Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 228 In this era of great voyages, I am determined to be the king of bandits!

Kindness does not lead the army, and anger does not reinvigorate the army.

Carlos attacked the Orc’s Hellfire launch site, naturally, not simply because the Hellfire threatened the Alliance, nor was it because of the inability to dominate the Hillblad Hills and the arrogance of my sleepless food.

The reason is actually very simple, in order to open the channel road transportation line.

The rescue of Uther and his party was actually a coincidence, but in front of old friends, I definitely can't say that.

"For the sake of the alliance, for the humanity, for the final victory, why should we cherish our lives."

"Selfless, fair, sacrifice, and dedication, the Paladin should assume the moral standard of mankind."

"The big the heart, the big the stage, the high the ideal, the high the achievement."

A group of paladins bragged, and they could tell Yoneda a fresh and refined taste.

Carlos mobilized 6,000 cavalry and 5,000 infantry. The southwestern part of Hillblad has only defensive power, and there is no army that can match it. And the Alterac people would not have a brainstorm, and tried to use 10,000 people to attack the tribe's Marine camp, so after breaking the formation, Carlos and his party arrived in South Blue town without wind, rain or sunshine.

Then, His Majesty King Carlos, a young, promising, handsome, and personable, exploded.

"What, you say it again, Laozi's goods were robbed? The people of the mission were cut off by the pirates? Mr. M was also taken away? Hennie Mareb, I will hand you the town of South Blue, That’s how you responded to Laozi’s trust? The four thousand defenders in South Blue grew up eating X?"

"Ahem, Carlos, pay attention to your words, um, hem."

Uther listened to Carlos squirting wildly at his subordinates, and felt that it was a bit too late, so he reminded him euphemistically.

"Attention, um, pay attention, pay attention to the fart! Laozi has been laying out for so long, and this is what I have been waiting for. You told me that I was cut off! I can't get anything, what should I take to play with Marshal Lothar, M There is something wrong with your husband, what shall I do to explain to Dandema, who will explain to me!"

Carlos became more and more violent as he talked, and Hennie Marreb lowered his head in shame, wishing to hide his face in his crotch.

Previously, Carlos enthusiastically said that he wanted to give everyone good news, but when he arrived in the town of South Blue, the mayor Henni Mareb said something in Carlos’ ear. Carlos went crazy on the spot, and everyone looked at each other a little. Don't know how to round the field.

"Forget it, Henney, first arrange for the army to rest, and then come to see me in the study."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After dismissing unrelated people, Carlos brought a group of comrades and relatives to the Barov family mansion in South Blue town.

"Carlos, what happened to make you so gaffe?"

Tirion Fording saw that there were no outsiders, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Sample and wizard."

Carlos took out a bottle of rum, and did not intend to share it with others, and blew half a bottle to his mouth in one breath.

"Sample? Elf?"

Uther asked suspiciously.

"Night elves, the purple-skinned guys in the Kaldorei Empire across the sea."

Carlos rubbed his temples irritably.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"Dandema Lanyu, you should know Uther, he has some relationship and influence among the night elves. I walked through his doorway and got in touch with some more enlightened night elves. That Mr. M is The leader of the night elves. Our kingdoms of Lordaeron are now playing this ghostly virtue with the orcs, and we are born short in front of the night elves. It was originally a favor business, and I was begging for help. As a result, the night elves sold Master Dan Dema. His wife had a face, and sent someone to send samples. The ship was not stopped by the tribe. It was robbed by our human pirates. He escaped by jumping into the sea and was also tied up by bandits. How can I not be annoyed or angry? . It seems that my Carlos’s name is not loud enough, any Gyūki snake god dares to do majestic blessings on my head."

Although Carlos's words flickered and avoided a lot of things, he still made things clear in general.

"The national disaster is at stake, and when the race is alive or dead, will there be bandits and pirates rampant?"

Uther's face was unbelievable, followed by furious anger.

"The country is about to perish, the ship is everywhere, no, there are evildoers everywhere. This wind cannot be long, and these guys who are dragging the alliance's hind legs must be wiped out!"

"Yes, Carlos, just speak up if you need anything."

Uther said righteously.

"Good intentions, please rest first, listen to me for a long time, you are also tired, rest, rest first."

Seeing that Carlos didn't want to say more, everyone dispersed.

It didn't take long before Tirion Fording returned to Carlos's room alone.

"You gave me a wink just now, it shouldn't be my illusion, then what do you want to say to me, my friend."

Tirion Fording was not welcome, and opened the wine cabinet to find a drink.

"It's hard to guard against thieves by day and night."

Carlos said with emotion.

"Can I choose not to listen?"

Tirion Fording had a bored expression on his face.

"I don’t know if anyone behind the pirates instigated me, but behind the bandit, there must be an internal ghost. Heni Mareb’s loyalty will not be commented, at least his ability will never be so. It must be an internal shackle to make him helpless. In this matter, the South Blue town militia is not credible, and even the army I brought is not credible. However, my King’s National Knights’ goal is too big, and for a while I didn’t have a suitable candidate."

"No wonder you didn't tell Uther, this kind of thing is really heartwarming."

As the Lord of Hearthglen, Tirion Fording just felt bored, but it was not surprising.

"Thinking about it, the Knights of the Silver Hand is an excellent choice."

"Look for me when you think about it. I can still help with this kind of favor."

Tirion Fording put the empty bottle in his hand by the leg of the chair, then stood up and lifted his skirt. Kabuto stayed with seven or eight bottles of wine and left Carlos.

"How old are you, cut it~"

Tirion Fording is naturally not addicted to alcohol, nor does he think Carlos’s drinks are so delicious. He just tells Carlos in this way that Laozi is unhappy, but I can help you with your favor. Prepaid remuneration.

About an hour later, Henni Mareb knocked on Carlos's door.


The mayor of South Blue came in and closed the door.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry."


"I queued up, but got nothing, I think..."

"What do you think."

"I think those bandits are..."


Carlos suddenly got up from his seat and grabbed Hennie Marebu by the collar.

"You TMD is mine. Everyone knows that. South Blue town is my father's territory. Even if the Alliance is stationed here, it can't be changed! You, you Henni Mareb, your official position is given by the Barov family. , Your military rank is canonized by Alterac, you, work for me!"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

"Shut up, I trust you because of your ability, but you let me down."

"I'm very……"

Heni Mareb found that he had nothing to say. A fellow of civilian origin, who had climbed to his current position in his twenties, Carlos can be said to be kind to himself, and he is indeed in this matter. It's awkward to do it.

"Alterac is facing a famine, and the night elves' merchant group is very important to us. The closed country is proud and exclusive. If they were willing to help, they would have helped. Now it is us who beg for help, understand? Please, Mr. M, the seeds of morning wheat, none of them can’t be missing, give me all back! Heni Mareb, I am the one who gives you fame, wealth, status, and power, not those who make you stupid. My son, your king is angry."

Carlos's remarks were unceremonious, and Carlos's pulling the collar made Henni Mareb a slight suffocation and dizziness. But the young mayor of South Blue felt that the burden in his heart had fallen.

"Your Majesty, your anger will be calmed down. With you standing behind me, those small nights are nothing to worry about."

"The means should not be too drastic. It's not good if there are too many dead people... well, three hundred."

Carlos gave his own "Military God" death index.

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