Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 152 Fifty-six races, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six holy horses are driving together, la la la

Even if Alleria's request to dispatch troops was agreed, dispatching troops would not be a just-and-go performance.

Ask Alleria Windrunner to submit an application for assistance to the Alliance Adjutant Turalyan as the officially certified Ranger Lord of Quel'Thalas. King Carlos of Alterac and those who have noble status in Alterac The generals gave a complaint speech in front of the nobles in Stratholme, and then held an oath of defense in front of the nobles in Stratholme. Then the soldiers held a tactical seminar, prepared a marching backpack, planned the supply route and the rallying point, and stayed. Under the reserve team. The army can officially set off.

Although the first half of the political image project was completed in a large room in more than ten minutes, it was very fast.

However, the preparation work related to the military is not a joke, and it took four days.

"Your human army is too inefficient."

Alleria sighed after seeing the so-called Elite Soldier of Alterac in Carlos's mouth.

"Do you have five thousand rangers in Quel'Thalas' Farstrider troops?"

Carlos relentlessly sneered at each other, comparing frontal legions with rangers fighting in the jungle. Whatever happens when I can't fight.

"Your Majesty, the trolls don't know how to hear about the serial number, and they ask us to give them a serial number."

When the subordinates came down to report, Carlos was still afraid of Alleria running away.

"What do you think of me looking for a troll to be a mercenary?"

Carlos asked carefully.

"It's perfect, using trolls to fight trolls, letting them kill each other, what a pleasing thing, what an exciting tactic, you are a genius, Your Majesty."

Seeing that Alleria was not stunned by the hatred, Carlos was relieved. He was really afraid that Alleria would find a chance to kill these three hundred trolls. The lucky ones among these trolls are still useful for him to keep. .

"Really? I think so too."

Shamelessly responding to the title of genius, Carlos turned his head and said to his subordinates: "Tell the trolls that their number is just enough for a minimum configuration alliance. Starting today, their alliance code name: Tustingo. "

After the bustling preparations, it was not until the seventh day after Alleria's arrival that Carlos and Turalyon's army left Stratholme and marched towards the Eversong Forest where Quel'Thalas was located.

When the nobles of Stratholme heard that Carlos was going north to suppress bandits...suppressing trolls, the mood was mixed. Suo Xian Carlos also left a 1,000-man reserve team in the Northland Fortress, which gave Stratholms a little more peace of mind.

And as Carlos worried, the human army ran into big trouble when passing through Querlins.

Quel's Lin's guards refused to let go and did not allow the human army to enter Quel'Thalas on a large scale.

As a result, Alleria Windrunner, who became angry and furious, directly staged a Wushuang Brawl with two deputies, and the three disarmed the chief guard of the Quelslin Farstrider troops and a total of 37 guards.

After that, Alleria's tiger body shook, and the domineering aura stunned the defenders of other high elves like a ripple, allowing them to open the gate of the walled city obediently and let the human army into the territory of the high elves.

"My God, Alleria is so cool~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Turalyon's long list of "COOOOOOOOOOOOL" gave Carlos a very bad sense of sight.

"Cool fart, it's all ghosts and ghosts. Don't say you can't see that Quelslin's Vindicator is acting at all."

"I can see it, but I don't quite understand."

Turalyon is not a protected baby by Lothar's side. In a crisis, the Alliance Adjutant should not be too wise to give the company's highest commander a decision. Although he has only been in the army for two years, Turalyon has truly experienced hundreds of battles and has honed his vision in actual combat. So Turalyon had already noticed that even though the garrison officer was righteous, he almost didn't ask Alleria to hurry up, posing very tired. Especially when Alleria's Short Sword was put on his neck, this unprofessional guy was actually relieved!

Everyone is a soldier, it's a soldier, can't we tell the difference between a sigh and a relief! ?

"Isn't it responsible? In the future, if the Sun King Anastrian turns over the old account, it will be Alleria's pot, understand?"

Carlos has no pressure to discredit the High Elf regime.

"I thought there were enough nasty things in our alliance, but I didn't expect the high elves to be urinary too."

Turalyon had an illusion of disillusionment, with a "boom" like a soap bubble.

The human army had a total of five thousand people, and it took a whole afternoon to pass through the pass guarded by Querlins. It wasn't until the sky was getting dark that all the men and horses arrived at the camp site prepared in advance by the thousand elven rangers pulled up by Alleria.

"Oh my God! There are so many humans! Almost as many as there are trolls!"

"Well, with human beings in front, I can open my bow and shoot arrows with peace of mind."

"Master Alleria has a way!"

Listening to the chattering high elves talking about the human army, Alleria's face is not very good, and she cannot directly tell these idiots who don’t depend on the situation. The human king understands what the high elves say about Salas. To speak, I can only pretend to be invisible with a cold face.

And Carlos's face was also not ugly.

"I'll go, is there only women in the elves? A large number of Yingying and Yanyan can also fight?"

"Don't talk nonsense, have you ever seen a woman with such a flat breast? I heard that men and women of the Elf race are almost the same!"

"Stop nonsense, are you a dwarf when you are an elf? Women also have a beard? Or do you say that a woman with golden hair is a woman? Look, those elf men with long beards!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I added dwarf aunts, they don't have beards."

"Auntie Dwarf? They?"

"Praise your Majesty Carlos, this is heaven!"

I'm all embarrassed...


"It's better..."

"Let me talk about it first, we have come from afar, let's hand it over to you tonight's vigil, I need to unify the thinking of the troops first."

Carlos said sternly.

"No problem, it should be. I should also, that, yes, unify my thinking."

Alleria nodded in agreement with Carlos's words.

Just when humans and elves formed a large-scale coalition for the second time after thousands of years, various dumbfounding accidents emerged one after another, and I don't know how the ancestors solved it back then.

During the short and necessary running-in period between humans and elves, Gul'dan was not idle either.

"Damn it, finally got a little eyebrow, and the materials are not enough. Tyrone, come here!"

Gul'dan shouted.

"Master, what do you call me."

Tyrone Gorefiend elegantly performed a rationale. After absorbing the soul of the high elves, Tyrone Gorefiend seemed to become more elegant.

"Rune stones, more rune stones, my research needs more and more rune stones, the more the better!"

Gul'dan said irritably, completely different from the deep irritability he used to be.

"Master, we have transported all the rune stones that can be transported around here, and the rest are either hidden by the elves or are too large, and we can't do anything about it."

Tyrone Gorefiend explained.

"Then chop them up or grab them elsewhere!"

"Only we can't do it, Master, this requires the cooperation of those trolls."

"I will let them cooperate! Tell the troll that I want to see Zujin and let them arrange it. At the same time, you will contact the representative of the Halongmaw clan to get them ready. It's time to be loyal to the tribe."

"Yes, Master, you are always so wise. I will bring you rune stones."

Seeing that Gul'dan didn't mean to speak anymore, Tyrone Gorefiend bowed and left Gul'dan's research cabin.

"Hahaha, hahaha, I found it, I finally found it, the master's power will soon come to this world, and the Burning Legion will eventually dominate this world! A little bit, just a little bit, my experiment still needs rune stones! "

After Tyrone Gorefiend left, Gul'dan smiled and spoke softly in the empty laboratory.

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