life, but reason and willpower are resisting strongly.

No matter what is too late, Carlos now deeply understands that power beyond his control is better than not. Just smell a little bit, let yourself live and live, if you really get it, maybe something will happen to yourself. Without three hundred years of cultivation, I really can't control it just by looking at it!

"Well, this is the last thing."

Alleria put away the box containing the young leaves of the mother tree Garnier, threw a magic scroll made of black goat belly skin on the table, and then sat down slowly.

Carlos was really scared.

What king of Alterac, what great human nobleman, in front of the high elves who inherited part of the inheritance of the Kaldorei Empire, all are paupers and old hats!

You can't afford a race that has experienced the age of mythology!

After taking a deep breath, Carlos returned to the table, untied the rope of the magic scroll with a slightly trembling hand, and read it carefully.

Although Carlos is not a qualified mage, the paladin itself also involves the casting of sacred spells and the preparation of materials, coupled with the education of his mother when he was a child, and the explanation of the magic consultant's bricks after he grew up. This allows Carlos to have good magical insights and knowledge reserves.

After reading word by word, thinking about each symbol, Carlos's face turned green.

"Isn't this the legendary scroll of absolute dominance!"

"Yes, it's the re-enacted version of the legendary Absolute Domination Scroll... which is known as a completely fair and unjust contract."

Listening to Alleria's words, Carlos's face was a little better, scaring the baby to death!

Carlos thought Alleria was about to turn her face, and used the scroll of absolute dominance to control herself as her slave, and then helped her get revenge.

"That is, whether it is voluntary or not, as long as it is signed, it will inevitably fulfill the agreed absolute fair contract?"

Carlos had heard of this stuff, and his magic consultant, Fangzhuan, once explained it to him in detail, because a king is already worthy of others to pit him with an absolute fair contract.

But Carlos still took a second look. He didn't expect that the Absolute Justice Contract was actually the crippled and disfigured version of the Absolute Domination Scroll. This was really unexpected, and he had gained knowledge.

Compared with human magic and wizard magic, there is really a big gap.

"Is this collateral enough?"

Alleria smiled amorously, bit her fingertips, preparing to leave her mark on the blank contract.


Carlos yelled and grabbed Alleria's wrist.

"I said enough, the value of the scroll itself is enough. I promised!"

Alleria Windrunner was also stunned when he heard Carlos Barov's answer.

He is ready to give everything, is this human man actually saying enough?

"Alleria, enough, really enough."

Carlos turned around and hugged Alleria without a trace of profanity. After a while, he patted her on the back and released his embrace.

"Go and rest, I will fulfill my promise."

Not long after Alleria left, Turalyon knocked on Carlos's door and came to Carlos with two bottles of wine.

"Thank you. Although you are a king and I am just a general, Turalyon will recognize you as a brother in my life!"

Turalyon handed Carlos a bottle of wine.

what's the situation?

What the hell?

Carlos can't figure it out at all?

Didn't this kid go to the shower?

What's wrong with this again?

Although completely confused, Carlos smelled Garnier's young leaves, and the whole face of the National People's Congress was radiant at night. He was very happy that Turalyon found himself to drink.


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