Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 229 Because I am obsessed with martial arts, I am recognized as a man, and by the way, a kin

Where is the value of magic?

Is it the destructive power of destruction or the mystery over the sword?

Sora walked on the bottom of the water, observing his companions around him through the dim water body, and couldn't help but sigh that the leader of his family was a genius like a lunatic.

On a moonless night, the starlight is dim, and the visibility is less than five meters at the bottom of the water at a depth of thirty meters.

The special forces team members wearing earplugs and goggles rely on the thick ropes of their thumbs to keep in touch with their teammates.

It is not difficult to track pirates, but the hard part is not to disturb them.

It is not difficult to eliminate pirates, but how to ensure the safety of the hostages and cargo.

Using underwater breathing medicines, more than forty members of the Royal Order of the National Knights and some spies appointed by Carlos formed the commando team.

The planet of Azeroth is round, so the sea level is arc-shaped, and the warship with the lights extinguished dropped the special forces into the water five kilometers from the coast.

After paddling for two kilometers, I was able to see the campfire of the pirates, and there was a danger of alarming the guards close by. The murlocs raised by the pirates were very sensitive.

After drinking the water breathing medicine, the special forces team members have 30 minutes to move underwater.

At a distance of three kilometers, the elites in these leagues, the elites in the elites, probably can run within ten minutes with the big roots in their hands.

However, the pressure under water and the resistance of the water body must maintain the balance of the body during shaking, which is not so easy.

Magic potions are not the weird goods in the novel, they suddenly expire when the time comes. As the effectiveness decreased, it became difficult to breathe underwater, and the chest became a little stuffy, but it was less than 500 meters away from the coast. Although it was a little irritable, the players did not show panic.

Suddenly, Sora felt that the rope on his right waist was pulled, and his body was a little out of balance.

Looking sideways, one of the team members was attacked by a killer crab and was entangled with the Octopus monster.

Crossbows may not be the best choice to deal with these half-ton large crabs. These arthropods are simple in structure, and their penetrating damage may not be fatal.

Unlocking his waist buckle, Sora swam behind the Murder Crab in two swipes, waving his hand to signal that the others don't need to come. The female elf chants a spell, and a half-human water elf quickly takes shape. Sneaking into the body from the gills of the killer crab, the water spirit quickly boiled, making the killer crab red.

[Thank you, I can still act. 】

The team member who was entangled by the killer crab seemed to have his right hand injured by the crab claw, but the basic self-protection ability had not been lost, so Sola was no longer entangled, and the two waist buckles were tied together with a rope to move on.

Bypassing the harbor densely covered with secret guards, the special forces landed from the side of the rocky reef.

Although the martial arts paladins are very good at fighting, they are not good at sneaking.

An agent stopped the blind impulse of the Paladins, and disappeared into the night with two of his men.

The waiting time is always exceptionally long.

Although Sora played with her arms and made it clear that it was only five minutes, but it felt like it was about to dawn.

"Okay, we have solved the secret whistle on the road. According to the plan, the first team will rescue people with us, and the second team will suppress the Gulf."

The spy returned to the landing site after another five minutes and said in a characteristicless voice.

"That is to say, you can kill it, right?"

Sora was a little bit cold by the sea breeze, but she was excited.

"Ms. Starbreaker, I am not qualified to command you, but please don't forget that your majesty's order is to teach these pirates blood lessons while maintaining the safety of the cargo. The safety of the cargo is more important than the life of the pirate, and I need to get it. Your guarantee."

The secret head is really worried about the high elves in front of him. The strong are more or less self-centered guys, and they are just the king’s running dogs. If they mess up the mission, Sora Starbreaker may not be punished. And he has absolutely no good fruits to eat.

"I know what Carlos wants. You can go with peace of mind. I promise to obediently don't mess up."

Sora smiled like a flower, but it was a pity that the moon was black and the wind was high, and no one cared about her appearance.

"hope so."

The rescue team quickly disappeared in the woods, but the suppression team led by Sola remained motionless.

"Sister Sola, what are we waiting for?"

A paladin who was beaten by a female elf couldn't help asking.

"Wait for them to finish."

Sora gave a puzzled look on what you were talking about.

"Um... don't we need to create a little confusion to help them attract attention?"

"Carlos raises you to eat X. More than two hundred pirates are not more than two hundred orc sword saints. The rats in the ditch have never seen the world, and you have never seen them? Forty paladins and my elders. Place, make sure they get someone and we rush out!"

Although I didn't finish it, everyone else understood Sola's meaning and rushed out to Sanguang.

After all, Carlos underestimated the seductive power of political fan (anti-harmony). Under Sola's influence, some of his paladins' concepts of good and evil seemed to be slightly distorted.

"Criminals have no human rights. For the sake of His Majesty the King, no one will stay!"

"Don't keep one!"

The operational efficiency of the rescue team was really not low. Soon, the signal flare rose into the sky, the Marine ship in the distance began to accelerate at full speed, and the suppression team led by Sola also took action.

Although not wearing heavy armor, the Paladins suffer a bit, but on land, the flexibility of pirates is useless. Scimitars and stabbing swords are sharp weapons in naval warfare. Unfortunately, encountering crossbows and two-handed epees, the pirates finally found the desperate gap in force between themselves and the attackers.

"The weak, why do you want to fight, stand obediently and wait for the old lady to chop, you will die faster!"

"Ahem, our Blackbeard pirate team will not let you go!"

A black-haired and black-bearded man who was missing several teeth was holding his shoulder wound and said with difficulty.

"I care about you, Blackbeard or Whitebeard, if you offend my family king, you will die!"

Seeing Sora got closer and closer, the black house pirate suddenly pulled out a musket and pulled the trigger.

"Transitioned Paladin, what I am most satisfied with is the Holy Shield technique. It is impenetrable, and the leader will not be injured if he jumps from a height of more than two hundred meters. It's super powerful!"

The magical light of Divine Shield dissipated, and Sora changed his hand to hit Blackbeard with an ice spear.

"You monsters!"

The pirate leader let out a desperate sigh.

"It's obviously your waste."

Sora learned about the pirate in front of him with a sword.

A mage who can't act for personal gain is not a good thief.

"Purge the remnants of enemies, you, you, and you, come on board with me to check."

Sora decided to search before the warship arrived.

"Ristlin, is it? Your Excellency Tirion Fording highly appreciates your outstanding performance in the action. Mr. M is also very grateful for your life-saving grace, so I will reward you."

"Thank your majesty for your generosity, I hope..."

"You will get what you want, but not everything. Doing things for me will not make you suffer."

After a brief conversation, Raistlin left Carlos's room.

A group of bandits had no room for resistance in front of the Knights of the Silver Hand led by Tirion Fording. This was a naked massacre. I just saved the dark night when the bandits wanted to kill the hostages. Mr. M is just a wizard.

It was already a surprise to be received by King Carlos. Carlos was nothing more than acting in front of Mr. M, and Raistlin didn't care much.

But how does Carlos Barov know what he wants?

Sora Starbreaker!

That big mouth bitch!

After I figured it out, Raistlin was suddenly very upset, if it weren't for her to be beaten, he would kill her first and then X her twenty times!

In the room, Carlos said to Mr. M with a gentle smile like the morning sun with a look of guilt: "It made you frightened, this is our fault!"

"Where is it, our Kaldorei is reasonable, how can you bear your majesty's fault for the pirate's fault, not to mention that you still have a life-saving grace to me."

"Guilty, guilt. You are a friend of Master Dan Dema, and Master Dan Dema is my friend, so you are also my friend. I am ashamed!"

"It's all for business, your Majesty, don't do that."

There is a play! This night elf is on the road!

"Then, Mr. M, about the goods..."

Carlos said expectantly.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce myself again. My fellow McDonald's. Fire Sparrow is the manager of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce."

Mr. M has also entered the working state.

"Oh, San Diego Chamber of Commerce, look up for a long time."

Carlos suddenly realized that he didn't know what he was realizing.

"Although our San Diego Chamber of Commerce is backed by the Cenarius Council, we have profound technical strength. But, Your Majesty, we are businessmen with conscience, and we must first make it clear to you."

"You say, you say."

"As for genetically modified crops and magic catalytic crops, we have differences within the night elves. Some experts, professors and senior druids can’t provide evidence that these genetically modified crops and magic catalytic crops are harmful to humans, but we can’t produce either. Evidence that our products are harmless. We are a regular and law-abiding chamber of commerce and will not deceive you in this regard."

"Well, conscience."

"If your Majesty is still willing to cooperate with us after listening to this, I will report to Teldrassil headquarters, and the next shipment will arrive soon."

"During the war, special treatment. I have sent someone to discuss with the pirates about returning the samples. Mr. McDonald's, the number of orders depends on whether your goods are as good as you said."

Carlos smiled brightly.

"Hey, Your Majesty, this time the sample is one-cooked [three-season rice]. When I went out to sea, I heard that a new generation of product [Jinkela] has been developed successfully, but it is a super morning wheat with a yield of 180 per mu. what!"

McDonald's Fire Sparrow also smiled brilliantly.

"Oh, it's so awesome, I'm taking the liberty to ask, do you eat the products of your chamber of commerce?"

Carlos's smiling eyes narrowed into a line.

"Of course... don't eat it. I am a fan of green and natural foods. Selling is just work."

"Ahahahahaha, well, honestly, let's fall in love!"

"Ahahahahahaha, your Majesty is telling lies in front of you, looking for death!"

"Have you eaten to death?"

"This is absolutely nothing!"

Carlos sighed, seemed a little lost, and seemed to sigh again.

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