In the Battle of Baishuihe, judging from the results of the battle, the alliance counted more than 20,000 dead, and the six main corps abolished their organizational system. The soldiers who escaped by chance almost had a nervous breakdown. Talking about the situation at the time, they showed a look of horror.

Judging from the results of this battle, the tribe seems to be unstoppable.

If it weren't for Uther to turn the tide, the alliance would have no face.

As Terenas' confidant, Uther faithfully fulfilled his knighthood. Although his subordinates usually respectfully call him "Master Uther", they criticize him in private.

Dead brain sutra, rigid, mean, coffin face.

If it hadn't been for Uther to be strict with himself and treat himself equally, he would have been shot in the back by soldiers.

But in this battle, under the screaming roar of meteors, under the impact of wolf cavalry accompanied by hellfire, and on the banks of the white water surrounded by despair, the name of the light messenger resounded through the mountains.

Forget the flowers blooming that year, forget the helplessness of that year, there is only a sea of ​​light.

The sacrificial flame is equipped with an anti-magic shell, the violent power increases the size, and the hellfire with an average weight of more than five tons crushes the soldiers of the alliance with unparalleled power.

Even if there is a fearless warrior who succumbed to it, how can the rock soaked by magic power be a mortal thing that can be easily destroyed by ordinary swords?

The fel flame burned the body of the warrior, the huge body destroyed the will to resist, the hellfire dragging the huge flame tail continued to fall from the sky, and the earth was trembling.

Some soldiers have already threw down their weapons and waited to die, clinging to the names of their mothers or lovers in their mouths, giving up their will to live.

It was Uther, the guy who seemed a bit rigid and dogmatic to others, and led his disciples to greet him.

"Ah, it's Uther, although he checked my post, received my books, fined my salary, and sue me, he is actually a very good guy. He is running against the sunset. , Reminds me of the lost youth."

Many people watched Uther rush out with such thoughts.

However, the expected flight of flesh and blood did not appear, and the end of the imaginary hero did not appear. What appeared was the sea of ​​light.

As magnificent as the sea and as radiant as the sun, the paladin named Uther was loved by the Holy Light.

Ordinary soldiers tried their best to knock off the outer skin of these rock monsters before they were scorched by the flames of sacrifice. But these ferocious, bloodthirsty hellfires had no enemy in front of Uther.

Fel energy and holy light, as the ultimate manifestation of chaos and order, have been incompatible with each other from the moment the universe was born.

In the case of mortals, the burning rock monster, which looked like a natural disaster, was smashed into pieces by Uther hammer after hammer.

Although Uther did not know that destroying the burning core would destroy the hellfire, the birth paladin had its own way of thinking.

Since I can't find the key, I will smash you to pieces.

As a result, the turbulent and majestic light destroyed all the hellfires that tried to squash Uther.

Although Uther brought surprises to everyone, the defeat of the alliance was set, and Uther's fighting back only gave everyone a chance to escape.


Finally, the commanders of the legions realized that things could not be done and issued an order to retreat.

But the orcs are not stupid. With the shock brought by the secret weapon, they madly cooperated with the power of the devil to harvest the exploits.

The retreat of the alliance side is only a little better than the defeat.

Because of the bridge Uther guards, no orcs can pass.

In the early spring, the Baishui River was swift and icy. The hellfire trying to pass through the river was all taken away by the turbulent river. The hard rock skin was also chapped under the drastic temperature changes.

The simple construction of the temporary bridge was constantly destroyed by the orcs, and the human soldiers with nowhere to escape tried to jump into the river to escape, but they were no stronger than the hellfire. The cold water temperature quickly took away their body temperature, except for a few lucky people who are good at water , More divers simply struggled, and then sank.

Finally, more and more hellfires gathered together, trying to annihilate Uther with numbers.

The orcs watched from a distance, they respect the strong, but never pity the enemy.

Under the staggering pace of the hellfire army, the earth trembled. Then, at the critical moment, Uther responded to all the expectants, and the super-large divine storm with a diameter of more than a thousand yards was baptized, brightening the eyes of the orcs and hellfire.

If hellfire has eyes.

Uther fought with the determination to sacrifice his life for justice, but he survived.

I have forgotten how he withdrew from the battlefield, but at that time the high morale still remained in his heart, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

"Master Uther, Marshal Lothar wants you to go to his camp as soon as possible."

The messenger saluted Uther in the most respectful tone and conveyed Lothar's order.

Uther used his actions to perfectly interpret his paladin's way, and the title of the light messenger has been known to everyone.

"Understood, I will pass as soon as possible."

Responding to the messenger still humble and polite, Uther woke up from confession and meditation.

As if opening a certain door, Uther had a deeper understanding of the Holy Light and corrected some of his previous paranoid views. The whole person appeared more easy-going and humble, exuding dazzling brilliance all the time.

Putting on his shoulder armor and a battle helmet, Uther left his habitat in the most perfect posture.

"Master Uther."

"It's Lord Uther."

"Look, it's Master Uther."

The respect and admiration of the soldiers along the way made Uther feel proud and proud, but also felt the heavy pressure.

Responding to the greetings of every soldier politely, Uther came to Lothar's camp.

"Our hero, I'm sorry, it should have given you more rest time, but the league needs you. Are you ready?"

In the camp, Gavinrad, Saidan Dathohan, Tirion Fording, Muradin Bronzebeard, Khadgar are all present, and Alleria Windrunner also has two Uther slaves. The unseen high elves are present.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Uther firmly responded to Lothar's expectations.

"ready anytime."

"Very good, our heroes, very good, my heroes."

Lothar nodded in satisfaction.

"The defeat of the Battle of the White River, we retreated 60 kilometers in five days, but this distance is far from enough to free us from the threat of new weapons from the Horde. However, our allies from Quel'Thalas guided us. The right path. Hellfire, that terrible monster is not unmatched, it has its own weaknesses."

After Lothar finished speaking, he nodded to Alleria, and then Alleria winked at the person on his right.

"In our ancient books of the Quel'Dorei elves, there is a record of this kind of monster. This terrible monster named Hellfire is not so much a creature as a weapon with intelligence. There are many books describing it. It’s a thick book. I won’t go into details about the heroes who are fighting at the forefront. I’ll just say something useful to you. First of all, hellfire is too dangerous for ordinary soldiers, so if you don’t have magical protective equipment, The burning fel flame is deadly to the soldiers. Secondly, afterwards, we checked the battlefield with magic and did not find the corresponding scale of spatial shock, so the hellfire of that scale was not summoned directly from the void. Finally, more All the survivors of the Battle of the White Water River mentioned in the description that there seemed to be a black spot in the sky at that time. In summary, we have reason to believe that the orcs prepared these hellfires in advance, and then think of ways to smash these monsters. On top of our heads."

After the unknown narrator finished speaking, he moved back behind Alleria.

"I think everyone understands. There is only one reason for calling you here, to destroy the Horde’s launch site. It has been several days since the Horde’s last offensive. The second Hellfire offensive is imminent, but I am also ready. I have enough artillery to give those guys a taste. I want to replicate the Battle of Baishuihe again. The tribe is wishful thinking. But if we don’t solve the tribe’s launch site, we can only be passively beaten again and again. Therefore, I need you, the Alliance is the most Strong fighters. I need you to use the least strength and the fastest speed to complete this most dangerous task."

Lothar finished speaking, standing at attention with her feet, making a fist with her right hand, and slamming it heavily on her left chest, performing a warrior salute.

"Please, everyone."

"Then Marshal Lothar, where is the launch site of the Horde. Time is getting tighter before the next attack of the orcs, and we may not have enough time to investigate."

Uther frowned and asked.

"Smart orcs, hum."

Lothar said disdainfully."They think they are covering up perfectly, but they don't know that there must be a demon's truth when something goes wrong."

Lothar gave up half of his position and motioned for everyone to stand over.

"Here, or here, one of these two locations must be the launch site, and the other is also an important location. So I need you to divide into two raid teams to destroy the tribe’s wishful thinking."

Lothar said that at the end, he clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the map.

At the end of the combat meeting, it was nothing more than a question of grouping, but in the end, Alleria proposed a new idea, why not unite the soldiers and break the ground first. If you are lucky and choose the right one, you can accomplish your goal with fewer casualties. If the guess is wrong, the tribe will inevitably arouse vigilance and strengthen defense, which will naturally reduce the pressure on the front line.

The launch site is heavily guarded and must be heavily guarded. There is no need to deceive the enemy and deceive. If you want to break through, there is only a surprise attack by elite soldiers.

Although Alleria's statement also made sense, in the end, everyone decided to split their troops.

Because of the tight time, no one knows how long it will take to prepare for the Hellfire projection. The faster the action, the better.

Finally, Uther and Tirion Fording led the Knights of the Silver Hand to attack one place, and Khadgar assisted Alleria, Gavinrad and others to lead an elite raid of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse.

"Ms. Alleria, I'm sorry. If Turalyon was there, you didn't need to be on the battlefield, but such a task requires not only high-strength martial arts, but also sharp thinking. But..."

After the meeting ended, Lothar left Khadgar and Alleria.

"No need to apologize, Marshal Lothar, Quel'Thalas has joined the Alliance. As a general of Quel'Thalas, how can I be afraid of fighting."

Alleria replied proudly.

Uther, who had left, summoned the backbone of the Knights of the Silver Hand to convey Lothar's order.

"Alessandro, you don't need to participate in this battle."

After selecting the personnel, Uther finally said to Mograine.

In the Battle of the White River, Alessandro Mograine fought with Uther to the end. Although the power of the Holy Light gave the paladin Penultimate the physical recovery ability, but Uther knew the underside of Mograine's coat. He was wearing a bandage, so he still said this sentence.

"Don't insult me, Lightbringer, one day I will have my own title!"

The young Alessandro Mograine did not hesitate to reject the kindness of his superiors, and the Paladin, who was eager for meritorious service, was not afraid of danger and challenge.

"If Carlos and Turalyon are here, our First Generation Paladin will be together again."

Patting Mograine on the shoulder, Tirion Fording turned off the subject.

"Turalyon and Carlos."

Uther didn't know what was thinking, and sighed long.

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