Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 20-I'm not going to be TR

The forests of the Hinterlands are mainly composed of oak and maple trees. Thick fallen leaves cover the ground to decay and ferment. The entire forest exudes a primitive taste. Leaving the hills of Hillblad Hills, the coalition forces marched for two days and settled on a relatively high plateau.

Oak trees are excellent building materials. Oak trees over fifty years old are everywhere in the inaccessible forests, so the barracks became a large construction site.

"General, we are now approximately at this position. My suggestion is to complete the construction of the barracks first, and build several outposts nearby at the same time, and wait for Dunhold’s food to be delivered for at least fifteen days of reserves. I am considering the next step. Action." Carlos pointed on the map.

"A very pertinent suggestion. I thought you would be as eager to fight as an average young man." Audron knew that Carlos was Alex's favorite heir, but along the way, the general had to admit that Carlos did indeed. Very good, and his attitude towards Carlos is no longer so blunt.

"There is another problem, we have too many cavalry."

Carlos's words made General Odren couldn't help but praise him in his heart. No general would dislike the large number of cavalry under his command, but in the primeval forests of the Hinterlands, the cavalry became a burden. The thick rotting leaves and dense branches severely restricted the speed of the cavalry, and the food for the horses also took up the precious capacity that the coalition forces had insufficient. The cavalry really didn't have much room to play in the Hinterlands.

"Let the cavalry retreat to Dunhold?" General Odren wasn't sure this was a good idea.

"Perhaps we can change our mindset and let a part of the cavalry supervise the transportation of supplies and transfer the same number of infantry. What do you think of this approach." Carlos proposed a solution.

"Sounds pretty good, so that half of the forage for the military horses doesn't have to be transported to this ghost place, and people's food pressure can be reduced a lot." Audron nodded affirmatively, "Then who is going to transport the food."

The scene suddenly became cold, and the solution was a good solution, but unfortunately I encountered the decision-making problem of the ass deciding the head. The cavalry unit of the Allied Forces is mainly composed of 300 Knights of the Alterac Knights, 300 patrol cavalry of Stromgarde, 200 cavalry of the Barov family, and aristocratic family knights with a total of more than 500 people.

Men in war are always naive, fierce, full of fantasy and romance. You ask a professional soldier to carry food, he will accept orders, and you let an aristocratic knight who is eager for military merit to carry food, he will hate you.

What's more, among the two major parts of the cavalry, Stromgarde’s troops are friendly forces. They do not listen to the announcement. They must consider the use of casualties when fighting; the Alterac Knights are the main force of the war. This group of knights can be used. Charge, dismount...You can also charge, without these veterans, who will turn the tide in emergencies and tough battles; as for the family knights of the nobles, either the nephew of the Seventh Aunt or the cousin of the Eighth Uncle, want to do them well. Odren’s work makes Odren a headache even thinking about it.

"It's because I didn't think well. General, Sir Biglas, lords, maybe we can think about it in a different way. From the map, we can see that the entire Hinterland has only trolls and the coastline. There is a reasonable terrain for the large-scale use of cavalry. In this case, it is better to transfer all the cavalry without the title of kingdom knight back to Dunhold Castle to recharge.” Carlos said boldly.

The little nobles are not calm anymore.

There are only two ways of canonization for a real knight. One is the family knight recommended by the nobles to the king. If the king gives you face, you will be asked to post a reissue of a kingdom certificate. In this way, you don't have to pay a poll tax, and you can get in and out of the king's city without personal gate tax. This kind of knight is generally a step for the noble children to advance to, and requires a certain level of strength in the family. The second is the champions and runners-up of various official tournaments every year, graduate attendants who received recommendation letters from official knights, and graduate trainees from major knights. These three categories of people will be given the title of knight after being received and inspected by the king. This kind of knight can be regarded as a way of promotion for common people.

Apart from the above two types of knights with titles, more so-called master knights are just a misnomer for the ignorance of the common people, and they are simply a group of soldiers on horseback.

"I have no objection. The Berthorn family came here to beat the trolls. We obey the decision of the coalition forces." Biggers Berthorn will be a man, first picking out the Stromgarde cavalry.

"The Cavalry of the Barov family obeys the general's command." Carlos also reconsidered.

With the role of a leader as an example, it will be easier to do a lot of things next.

"One more thing, who is going to contact the dwarves of the Eagle's Nest?" General Odron asked.

"Why do you want to contact those dwarfs? The army can deal with the trolls alone." Some people began to make noise.

"Everyone, our army is of course unmatched. It can crush those ugly trolls head-on. However, there is a small problem here. We need to know where the trolls are? Right. For this black forest, we are Outsiders, dwarves and trolls are the aborigines. Isn't it justified to seek allies? Why are you opposed?" Carlos gave Glenn a look, and the wind direction changed after a while. (At the top, what the upstairs said is good)

General Audron rubbed his eyes helplessly. He was a pure soldier, and he was very indifferent to the aristocratic butt politics, but now this situation also makes him very helpless. Fortunately, Carlos still respected his authority and did not act against him, otherwise General Odren, who was restrained everywhere, would want to resign and return to his home in Stormbride.

"General, what do you think about the contact with the dwarves from our Thalbane house to Eagle's Nest?" Biglas took the initiative to petition.

"General, I also want to see the city of the dwarves, I don't know if you agree." Carlos's statement was something that Odren hadn't expected.

"Of course, both of you have been in contact with the dwarves. It must be more suitable than me." Although General Audron had some concerns about Carlos's departure from the camp, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Bertone traveling with him.

"Hahaha, general, take a few barrels of our Alterac beer, the dwarves will treat us as brothers." Carlos finished, everyone laughed, after all, dwarves are well-known for their drinking habits.

The meeting was over. According to God’s perspective, the Allied Forces built a main base 200 miles southeast of Eagle’s Nest and 400 miles north of Shaderaro. General Audron was responsible for the operation and quickly climbed three books. Sir Biglas took Danas and Carlos to the Eagle's Nest Mountain for an official tour. The trolls have not yet discovered the humans stealing mines.

At night, Carlos slept peacefully in the tent. Two soldiers dozed off outside his tent.

"Are you all ready, Brother Bald."

Carlos rolled over, as if dreaming.

A breeze stroked his face from an impossible position, and Carlos smiled in satisfaction.

Dan Dema was in his tent (Night Elf Race Talent: Shadow Escape), and Carlos fell asleep peacefully.

PS: If you don't understand the meaning of TR, please save yourself the former WCG champion SKY's famous tactics. One TR, Two TR, Three TR, and 3 Farmer TR.

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