Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 19 Reporting: That Family Opens Full Picture and Hangs

During the five-day meeting, Bertone watched the show, and Proudmoore was absent. The focus of the debate was actually who the decision rights belonged to.

There is no doubt that General Audron is the best candidate for the coach. Carlos also knows himself. As far as tactics are concerned, he is a rookie. The focus of the Cold Weapon War is completely different from that of the Communist War. Carlos doesn't want to do something that will kill a thousand troops with incompetence. However, the strategic decision power can still be contested. Talking on paper is the racial talent of my people in the celestial dynasty. From ninety-nine to just going down, anyone can comment on the international situation. What's more My own false prophet.

Viscount Glen Harrimans, distant relative of the Barov family, spokesperson chosen by Alex. This old Mediterranean man has a small territory and no small qualifications. He was once the literary secretary of the king, and Odren was considered to have grown up. With such an old man wandering at the conference table, General Odren ultimately did not get the military decision-making power of the coalition forces. The decision-making power is decided by the nobles and more than half of them are implemented.

"Uncle, there are a total of 114 nobles with the right to make decisions, and 62 of them are ours. Audron has the final say on how to beat him, and you have the final say on what you beat." Glen Harrimans The Viscount was behind Carlos in his seniority. The embarrassing life in his later years allowed the former secretary of the text to deepen his understanding of money. The corrupt officials of that year now nonchalantly call the young uncle who is 40 years younger than him.

"Master Viscount, how can you cling to relatives in the barracks? You are in a flop." Carlos said lightly. The CCTV Golden Theater has watched so many historical costume dramas, which is very helpful for how to determine the identity.

"What the Lord said is that the old man made a mistake." Glen Harrimans happily admitted that he was wrong, and felt that the relationship between the two seemed to be getting closer.

"In the early military discussion, we should not oppose for the sake of opposition. General Odren is a veteran. If it makes sense, we will listen. Do you say that is the reason?" Carlos filled Glenn's teacup.

"Your reasoning is our reasoning." After bowing to his compliments, Glenn drank the tea.

This old dog is on the road! Carlos smiled with satisfaction, and Glenn smiled. Uncle Brick stayed in the room as a magic consultant so uncomfortable, neither smiling nor not smiling. Finally, he gave a dry response twice.

This dirty politics, Uncle Brick thought so.

Because the Hinterland is an undeveloped virgin forest to humans, a natural road found by hunters to the north of Dunhold Castle is the best way to go. This is also one of the important reasons for the coalition to gather here. , If you enter the Hinterlands from Arathi Highlands, you have to walk in the mountains for at least a month. Both Audron and Carlos agreed to repair the road first, at least to allow the carriage to pass. To this end, 1,000 soldiers and 300 locally recruited civilians are working, and it is estimated that it will take about ten days to complete the preliminary work.

The real decision is never made by the majority. During the waiting time, the noble lords gathered together to discuss, but unfortunately there were only three voices that really weighed in, the coalition commander Audron, Biglas Bertone, and Carlos.

"Everyone, please be quiet, Todd, bring things in." Carlos saw that Audren didn't seem to want to speak, but Biglas Bertone pointed to his son and said something to him. Take the initiative to stand up.

Two soldiers came in carrying a wooden plank with a shelf, and Todd fixed a large piece of goatskin stitched map on the wooden plank.

"Everyone, there are mountains and endless forests in front of you. Do you think the Barov family will let allies go to such a ghost place to die?" Carlos said sensationally, "No, look at what this is, this It's a map worth 10,000 gold coins (made by Carlos himself before departing from Guy Darlon), a map of the Hinterlands!"

The participants in the meeting blasted the fryer, and even more unceremoniously than Glass Bertone walked in front of the wooden board with the map hung on it. In this era, there are no professional surveying and mapping tools. The production of every map requires an expensive return. The main income of explorers is to draw maps.

The map made by Carlos is modern, at the level of the sixth grade of elementary school, but Lordaeron at this time is simply exquisite and has no friends. Everyone believed that the map was worth 10,000 gold coins, and had a higher evaluation of the strength of the Barov family. The overall effect was +1 for all morale.

"Dear sirs, Barov never makes unprepared accounts. Next, I want you to swear in the name of your family that you will not use force no matter what you see. Can you promise me, especially you? Mr. Glass Bertone."

Carlos clapped his hands after getting the vows from everyone, and the brick walked in with a single tooth.

"A troll!"

"Kill it!"

"Father, Tocalar is trembling." Danas Trollbane reported his findings to his father.


"Enough, where's your sense of honor as a nobleman? Are your pledges worthless like DOGSHIT?" Carlos roared, and the scene fell silent.

"Mr. Dufang, as a rare intellectual among the trolls, the human language of Grandmaster, came to help us not far away after hearing about the tragedy of Prince Jerry. This kind of noble, pure, helpless Isn’t this behavior enough to prove Mr. Dufang’s sincerity?” Carlos’s remarks were like a signal. The nobles of Glenn’s line instantly quieted down, and under the leadership of Glenn, he remembered the warm applause.

"Danas, have the opportunity to get close to Carlos of Barov's family. I am very impressed with this family. A troll traitor, really capable." Biglas Bertone whispered softly to his son.

"Carlos, is Mr. Dutus worthy of trust?" General Audron suppressed the applause and finally asked.

"Of course, guards, bring up the sincerity of Mr. Tooth." Carlos finished the command. Two guards came in carrying a large wooden box and opened the lid. A dozen troll heads piled up in it, and the smell of blood permeated the entire tent.

"In the past few days when we were discussing the problem, Mr. Dufang first went to the Hinterlands to bring a meeting ceremony, and at the same time made a significant contribution to perfecting the map." Carlos nodded to Dufang, Dufang responded in accordance with human etiquette. A gift.

"Now, you can ask our friend Mr. Dutus." Carlos returned to his seat and gave the host position to the common-speaking troll.

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