Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 224: Never Greedy, Never Give Up

"The fourth defensive position is three kilometers southeast, at a height of 47,000. A large-scale shadow reaction was detected. The spell model was confirmed to be the shadow gate. The second impact is expected to begin in one minute and thirty seconds!"

As the detection technique constructed by the wizards was touched, the camp was crowded with people.

Although the Hellfire Rain is terrible, it cannot be defeated by one or two new weapons in a prepared alliance.

After a lot of discussion, demonstration and simulation tests, Lothar and his think tank and wizard consultants have worked out a theoretically feasible response plan. In the event of the expected second Hellfire impact, it did not cause much panic. .

Lots of trenches and gullies, star-studded potholes, well-arranged artillery positions, ready-made wizard commandos, and boxes of fire resistance potions. Lothar has done everything he can think of. .

In the face of the huge power of a national assembly called the Alliance, it is impossible for a man to succumb to the power of hellfire alone. Orgrim knew this too well, so he never thought of copying the glory of the Battle of the White River. When a secret weapon is no longer a secret, it is only a weapon after all.

The hellfire is terrible, but its actions are slow, its intelligence is low, and its shell will shatter when the demon energy is exhausted.

Orgrim felt that he could see it all, so it was impossible for the old opponent to fail to discover it.

Therefore, in front of the position where the warlocks summoned the Shadow Gate, the 10,000 orcs in the first wave of attack were already gearing up to try.

"After all, it is people who determine the outcome of the war!"

"The brave beast talent is the cornerstone of the tribe!"

When the first hellfire fell from the sky with a dark flame tail, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance and the Horde flashed similar thoughts in their minds.

"Wolf cavalry, charge!"

Orgrim swung the warhammer, and accompanied by the sky-shaking battle cry, the orcs took the lead on the offensive.

"For the Alliance!"

Even though the huge sound of hellfire falling on the ground hits the soldiers' hearts like drumsticks, the fearless slogan shook the world with the determination to resist.

I don't know how many mothers will lose their children, and how many children will lose their fathers. Lothar stood on a height watching the tribe and the alliance collide together like two torrents, heart like steel, but dripping blood.

With flesh and blood against the stone flames, even victory is worthless.

From the height of the command post, the soldiers at the forefront of the array line were the size of ants, and Hellfire was only half the size of a fingernail.

Lothar's silently blessed all the warriors fighting for survival and freedom, and then gave the most indifferent order.

"Send the 38th Regiment to the right side to make a counter-attack, don't let the orcs and wolf cavalry take advantage of the chaos."

"Yes, Marshal."

After glancing at his new herald, Lothar turned his attention back to the battlefield.

Heroes of the Alliance, it's up to you.

Lothar decided not to think about Uther and the others anymore. If the big army fails in battle, it will be of no avail to destroy the Orcs' Hellfire launch site, so let's deal with the battle in front of him first.

Just as the new round of battle between the Alliance and the Horde was going on vigorously, the elite troops composed of two alliances with high-end combat power had already set out for three days and two nights, and had traveled more than two hundred kilometers.

The long-distance march is a huge consumption of physical energy, and the long-distance rush march is a kind of destruction to the will.

I don't know what's waiting for you ahead, I don't know when I can reach my destination, or even if I can come back or not.

Only glory, loyalty, and faith are the only driving forces that support you to move forward.

"Uther, two more horses are out of power. We can't run like this anymore."

Tirion Fording frowned and said to Uther during the short break that the team was not in good shape.

As the elite of the alliance, from being suspected by everyone to the hope of becoming an alliance, the Paladins and the Knights of the Silver Hand have proved themselves with their exploits time and time again.

Where there is a crisis, where there is a Paladin; where there is a Paladin, where there is a fierce battle; where there is a fierce battle, there are these scarred veterans.

Even though the paladin possesses physical strength and recovery capabilities far beyond ordinary people, years of battles still exhaust the most stalwart warriors of these alliances physically and mentally.

There is no complaint, no regrets, the guy who can join the Knights of the Silver Hand and become a full member will never be crushed by suffering. But the idea is one thing, the reality is another.

Tirion Fording was very worried that after arriving at his destination, everyone would not have enough physical strength to deal with the tough battle.

Moreover, if the horse loses too much, the mobility of the troops will also have problems.

Although Tirion Fording is not afraid of death and is ready to dedicate his life in this battle, the opportunity for this unit is most of the essence of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Tirion Fording does not want to be fearless. sacrifice.

"Tirion, these are irrelevant. The horses will be released if they lose their power, and the members will ask for their own blessings if they fall behind. Although our doctrine instructs us not to be greedy and never give up, personal gains and losses seem to be insignificant in the face of the mission goal. One or two Paladins It can’t help the Alliance win the final victory, it can’t destroy the orcs’ hellfire launch site, it will only have more lives dying under steel and flames.”

Uther's words were very blunt, even unsympathetic, but he knew that Tirion Fording could understand what he meant. The reason why high-sounding words are disgusted by people is generally because of double standards, because the person who said it is not qualified to say it. But Uther thought so in his heart, said so in his mouth, and actually did so. He was not afraid of anyone's questioning.

"I am not afraid of sacrifice or death. I am worried that such a high-intensity march will drag everyone down."

Tirion Fording was a little angry, his brows frowning tighter.

"I understand, I know, my old friend. But in two days and three nights, we still only walked two-thirds of the distance. In order to avoid the orcs' patrols, we had to make another big circle. The second time. Hellfire shock is inevitable, but our ability to act can directly determine whether the third Hellfire shock will occur."

Uther's face eased, with a hint of helplessness and more worry.

"Tirion, do you know that in Baishuihe, I don't know how I did it. One person fights three hundred hellfires alone. You ask me to do it again now, I'm afraid I can't do it. Although I feel that What has sprouted, but I can’t tell. Tirion, every member of the Knights is like my brother. I can’t wait to fight for each of them. But I can’t. There is only so much I can do alone. Only when everyone is united can victory be achieved."

"Uther, your eloquence is really bad. Although you persuaded me, I am very angry when you hear you."

Tirion Fording left Uther very unhappily.

Time is life. How can I not understand this truth, but can the value of life really be measured by quantity?

After a short episode and a long march, on the fourth night, Uther and his paladins finally arrived at their intended destination.

"It seems that we have found the right one. Look at the sky. Those disgusting evil energy pollutes the color of the sky."

Uther looked at the wooden fence on the high ground and the patrolling orcs, watched the hellfires, led by the warlock, entered the shadow gate linking the void, and clenched his fist tightly.

"Alessandro and I are going to investigate the orcs' defenses. Please organize everyone to rest and prepare."

Tirion Fording winked at Alessandro Mograine, then clicked the names of several people around him, and left the forest where he was hiding.

At the time of departure, there were 347 paladins, all with horses, and now, there are only 313 people and 214 war horses left.

For the comrades who can't keep up, the Paladins can only leave food and water pouches and let them figure out their own way.

For the horse that fell to the ground, the rider could only take off the saddle and bridle with tears, and whether he could survive or not was left to his fate.

Uther knew that Tirion had opinions about him, but he didn't care.

Paladins are not reckless berserkers. Knowledge and learning are also the source of the Paladin's power.

Although the mages vowed to ensure that the explosives they deployed had miraculous effects on portals and hellfire, Uther had reservations about this.

"Never greedy, nor give up, old man, I am not a cold-blooded butcher, on the contrary, I love you all, even if I give my life."

Taking out his holy scripture, Uther opened the page and looked at a certain sacred spell structure diagram for the last time.

[Holy Light Bomb], the straightforward name of this spell implies Uther's determination, the holy light even lives!

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